Record Names appearing in 10+ Sources

Morley Cigarettes (98)
Hell (73)
Main Street (65)
Heisler Beer (64)
Heaven (55)
Playpen (52)
Arkham (43)
Atlantis (43)
Let's Potato Chips (43)
Oceanic Airlines (41)
Castle Rock (40)
Death Star (39)
Gotham City (39)
Metropolis (36)
Dragon (34)
Elm Street (33)
Pizza Planet (32)
Channel 8 (29)
Channel 6 (28)
De Vermis Mysteriis (28)
Derry (27)
Enterprise (26)
Tigers (26)
Unicorn (25)
Astromech Droid (24)
Batmobile (23)
Channel 5 (23)
Coruscant (23)
Stark Industries (23)
Cougars (21)
Hotel (21)
Channel 4 (20)
Daily Bugle (20)
Infinity Stone (20)
Nautilus (20)
Protocol Droid (20)
Tatooine (20)
Jason Vorhees (19)
Milk (19)
Mjolnir (19)
Wildcats (19)
DeLorean Time Machine (18)
Eagles (18)
Finder-Spyder (18)
Interocitor (18)
See You Next Wednesday (18)
Weyland-Yutani (18)
Channel 3 (17)
Channel 7 (17)
Crystal Lake (17)
Daily News (17)
Diner (17)
Raccoon City (17)
Saloon (17)
Smeat (17)
X-Wing (17)
Batcave (16)
Channel 9 (16)
The City (16)
Freddy Krueger (16)
Penn Pavel (16)
Xenomorph (16)
ACME (15)
Arkham Asylum (15)
Bates Motel (15)
Beer (15)
Central City (15)
Channel 2 (15)
Krypton (15)
Millennium Falcon (15)
Val Verde (15)
WHiH World News (15)
Yoyodyne (15)
Cafe (14)
Dr. Hannibal Lecter (14)
Motel (14)
Star Destroyer (14)
TIE Fighter (14)
Time Machine (14)
Vulcan (14)
Wayne Enterprises (14)
Alderaan (13)
Asgard (13)
Bank (13)
Hannibal the Cannibal (13)
Jurassic Park (13)
Michael Myers (13)
Wayne Manor (13)
Bar (12)
General Store (12)
Isla Nublar (12)
Knights (12)
Lions (12)
Maple Street (12)
Necronomicon (12)
Overlook Hotel (12)
Pawn Shop (12)
Penzburg Beer (12)
Starfleet Academy (12)
Titan (12)
Tribble (12)
Vibranium (12)
Apollo (11)
Camp Crystal Lake (11)
The Chronicle (11)
County Hospital (11)
The Daily Planet (11)
Dr. Samuel Loomis (11)
First National Bank (11)
Haddonfield (11)
Kryptonite (11)
Lincoln High School (11)
Liquor (11)
Photon Torpedo (11)
Red Apple (11)
Romulus (11)
T-1000 (11)
Universal Exports (11)
Wakanda (11)
Barber Shop (10)
Bits N Pieces (10)
Central High School (10)
Cerebro (10)
Channel 11 (10)
Channel 13 (10)
City Hall (10)
Dexter Morgan (10)
Flux Capacitor (10)
The Herald (10)
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (10)
Hospital (10)
Ice Cream (10)
Jakku (10)
Jedi Mind Trick (10)
Los Angeles Tribune (10)
The Mystery Machine (10)
Naboo (10)
The Neutral Zone (10)
Panthers (10)
Santa Mira (10)
Sokovia (10)
Spice (10)
Springwood (10)
Vulcan Mind-Meld (10)
Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters (10)

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