# |
1 | ACNE Insurance | BBB | Financial Companies | Insurance Services |
| ACNE Insurance Idiocracy version of ACME.
2 | Adult Chicken | BBB | Menu | Menu Items |
| Adult Chicken Menu item at chicken-themed fast food restaurant L Pollo Borracho.
3 | AOL-Time Warner-Taco Bell-U.S. Governmen... | BBB | Corporations | Communications Companies |
| AOL-Time Warner-Taco Bell-U.S. Government Long-Distance Service Rita uses a public payphone to try to call Upgrayedd.
4 | Ass | BBB | Cinema | Movies-misc |
| Ass Number one movie in the country, playing at the Starplex theater.
5 | Ass Blaster | BBB | Vehicles | Motor Vehicles |
| Ass Blaster Monster truck from the Monday Night Rehabilitation scene.
6 | Ass Dozer | BBB | Vehicles | Motor Vehicles |
| Ass Dozer Monster truck from the Monday Night Rehabilitation scene. The giant dick on the front rams into the wall as it's making it's entrance and it gets buried in concrete.
7 | Bawamba Bar | BBB | Food Products | Candy Bars |
| Bawamba Bar Food product in the stupid future. "When God is hungry he reaches for a Bawamba bar", "We'll tear your hunger a new one!", "Threateningly Delicious!", "Bawamba Bar: The Hunger Rapist".
8 | Beer Online | BBB | Media | Websites |
| Beer Online Website used to order beer. "12 a Day Keep Doc Away"
9 | Bem Co | BBB | Corporations | Companies |
| Bem Co Company in the stupid future.
10 | Blakdik | BBB | Drugs | Medicine |
| Blakdik Boner pills in the stupid future.
11 | Bonerax | BBB | Drugs | Medicine |
| Bonerax Boner pills in the stupid future.
12 | Brawndo | BBB | Beverage Products | Beverages |
| Brawndo Sports drink. "The Thirst Mutilator", "It's got electrolytes!", "It's got what plants crave!".
13 | Brawndo, Inc. | BBB | Food Industries | Food Companies |
| Brawndo, Inc. Company that makes energy drink Brawndo, that the stupid future uses to water their crops.
14 | Bucket of Wings with Full Release | BBB | Menu | Menu Items |
| Bucket of Wings with Full Release Menu item at chicken-themed fast food restaurant L Pollo Borracho.
15 | Butt:Fuckers | BBB | Dining | Burger Joints |
| Butt:Fuckers Real life chain restaurant starts out as Fuddruckers. Slogan: "World's Greatest Hamburgers". Over time it evolves as mankind becomes stupider at a frightening rate. First to Futtbuckers, with the same slogan, then Buttruckers with a new slogan: "World's Most Kickass Hamburgers", and then finally Butt:Fuckers, with slogan: Wurrld's Most Kickass Hamburgers!
16 | Buttruckers | BBB | Dining | Burger Joints |
| Buttruckers Real life chain restaurant starts out as Fuddruckers. Slogan: "World's Greatest Hamburgers". Over time it evolves as mankind becomes stupider at a frightening rate. First to Futtbuckers, with the same slogan, then Buttruckers with a new slogan: "World's Most Kickass Hamburgers", and then finally Butt:Fuckers, with slogan: Wurrld's Most Kickass Hamburgers!
17 | Calualcape | BBB | Beverage Products | Beverages |
| Calualcape Beverage advertised in the stupid future.
18 | Calurlcape | BBB | Beverage Products | Soft Drinks |
| Calurlcape Soft drink vending machine.
19 | Cornholio Enterprises | BBB | Corporations | Enterprises |
| Cornholio Enterprises Manufacturer of Tarrlytons cigarettes, a nod to Beavis & Butt-Head, also created by Mike Judge.
20 | Costco Law School | BBB | Education | Vocational Schools |
| Costco Law School Law school where Joe's lawyer Frito got his law degree.
21 | Dildozer | BBB | Vehicles | Motor Vehicles |
| Dildozer Monster truck from the Monday Night Rehabilitation scene.
22 | Dr. Altschuler | BBB | Healthcare | Doctors |
| Dr. Altschuler After case study Clevon impales his crotch on an iron gate attempting to jump from a lake into a swimming pool on a Jet ski, Doctors Krinski and Altschuler managed to help him regain full reproductive function, with the help of recent advances in stem cell research.
23 | Dr. Krinski | BBB | Healthcare | Doctors |
| Dr. Krinski After case study Clevon impales his crotch on an iron gate attempting to jump from a lake into a swimming pool on a Jet ski, Doctors Krinski and Altschuler managed to help him regain full reproductive function, with the help of recent advances in stem cell research.
24 | Dr. Lexus | BBB | Healthcare | Doctors |
| Dr. Lexus Joe's doctor at St. God's Memorial Hospital, played by Justin Long.
25 | Dr. Shafty | BBB | Healthcare | Doctors |
| Dr. Shafty Doctor at St. God's Memorial Hospital.
26 | Extra Big-ass Fries | BBB | Menu | Fries |
| Extra Big-ass Fries Menu item at stupid future Carl's Jr.
27 | Extra Big-ass Taco | BBB | Menu | Menu Items |
| Extra Big-ass Taco Menu item at stupid future Carl's Jr. "Now with more molecules"
28 | FedExxx | BBB | Services | Shipping and Storage |
| FedExxx New name of shipping service Federal Express in the stupid future.
29 | Fjord | BBB | Industrial Companies | Vehicle Manufacturing |
| Fjord Stupid future version of Ford - apparently purchased by a Norwegian company.
30 | Flaturin | BBB | Food Products | Food-misc |
| Flaturin Food product in the stupid future. "Hand-To-Mouth Goodness"
31 | The FloorMaster | BBB | Home Furnishing | Vacuum Cleaners |
| The FloorMaster Stupid future Roomba that doesn't work very well - seen ramming itself into a wall at the hospital, repeating: "Your room is now clean"
32 | Flotilla | BBB | Food Products | Food-misc |
| Flotilla Food product advertised in the stupid future.
33 | Frito Pendejo | BBB | Legal Aid | Lawyers |
| Frito Pendejo Dax Shepherd's character - Luke Wilson's lawyer who got his law degree at Costco.
34 | Full Body Latte | BBB | Menu | Menu Items |
| Full Body Latte It's not a latte, but it's one of the menu items listed on the stupid future Starbucks menu.
35 | Futtbuckers | BBB | Dining | Fast Food |
| Futtbuckers Real life chain restaurant starts out as Fuddruckers. Slogan: "World's Greatest Hamburgers". Over time it evolves as mankind becomes stupider at a frightening rate. First to Futtbuckers, with the same slogan, then Buttruckers with a new slogan: "World's Most Kickass Hamburgers", and then finally Butt:Fuckers, with slogan: Wurrld's Most Kickass Hamburgers!
36 | Future Town | BBB | Amusement | Amusement Attractions |
| Future Town Theme park exhibit seen at the beginning of the movie when narrator is talking about humanity's future doesn't turn out quite like we imagined.
37 | Generul Electrons | BBB | Corporations | Technology Companies |
| Generul Electrons Stupid future version of General Electronics.
38 | Gentleman's Lattes | BBB | Menu | Menu Items |
| Gentleman's Lattes It's not a latte, but it's one of the menu items listed on the stupid future Starbucks menu.
39 | H&R Block | BBB | Financial Companies | Financial Services |
| H&R Block It may have the same name as the current company, but this isn't the same place. This one offers the "Adult" Tax Return, and their slogan is: "Home of the Gentleman's Rebate"
40 | H.H.E. Hibernation Pods | BBB | Technology Products | Medical Devices |
| H.H.E. Hibernation Pods Device the military uses to freeze Joe and Rita.
41 | Healthmaster Inferno | BBB | Technology Products | Medical Devices |
| Healthmaster Inferno Diagnostic machine at St. God's Hospital.
42 | Home Deep-Oh | BBB | Retail | Hardware Stores |
| Home Deep-Oh Stupid future version of Home Depot, now, like most everything else, a sex service. "Dig deep."
43 | Hot Latte | BBB | Menu | Drinks |
| Hot Latte It's not a latte, but it's one of the menu items listed on the stupid future Starbucks menu.
44 | Hot Naked Chicks & World Report | BBB | Periodicals | Adult Magazines |
| Hot Naked Chicks & World Report Magazine in the stupid future. #1 News & Chicks Magazine. Featuring: "Chicks, Sex, Naked, World, Sex, Hot, Report, Chicks"
45 | Intelli | BBB | Corporations | Technology Companies |
| Intelli Technology company in the stupid future.
46 | IPPA | BBB | Computers | Software |
| IPPA Identity Processing Program of America, used to give Joe his tattoo. "Please insert your forearm into the forearm receptacle."
47 | Jack Inuh Box | BBB | Dining | Fast Food |
| Jack Inuh Box Stupid future version of Jack in the Box.
48 | Kween | BBB | Maintenance Products | Cleaning Products |
| Kween Cleaning product in the stupid future.
49 | L Pollo Borracho | BBB | Dining | Fast Food-Chicken |
| L Pollo Borracho Chicken-themed fast food restaurant.
50 | MAC 50 | BBB | Beverage Products | Beer |
| MAC 50 The beer can that starts the garbage avalanche that awakens Joe and Rita from their slumber.
51 | Mach 600 | BBB | Vehicles | Motor Vehicles |
| Mach 600 Bus in the presidential caravan.
52 | Manndo | BBB | Periodicals | Magazines |
| Manndo Magazine in the stupid future.
53 | Masturbation Network | BBB | Cinema | TV Stations |
| Masturbation Network TV network in the stupid future. "Keepin' America fappin' for 300 years"
54 | Monday Night Rehabilitation | BBB | Television | TV-Reality |
| Monday Night Rehabilitation Reality show and punishment that Joe is sentenced to for not solving the world's problems, where he is attacked by monster trucks.
55 | Mondo | BBB | Corporations | Companies |
| Mondo Corporation in the stupid future. "So big it's bad"
56 | Montego Smooth Jazz Festival | BBB | Events | Fairs and Festivals |
| Montego Smooth Jazz Festival Poster on the bedroom wall when Joe's girlfriend is fucking her boss after he doesn't return from his army experiment.
57 | Museum of Fart | BBB | Entertainment | Museums |
| Museum of Fart Museum in the stupid future.
58 | Nas-Tea | BBB | Beverage Products | Tea |
| Nas-Tea Stupid future version of Nestea. Slogan: "It's good"
59 | Omnibro | BBB | Corporations | Technology Companies |
| Omnibro Computer.cash register brand in the stupid future - seen at hospital and prison.
60 | Oogle My Google | BBB | Media | Websites |
| Oogle My Google Stupid future version of Google - now a porn site.
61 | Ow! My Balls | BBB | Television | TV Shows-misc |
| Ow! My Balls TV show in the stupid future starring Hormel Chavez.
62 | Panti-Centre | BBB | Apparel | Clothing Stores |
| Panti-Centre Clothing store in the stupid future.
63 | Penn Pavel | BBB | Beverage Products | Beer |
| Penn Pavel Beer brand.
64 | Pizzaz Pizza | BBB | Dining | Pizza Parlors |
| Pizzaz Pizza There's a door hanger for Pizzaz pizza on Joe's fridge.
65 | Rettsin | BBB | Drugs | Medicine |
| Rettsin Company name on Joe's shirt - appears to be a pharmaceutical product.
66 | Ronaise | BBB | Drugs | Medicine |
| Ronaise Medicine product advertised in the stupid future.
67 | Smartspeek | BBB | Technology Products | Audiovisual Devices |
| Smartspeek The machine Joe speaks into at the hospital. Made by Omnibro.
68 | St. God's Memorial Hospital | BBB | Healthcare | Hospitals |
| St. God's Memorial Hospital Hospital where Joe goes for help when he wakes up in the future, and meets Dr. Lexus.
69 | Starbucks Coffee | BBB | Dining | Coffeehouses |
| Starbucks Coffee The future version of Starbucks is definitely not the Starbucks of today, stylized as "ST < a > RBUCKS COF < F > EE". The Starbucks of the future provides "Exotic coffee for men" Instead of coffee, they serve handjobs... "Latte: $2,000. Extra Foam: 500,000,000"
70 | Starplex | BBB | Entertainment | Movie Theaters |
| Starplex Movie theater playing Ass, the number one movie in the country.
71 | Sweet Bang Tube | BBB | Television | TV Shows-misc |
| Sweet Bang Tube TV show on the Masturbation Network in the stupid future.
72 | T.J. O'Handjobs | BBB | Dining | Restaurants-Chain |
| T.J. O'Handjobs One of the many restaurants that also offer sex services in the stupid future.
73 | T.J. Swan's | BBB | Dining | Restaurants-Chain |
| T.J. Swan's The night before Joe begins the military experiment, he tells his girlfriend that he'll take her to T.J. Swan's when he's finished. He tells her, "Meet me here one year from tomorrow night. We'll go to TJ Swan's. That's October 17th."
74 | Tarrlytons Cigarettes | BBB | Tobacco | Cigarettes |
| Tarrlytons Cigarettes Tobacco product in the stupid future. Manufactured by Cornholio Enterprises, a nod to Beavis & Butt-Head, also created by Mike Judge. "The Surgeon General appears in this ad courtesy of the Federal Government", "Warning: The Surgeon General Has One Lung And A Voicebox But he Could Still Kick Your Sorry Ass", "If you don't smoke Tarrlytons... Fuck you!"
75 | The Time Masheen | BBB | Amusement | Amusement Rides |
| The Time Masheen "Educational" ride at Costco, which Joe thinks is going to be a real time machine that will take him back to the past.
76 | Uhmerican Exxxpress | BBB | Financial Companies | Financial Services |
| Uhmerican Exxxpress Stupid future version of American Express. "Don't Leave Home"
77 | Ultimate Smackdown | BBB | Sports | Sports Associations |
| Ultimate Smackdown Wrestling federation where President Camacho got famous.
78 | Upgrayedd | BBB | Services | Sex Services |
| Upgrayedd Pimp. Spells his name with two D's for a double dose of his pimping.
79 | Violence Network News | BBB | Television | TV-News Networks |
| Violence Network News TV network in the stupid future.
80 | Virilade | BBB | Beverage Products | Energy Drinks |
| Virilade Advertised, but not clear exactly... with all of the erection medication seen in the movie, presumably a sports drink mixed with boner pills.
81 | Vivilux | BBB | Drugs | Medicine |
| Vivilux Medicine product advertised in the stupid future.
82 | The Washington Ledger | BBB | Periodicals | Newspapers |
| The Washington Ledger Headlines: "Army Officer Busted In Attempted Prostitution Ring!" and "Upgrayedd receives "Double Dose" of Incarceration".
83 | Whatburger? | BBB | Dining | Burger Joints |
| Whatburger? Stupid future version of Whataburger.
84 | Your Ass Is Mine Bail Bonds | BBB | Legal Aid | Bail Bonds |
| Your Ass Is Mine Bail Bonds Bail bond service in the future.
85 | April 13, 2005 | Dates | 21st Century: 00s | Events |
| April 13, 2005 Date of U.S. Army Officer Collins' mug shot in The Washington Ledger newspaper.
86 | April 18, 2005 | Dates | 21st Century: 00s | Events |
| April 18, 2005 Date of Rita's pimp Upgrayedd's mug shot in the January 15, 2006 The Washington Ledger newspaper.
87 | January 15, 2006 | Dates | 21st Century: 00s | Headlines |
| January 15, 2006 Date of The Washington Ledger headline: Army Officer Busted In Attempted Prostitution Ring!
88 | October 16, 2006 | Dates | 21st Century: 00s | Events |
| October 16, 2006 The night before Joe begins the military experiment. The night before Joe begins the military experiment, he tells his girlfriend that he'll take her to T.J. Swan's when he's finished. He tells her, "Meet me here one year from tomorrow night. We'll go to TJ Swan's. That's October 17th."
89 | October 17, 2006 | Dates | 21st Century: 00s | Events |
| October 17, 2006 Joe begins the military experiment. The night before Joe begins the military experiment, he tells his girlfriend that he'll take her to T.J. Swan's when he's finished. He tells her, "Meet me here one year from tomorrow night. We'll go to TJ Swan's. That's October 17th."
90 | October 17, 2007 | Dates | 21st Century: 00s | Events |
| October 17, 2007 Date Joe is scheduled to finish the military experiment. The night before Joe begins the military experiment, he tells his girlfriend that he'll take her to T.J. Swan's when he's finished. He tells her, "Meet me here one year from tomorrow night. We'll go to TJ Swan's. That's October 17th."
91 | March 3, 2505 | Dates | 22nd Century and beyond | Events |
| March 3, 2505 Corporal Joe Bauers wakes up from suspended animation in Frito's apartment. Date on Hot Naked Chicks & World Report magazine, also on Joe's St. God's Hospital receipt for $5 billion.
92 | Brawndo Boulevard | Map | Transit Routes | Streets-Blvds |
| Brawndo Boulevard Address of the Brawndo Corporation.
93 | Fishers Lane | Map | Transit Routes | Streets-Lanes |
| Fishers Lane Address of Brawndo corporation building. Formerly the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Food and Drug Administration.
94 | House of Particular Individuals | Map | Detention Centers | Correctional Facilities |
| House of Particular Individuals Prison Joe escapes from by lying and simply telling the guard that he's not going to prison today, he's supposed to be getting out, and the guard calls him a dumbass and tells him he's in the wrong line.
95 | Ward 8 | Map | Urban Areas | Neighborhoods |
| Ward 8 Neighborhood in the city where Joe wakes up in the stupid future.
96 | Costco Employee | Other | Quotes | Quotes |
| Costco Employee Costco Employee: Welcome to Costco. I love you.
97 | Dr. Lexus | Other | Quotes | Quotes |
| Dr. Lexus Dr. Lexus: Why come you don't have a tattoo?
98 | The Human Hibernation Project | Other | Plans | Projects |
| The Human Hibernation Project Military project to freeze Joe and Rita for one year, that ends up lasting hundreds of years... "One of the Army's most ambitious experiments, and one of its most secretive."
99 | Sponsor | Other | Themes | Billboard |
| #820c00 | #88724f | #494d4e |
100 | Ten XXXTra Large bill | Other | Money | Banknotes |
| Ten XXXTra Large bill Bill stupid future guy gives Rita as advance payment for her services. "That's What I'm Talkin' About!"
101 | Untitled | Other | Themes | Mouth of Madness |
| #dfc38b | #b83c4a | #1a1860 |