Film 2024. Written by Rhett Reese, Paul Wernick, Zeb Wells, Ryan Reynolds, Shawn Levy. Directed by Shawn Levy. Starring Ryan Reynolds, Hugh Jackman, Morena Baccarin, Brianna Hildebrand.
Source Features: BBB (27) TIMELINE (1) MAP (7) QUOTES (19) TRIVIA (1)
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Total Record Results: 60 - Medium: FILM
Record Name
197 Red Balloons BBBPerforming ArtsSongs

97 Red Balloons
Joke Deadpool makes showing off action figures for the movie: The song's actually called 97 Red Balloons, because the other two are right here.

2Cafe Colette BBBDiningCafes and Delis

Cafe Colette
Cafe visible in background.

3Cafe Gratitude BBBDiningCafes and Delis

Cafe Gratitude
Joke Deadpool makes when Nicepool shows up: What's Cafe Gratitude doing here?

4The Canadian Mounted BBBLiteratureBooks-Erotica

The Canadian Mounted
Book in Wade's locker at Drive Max, book from the movie Planes, Trains and Automobiles.

5Captain America Trading CardsBBBToysToys-misc

Captain America Trading Cards
Visible in Happy Hogan's office when Wade Wilson interviews for a position on the Avengers.

6Clairvoyant Psychic BBBServicesPsychic Services

Clairvoyant Psychic
Psychic service visible in background.

7Clean & Go Laundromat BBBMaintenanceLaundry Services

Clean & Go Laundromat
Laundromat visible in background.

8Copperheads BBBNightlifeBars

Dive bar.

9Doctor Hand and the Quantumverse of Madn... BBBVideoMovies-Superhero

Doctor Hand and the Quantumverse of Madness
Joke Wade makes when Mr. Paradox informs him that his universe is not the only one in existence: Oh please, you think I haven't seen Dr. Hand and the Quantumverse of Madness?

10Dr. Deadpool BBBHealthcareDoctors

Dr. Deadpool
Deadpool dons a lab coat to discuss the importance of Testicular Cancer Awareness Month.


11Drive Max BBBVehiclesVehicle Dealerships

Drive Max
Car dealership where Wade and Peter work.

12Eastside Pharmacy BBBRetailDrugstores

Eastside Pharmacy
Drug store.

13First Class Martial Arts BBBEducationMartial Arts Schools

First Class Martial Arts
Martial arts school visible in background.

14Flexabelle BBBRetailStores-misc

Store visible in background.

15Goodmans Travel BBBTravelTravel Agencies

Goodmans Travel
Travel agency visible in background.

16Helicarrier BBBVehiclesAircrafts

Crashed SHIELD airship visible in the Void.

17Liefeld's Just Feet BBBApparelShoe Stores

Liefeld's Just Feet
Shoe store in background, poking fun at comic book writer Rob Liefeld's inability to draw feet.

18Little Sage Flowers & Gifts BBBRetailFlower Shops

Little Sage Flowers & Gifts
Flower shop visible in background.

19Lone Pine MallBBBRetailShopping Centers

Lone Pine Mall
Shopping mall name on sign above Cassandra Nova's head when she is controlling the Time Ripper - Back to the Future reference.

20Lyman Bros. Hardware BBBRetailHardware Stores

Lyman Bros. Hardware
Hardware store visible in background.

21Northern Nymph BBBLiteratureBooks-Erotica

Northern Nymph
Book in Wade's locker at Drive Max, book from the movie Planes, Trains and Automobiles.

22Raymondo's Marvelous Morning Soup BBBFoodSoup

Raymondo's Marvelous Morning Soup
Soup product advertised on bus.

23Stanlee Steamer BBBServicesServices-misc

Stanlee Steamer
Ad on bus: "Your friendly neighborhood cleaners".

24Subwagen Lieferung BBBFoodBakeries

Subwagen Lieferung
Bakery truck visible in the Void, originally from Moon Knight series.

25Time Ripper BBBTravelTime Travel

Time Ripper
TVA device capable of destroying an entire timeline.


26Time Travel Device BBBTravelTime Travel

Time Travel Device
Deadpool uses Cable's wrist-mounted machine to travel to Earth 616.

27TVA BBBLegal AidPolice Departments

Time Variance Authority. Time police that banish Deadpool and Wolverine to the Void.

28March 14, 2018 Dates21st Century: 10sEvents

March 14, 2018
Happy Hogan interviews Wade Wilson for a position on the Avengers on Earth 616.


29Ant-Man Arena MapStructuresArenas

Ant-Man Arena
Cassandra Nova's compound headquarters in the Void, made of a Ant-Man/Giant-Man's corpse and filled with parts of a space station.


30Earth 10005 MapWorldsAlternate Earths

Earth 10005
Home of the Fox universe, which Wade fights to save, with the help of the worst Wolverine.

31Earth 616 MapWorldsAlternate Earths

Earth 616
Happy Hogan interviews Wade Wilson for a position on the Avengers on Earth 616.


32Maine Street MapTransit RoutesStreets

Maine Street
Street sign visible in background.

33Stark Tower MapStructuresTowers

Stark Tower
Wade Wilson mentions to Happy Hogan while interviewing for a position on the Avengers: Now, I know I was caught smashturbating in the lobby of Stark Tower, but I can assure you that... That's when you get those toy, Hulk hands, right? And then you just, you look down, and you just... you brace yourself, and you ravage the midsection.

34The Void MapWorldsFantasy Lands

The Void
Paradox prunes Deadpool and Wolverine, sending them to the Void, the purgatorial wasteland ruled by powerful telepath (and Professor X's twin sister) Cassandra Nova.

35Walker Avenue MapTransit RoutesStreets-Avenues

Walker Avenue
Street sign visible in background.

36Adamantium OtherMatterMetals

Metal coating Wolverine's skeletal structure, including his claws. Wade also mentions that the new katanas he is given at the TVA are made of Adamantium.

37Blade OtherQuotesQuotes

Blade: Some motherfuckers are still tryin' to iceskate uphill.

38Blind Al & Wade Wilson OtherQuotesQuotes

Blind Al & Wade Wilson
Blind Al: Wanna do some cocaine?
Wade Wilson: Hey - cocaine is the one thing that Feige said is off limits.
Blind Al: What about Bolivian Marching Band?
Wade Wilson: They know all the slang terms. They have a list.
Blind Al: Even Snowboarding?
Wade Wilson: Even Disco Dust.
Blind Al: White Girl Interrupted?
Wade Wilson: Even Forrest Bump?
Blind Al: Do you want to build a snowman?
Wade Wilson: Yes! But I can't.

39Deadpool OtherQuotesQuotes

Deadpool: Welcome to the skull fuck club, Paradox. You know she doesn't wash that hand.

40Deadpool OtherQuotesQuotes

Deadpool: The mask is really intimidating, huh? It's like Batman, except he can move his neck.


41Deadpool & Johnny Storm OtherQuotesQuotes

Deadpool & Johnny Storm
Deadpool: Sticks and stones, Johnny! Don't let her intimidate you. It's like you said in the convoy. This finger-lickin' dead-inside pixie slab of third rate dime-store nut-milk can eat your delicious cinnamon ring and kick rocks all the way to bald hell.
Johnny Storm: Okay. I have never said any of those words in my entire life!

42Deadpool & Johnny Storm OtherQuotesQuotes

Deadpool & Johnny Storm

Deadpool: Ha! The modesty. People think I'm a shit talker. But this guy... Next level.
Johnny Storm: What? This... I... We... I don't even know what half of that means! This... I...
Deadpool: My hat's off to you, sir. Truly.
Johnny Storm: What? This... I didn't... He's... That's... I... I... I don't...


43Deadpool & Nicepool OtherQuotesQuotes

Deadpool & Nicepool
Deadpool: Say it with me. You're gonna live.
Nicepool: I'm gonna live!
Deadpool: Ha-hah! Say it louder!
Nicepool: I'm gonna live!

44Dogpool's real name. OtherTriviaName Game-Animals

Dogpool's real name.
Winnie the Pooch
Mary Puppins
Mutt Damon

45Johnny Storm OtherQuotesQuotes

Johnny Storm
Johnny Storm: Flame on!

46Kidpool OtherQuotesQuotes

Kidpool: Hey! When I want your opinion, I'll take Wolverine's dick out of your mouth.

47Ladypool OtherQuotesQuotes

Ladypool: Uzi time, baby.

48Laura OtherQuotesQuotes

Laura: Adios pendejo.

49Mr. Paradox & Wade Wilson OtherQuotesQuotes

Mr. Paradox & Wade Wilson
Mr. Paradox: Mr. Wilson, this may come as a shock, to a narcissistic blathering bag of meat like yourself, but your universe is not the only one in existence.
Wade Wilson: Oh please, you think I haven't seen Dr. Hand and the Quantumverse of Madness?

50Paradox & Wade Wilson OtherQuotesQuotes

Paradox & Wade Wilson
Paradox: Mr. Wilson, you appear to have soiled youself while you were unconscious.
Wade Wilson: I wasn't unconscious.


51Pyro OtherQuotesQuotes

Pyro: Paradox - we have a problem.

52Sling Ring OtherArtifactsArchaeological Artifacts

Sling Ring
Cassandra Nova uses a Doctor Strange variant's sling ring to open a portal for Deadpool and Wolverine.


53Smashturbating OtherLanguageSexual Jargon

Masturbation technique that Wade Wilson mentions to Happy Hogan while interviewing for a position on the Avengers: Now, I know I was caught smashturbating in the lobby of Stark Tower, but I can assure you that... That's when you get those toy, Hulk hands, right? And then you just, you look down, and you just... you brace yourself, and you ravage the midsection.


54Stark ExpoOtherEventsConventions and Seminars

Stark Expo
Poster visible in Happy Hogan's office when Wade Wilson interviews for a position on the Avengers.

55Vibranium OtherMatterSubstances

A piece of Captain America's shield ia visible in Happy Hogan's office.

56Wade Wilson OtherQuotesQuotes

Wade Wilson
Wade Wilson: Pegging isn't new for me, friend. But it is for Disney.


57Wade Wilson OtherQuotesQuotes

Wade Wilson
Wade Wilson: I'm the messiah. I am... Marvel Jesus.

58Wolverine OtherQuotesQuotes

Wolverine: Let's fucking go.

59Wolverine & Deadpool OtherQuotesQuotes

Wolverine & Deadpool
Wolverine: Why are you fucking doing this?
Deadpool: Because I'm Marvel Jesus... or Spock. Hard to say.


60Wolverine & Laura OtherQuotesQuotes

Wolverine & Laura
Wolverine: You got the wrong guy.
Laura: You were always the wrong guy... til you weren't.


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