TV Series 2022. Created by Tom Moran. Starring Jessica Raine, Peter Capaldi.
Source Features: BBB (10) TIMELINE (9) OTHER (1) THEMES (1)

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Total Records: 20 - Medium: TV SERIES
Record Name
1Bloom Buddies BBBToysToys-misc

Bloom Buddies
Lucy takes Isaac to Rigby's Toys and lets him pick out a toy. He picks a Bloom Buddies flower, the same one he always picks, but doesn't play with - until Lucy makes him play with it. Later, she finds Bloom Buddies flowers in their neighbor's Meredith's bedroom.

2Briggerton Smith BBBServicesRealty Services

Briggerton Smith
Realty sign in the front yard when Lucy and Isaac's neighbors - Meredith's parents - move in the neighborhood.

3Brightside Lodges BBBTravelLodging-misc

Brightside Lodges
Motel where police search for suspect.

4Dr. Bennett BBBHealthcareTherapy

Dr. Bennett
Isaac's new psychiatrist.

5Dr. Harper BBBHealthcareTherapy

Dr. Harper
Isaac's previous psychiatrist that Lucy mentions to his new psychiatrist, Dr. Bennett.

6Hackridge Hire Van Rentals BBBVehiclesVehicle Rental

Hackridge Hire Van Rentals
Name on moving truck when Lucy and Isaac's neighbors - Meredith's parents - move in the neighborhood.

7Lyle Hill BBBEducationPrimary Schools

Lyle Hill
Elementary school that Lucy's son Isaac attends.

8Rigby's Toys BBBToysToy Stores

Rigby's Toys
Lucy takes Isaac to Rigby's Toys and lets him pick out a toy. He picks a Bloom Buddies flower, the same one he always picks, but doesn't play with - until Lucy makes him play with it. Later, she finds Bloom Buddies flowers in their neighbor's Meredith's bedroom.

9Rushgrow Primary BBBEducationPrimary Schools

Rushgrow Primary
Elementary school that Lucy and Isaac's neighbor's daughter Meredith attends.

10Speed Kings BBBAmusementAmusement Parks

Speed Kings
Abandoned go kart track where Lucy confonts an at-risk youth.

11October 5, 1967 Dates20th Century: 60sHeadlines

October 5, 1967
Date of The Evening Standard newspaper headline: The Strange Case of Gideon Shepherd.

12September 5, 1977 Dates20th Century: 70sEvents

September 5, 1977
A young girl named Evelyn was supposed to die in a car crash, but she doesn't following murder suspect Gideon Shepherd intervention.

13May 16, 2000 Dates21st Century: 00sBirth Dates

May 16, 2000
Date of Birth for Jonah Taylor on Missing Persons Report.

14February 3, 2009 Dates21st Century: 00sEvents

February 3, 2009
According to police, Gideon Shepherd drives to a house in Stevenport and abducts Jonah Edward Taylor.

15February 3, 2009 Dates21st Century: 00sEvents

February 3, 2009
Date of traffic camera footage related to the disappearance of young Jonah Taylor.

16October 4, 2009 Dates21st Century: 00sEvents

October 4, 2009
Date scrawled on a note on a bulletin board in Gideon Shepherd's room at Brightside Lodges.

17October 19, 2018 Dates21st Century: 10sEvents

October 19, 2018
DI Ravi Dhillon interviews Isaac Stephens.

18March 11 DatesNo YearEvents

March 11
Date scrawled on one of murder suspect Gideon Shepherd's notes.

19July 12 DatesNo YearEvents

July 12
Murder suspect Gideon Shepherd admits he couldn't stop 9/11, but he did stop 7/12. He does not specify the year that 7/12 would have taken place.

20Untitled OtherThemesShield, The


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