Film 1985. Written by Andrew Bergman. Directed by Michael Ritchie. Starring Chevy Chase, Tim Matheson, Dana Wheeler-Nicholson, Geena Davis, Joe Don Baker, M. Emmet Walsh, George Wendt, Kenneth Mars, George Wyner and Kareem Abdul-Jabbar.
Source Features: BBB (32) TIMELINE (1) MAP (1) QUOTES (5) TRIVIA (1)

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Total Record Results: 41 - Medium: FILM
Record Name
1Boyd Aviation BBBTravelAirlines

Boyd Aviation
Aviation company. Alan Stanwyck's employer.


2C Rosenkuni MD BBBHealthcareDoctors

C Rosenkuni MD
Doctor listed on the directory at the hospital.

3C Rosenveld MD BBBHealthcareDoctors

C Rosenveld MD
Doctor listed on the directory at the hospital.

4California Racquet Club BBBEntertainmentPrivate Clubs

California Racquet Club
Alan Stanwyck's private club that Fletch infiltrates, courtesy of the Underhills.

5Casewell InsuranceBBBFinancial CompaniesInsurance Services

Casewell Insurance
Fletch introduces himself to Alan Stanwyck's parents as Harry S. Truman, Casewell Insurance underwriters.

6D Rosenschweid MD BBBHealthcareDoctors

D Rosenschweid MD
Doctor listed on the directory at the hospital.

7Dr. Holmes BBBHealthcareDoctors

Dr. Holmes
Doctor that Fletch encounters in the hospital on his way to the records room.

8Dr. Joseph Dolan BBBHealthcareDoctors

Dr. Joseph Dolan
Alan Stanwyck's doctor.

9Dr. Rosen BBBHealthcareDoctors

Dr. Rosen
Doctor that Fletch claims to be looking for the records room in the hospital.

10Dr. Rosenhite BBBHealthcareDoctors

Dr. Rosenhite
Doctor that Fletch claims to be looking for the records room in the hospital.

11Dr. Rosenpenis BBBHealthcareDoctors

Dr. Rosenpenis
Doctor that Fletch claims to be looking for the records room in the hospital.

12Dr. Rosenrosen BBBHealthcareDoctors

Dr. Rosenrosen
Doctor that Fletch claims to be looking for the records room in the hospital.

13E Rosenbaum MD BBBHealthcareDoctors

E Rosenbaum MD
Doctor listed on the directory at the hospital.

14F Rosenbach MD BBBHealthcareDoctors

F Rosenbach MD
Doctor listed on the directory at the hospital.

15F Rosengeld MD BBBHealthcareDoctors

F Rosengeld MD
Doctor listed on the directory at the hospital.

16Fat Sam's Hamburgers BBBDiningBurger Joints

Fat Sam's Hamburgers
Fletch's drug dealing contact Fat Sam's hamburger stand on the beach.

17J Rosenblatt MD BBBHealthcareDoctors

J Rosenblatt MD
Doctor listed on the directory at the hospital.

18Jane Doe BBBMediaNewspaper Columns

Jane Doe
Fletch's newspaper column.


19M Rosendahl MD BBBHealthcareDoctors

M Rosendahl MD
Doctor listed on the directory at the hospital.

20M Rosenfield MD BBBHealthcareDoctors

M Rosenfield MD
Doctor listed on the directory at the hospital.

21Marvin Gillet BBBLegal AidLawyers

Marvin Gillet
Attorney for the former Mrs. Irwin Fletcher, also referred to as Arnold T. Pants, Esquire.

22Mountain View Motel BBBTravelMotels

Mountain View Motel
Motel where Fletch stays in Utah.

23N Rosenfeld MD BBBHealthcareDoctors

N Rosenfeld MD
Doctor listed on the directory at the hospital.

24N Rosenthal MD BBBHealthcareDoctors

N Rosenthal MD
Doctor listed on the directory at the hospital.

25Nostromo BBBVehiclesSpacecrafts

Fletch wears a USCSS Nostromo hat from the movie Alien.

26Pick and Roll BBBDiningFast Food

Pick and Roll
Joke Gail Stanwyck makes, saying it sounds like a fast food chain after confessing she doesn't like basketball and Fletch tells her: Maybe that's because you don't understand basketball. You haven't learned the fundamentals. The pick and roll.

27R Rosenstone MD BBBHealthcareDoctors

R Rosenstone MD
Doctor listed on the directory at the hospital.

28A Rosenauer MD BBBHealthcareDoctors

A Rosenauer MD
Doctor listed on the directory at the hospital.

29A Rosenberg MD BBBHealthcareDoctors

A Rosenberg MD
Doctor listed on the directory at the hospital.

30A Rosenwill MD BBBHealthcareDoctors

A Rosenwill MD
Doctor listed on the directory at the hospital.

31Swarthout Realty BBBServicesRealty Services

Swarthout Realty
Alan Stanwyck's realtor.

32Trembling Hills BBBHealthcareDrug Rehabilitation

Trembling Hills
Rehabilitation facility that Fletch mentions while speaking about Fred the Dorf Dorfman at the TRB celebration: And hats off to Marge, his wife, because that whole experience, the three weeks that she stayed at Trembling Hills has paid off. No more alcohol or sedatives in her life.

33April 30, 1985 Dates20th Century: 80sHeadlines

April 30, 1985
Date of newspaper headline: Police Chief Karlin Indicted / Jane Doe's Testimony Brings First Degree Murder Charge.

34Airport Way MapTransit RoutesStreets-Ways

Airport Way
Address of Boyd Aviation in Santa Monica, California.

35Alan Stanwyck & Chief Karlin OtherQuotesQuotes

Alan Stanwyck & Chief Karlin
Alan Stanwyck: Jerry, you're gonna have to trust me! I got a way to get rid of this asshole, and you're jeopardizing everything!
Chief Karlin: Your way is gonna land my butt on the front page while you're basking in the sun!


36Fletch OtherQuotesQuotes

Fletch (singing during prostate exam): Moon river...

37Fletch OtherQuotesQuotes

Fletch: Can I borrow your towel for a sec? My car just hit a water buffalo.

38Fletch OtherQuotesQuotes

Fletch (calling out in a dark room, following his last guard dog encounter while breaking in): Cujo?

39The former Mrs. Irwin Fletcher's name.OtherTriviaName Game

The former Mrs. Irwin Fletcher's name.

40Gail Stanwyck & Fletch OtherQuotesQuotes

Gail Stanwyck & Fletch
Gail Stanwyck: Are you always this forward?
Fletch: Only with wet married women.

41TRB OtherOrganizationsFoundations

Organization celebrating Fred the Dorf Dorfman for 40 years of civic service.

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