# |
1 | Boyd Aviation | BBB | Travel | Airlines |
| Boyd Aviation Aviation company. Alan Stanwyck's employer.
2 | C Rosenkuni MD | BBB | Healthcare | Doctors |
| C Rosenkuni MD Doctor listed on the directory at the hospital.
3 | C Rosenveld MD | BBB | Healthcare | Doctors |
| C Rosenveld MD Doctor listed on the directory at the hospital.
4 | California Racquet Club | BBB | Entertainment | Private Clubs |
| California Racquet Club Alan Stanwyck's private club that Fletch infiltrates, courtesy of the Underhills.
5 | Casewell Insurance | BBB | Financial Companies | Insurance Services |
| Casewell Insurance Fletch introduces himself to Alan Stanwyck's parents as Harry S. Truman, Casewell Insurance underwriters.
6 | D Rosenschweid MD | BBB | Healthcare | Doctors |
| D Rosenschweid MD Doctor listed on the directory at the hospital.
7 | Dr. Holmes | BBB | Healthcare | Doctors |
| Dr. Holmes Doctor that Fletch encounters in the hospital on his way to the records room.
8 | Dr. Joseph Dolan | BBB | Healthcare | Doctors |
| Dr. Joseph Dolan Alan Stanwyck's doctor.
9 | Dr. Rosen | BBB | Healthcare | Doctors |
| Dr. Rosen Doctor that Fletch claims to be looking for the records room in the hospital.
10 | Dr. Rosenhite | BBB | Healthcare | Doctors |
| Dr. Rosenhite Doctor that Fletch claims to be looking for the records room in the hospital.
11 | Dr. Rosenpenis | BBB | Healthcare | Doctors |
| Dr. Rosenpenis Doctor that Fletch claims to be looking for the records room in the hospital.
12 | Dr. Rosenrosen | BBB | Healthcare | Doctors |
| Dr. Rosenrosen Doctor that Fletch claims to be looking for the records room in the hospital.
13 | E Rosenbaum MD | BBB | Healthcare | Doctors |
| E Rosenbaum MD Doctor listed on the directory at the hospital.
14 | F Rosenbach MD | BBB | Healthcare | Doctors |
| F Rosenbach MD Doctor listed on the directory at the hospital.
15 | F Rosengeld MD | BBB | Healthcare | Doctors |
| F Rosengeld MD Doctor listed on the directory at the hospital.
16 | Fat Sam's Hamburgers | BBB | Dining | Burger Joints |
| Fat Sam's Hamburgers Fletch's drug dealing contact Fat Sam's hamburger stand on the beach.
17 | J Rosenblatt MD | BBB | Healthcare | Doctors |
| J Rosenblatt MD Doctor listed on the directory at the hospital.
18 | Jane Doe | BBB | Media | Newspaper Columns |
| Jane Doe Fletch's newspaper column.
19 | M Rosendahl MD | BBB | Healthcare | Doctors |
| M Rosendahl MD Doctor listed on the directory at the hospital.
20 | M Rosenfield MD | BBB | Healthcare | Doctors |
| M Rosenfield MD Doctor listed on the directory at the hospital.
21 | Marvin Gillet | BBB | Legal Aid | Lawyers |
| Marvin Gillet Attorney for the former Mrs. Irwin Fletcher, also referred to as Arnold T. Pants, Esquire.
22 | Mountain View Motel | BBB | Travel | Motels |
| Mountain View Motel Motel where Fletch stays in Utah.
23 | N Rosenfeld MD | BBB | Healthcare | Doctors |
| N Rosenfeld MD Doctor listed on the directory at the hospital.
24 | N Rosenthal MD | BBB | Healthcare | Doctors |
| N Rosenthal MD Doctor listed on the directory at the hospital.
25 | Nostromo | BBB | Vehicles | Spacecrafts |
| Nostromo Fletch wears a USCSS Nostromo hat from the movie Alien.
26 | Pick and Roll | BBB | Dining | Fast Food |
| Pick and Roll Joke Gail Stanwyck makes, saying it sounds like a fast food chain after confessing she doesn't like basketball and Fletch tells her: Maybe that's because you don't understand basketball. You haven't learned the fundamentals. The pick and roll.
27 | R Rosenstone MD | BBB | Healthcare | Doctors |
| R Rosenstone MD Doctor listed on the directory at the hospital.
28 | A Rosenauer MD | BBB | Healthcare | Doctors |
| A Rosenauer MD Doctor listed on the directory at the hospital.
29 | A Rosenberg MD | BBB | Healthcare | Doctors |
| A Rosenberg MD Doctor listed on the directory at the hospital.
30 | A Rosenwill MD | BBB | Healthcare | Doctors |
| A Rosenwill MD Doctor listed on the directory at the hospital.
31 | Swarthout Realty | BBB | Services | Realty Services |
| Swarthout Realty Alan Stanwyck's realtor.
32 | Trembling Hills | BBB | Healthcare | Drug Rehabilitation |
| Trembling Hills Rehabilitation facility that Fletch mentions while speaking about Fred the Dorf Dorfman at the TRB celebration: And hats off to Marge, his wife, because that whole experience, the three weeks that she stayed at Trembling Hills has paid off. No more alcohol or sedatives in her life.
33 | April 30, 1985 | Dates | 20th Century: 80s | Headlines |
| April 30, 1985 Date of newspaper headline: Police Chief Karlin Indicted / Jane Doe's Testimony Brings First Degree Murder Charge.
34 | Airport Way | Map | Transit Routes | Streets-Ways |
| Airport Way Address of Boyd Aviation in Santa Monica, California.
35 | Alan Stanwyck & Chief Karlin | Other | Quotes | Quotes |
| Alan Stanwyck & Chief Karlin Alan Stanwyck: Jerry, you're gonna have to trust me! I got a way to get rid of this asshole, and you're jeopardizing everything!
Chief Karlin: Your way is gonna land my butt on the front page while you're basking in the sun!
36 | Fletch | Other | Quotes | Quotes |
| Fletch Fletch (singing during prostate exam): Moon river...
37 | Fletch | Other | Quotes | Quotes |
| Fletch Fletch: Can I borrow your towel for a sec? My car just hit a water buffalo.
38 | Fletch | Other | Quotes | Quotes |
| Fletch Fletch (calling out in a dark room, following his last guard dog encounter while breaking in): Cujo?
39 | The former Mrs. Irwin Fletcher's name. | Other | Trivia | Name Game |
| The former Mrs. Irwin Fletcher's name.
40 | Gail Stanwyck & Fletch | Other | Quotes | Quotes |
| Gail Stanwyck & Fletch Gail Stanwyck: Are you always this forward?
Fletch: Only with wet married women.
41 | TRB | Other | Organizations | Foundations |
| TRB Organization celebrating Fred the Dorf Dorfman for 40 years of civic service.