Film 2010. Written by Michael Bacall and Edgar Wright. Directed by Edgar Wright. Starring Michael Cera, Mary Elizabeth Winstead, Kieran Culkin, Chris Evans, Anna Kendrick, Brie Larson, Alison Pill, Aubrey Plaza, Brandon Routh, Jason Schwartzman, Johnny Simmons, Mark Webber, Mae Whitman and Ellen Wong.
Source Features: BBB (23) TIMELINE (3) THEMES (1)

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Total Record Results: 29 - Medium: FILM
Record Name
1Action Doctor BBBVideoMovies-Action

Action Doctor
Movie starring Lucas Lee. Tag line: The good news is you're going to live. The bad news is he's going to kill you.

2The Chaos Theatre [New York]BBBNightlifeNightclubs

The Chaos Theatre [New York]
Gideon's club in New York.

3The Chaos Theatre [Toronto]BBBNightlifeNightclubs

The Chaos Theatre [Toronto]
Gideon's new club in Toronto.

4The Clash at Demonhead [album] BBBPerforming ArtsAlbums

The Clash at Demonhead [album]
The Clash at Demonhead's self-title album featuring the hit singles "You Suck" and "Stop Calling Me"

5The Clash at Demonhead [band] BBBPerforming ArtsMusic-Rock

The Clash at Demonhead [band]
Scott's ex-girlfriend's band.


6Crash and the Boys BBBPerforming ArtsMusicians-misc

Crash and the Boys
Best songs: "I am so sad, I am so very very sad" and "We hate you, please die"

7De-veganizing Ray BBBWeaponsWeapons-misc

De-veganizing Ray
What Vegan Police use to take away Todd's vegan powers.

8Drug SmartBBBRetailDrugstores

Drug Smart
Drugstore where Knives buys hair color.

9The Game Is Over 2 BBBVideoMovies-Crime

The Game Is Over 2
Movie starring Lucas Lee. Tag line: One good cop... Is finished... Fooling around... Again.

10The Katayanagi Twins BBBPerforming ArtsMusicians-misc

The Katayanagi Twins

11Lame Brand BBBTechnologyAudiovisual Devices

Lame Brand
When Sex Bob-omb are rehearsing, their amp logos read Lame Brand, which are stylistically similar to the Peavey logo... but later, when they are performing at the Chaos Theater, their amp logos read Sweet Brand, which are stylistically similar to the Marshall logo.

12Let's Hope There's a Heaven BBBVideoMovies-misc

Let's Hope There's a Heaven
Movie starring Lucas Lee. Tag line: Kiss me. I'm dying.

13Liver DisasterBBBBeverage ProductsTea

Liver Disaster
Tea Ramona Flowers offers Scott.

14Ninja Ninja Revolution BBBMediaVideo Games

Ninja Ninja Revolution
Arcade game Scott plays with his fake high school girlfriend.

15The RockitBBBNightlifeNightclubs

The Rockit
Location of the Toronto International Battle of the Bands competition.

16Sex Bob-Omb BBBPerforming ArtsMusic-Rock

Sex Bob-Omb
Scott's band. Songs include: Launchpad McQuack and My Threshold. "We are Sex Bob-Omb and we're here to make you think about death and get sad and stuff!", "We are Sex Bob-Omb - we are here to make money and sell out and stuff!", "We are Sex Bob-Omb and we are here to watch Scott Pilgrim kick your teeth in!"


17Stop Calling Me BBBPerforming ArtsSongs

Stop Calling Me
When Scott is on the phone with his sister discussing Envy Adams they cut to a shot of a newspaper ad for the Clash at Demonhead album featuring songs "You Suck" and "Stop Calling Me".

18Sweet BrandBBBTechnologyAudiovisual Devices

Sweet Brand
When Sex Bob-omb are rehearsing, their amp logos read Lame Brand, which are stylistically similar to the Peavey logo... but later, when they are performing at the Chaos Theater, their amp logos read Sweet Brand, which are stylistically similar to the Marshall logo.

19Thrilled to Be Here BBBVideoMovies-Action

Thrilled to Be Here
Movie starring Lucas Lee. Tag line: Spencer Jay is awesome. You're welcome.

20Vegan Academy BBBEducationMagic Schools

Vegan Academy
Where Ramona's ex Todd learned to be a vegan. Apparently meat eaters only use 10% of their brain because the other 90% is filled with curds and whey... "You once were a ve-gone, but now you will be gone!"

21Vegan Police BBBLegal AidPolice Departments

Vegan Police
The Vegan Police arrest Todd for veganity violation when Scott tricks him into drinking half-and-half. "No vegan diet no vegan powers!"

22You Just Don't Exist BBBVideoMovies-Sci Fi

You Just Don't Exist
Movie starring Lucas Lee. Tag line: Cole Hazard just got a call saying he has 89 minutes to live... From himself.

23You Suck BBBPerforming ArtsSongs

You Suck
When Scott is on the phone with his sister discussing Envy Adams they cut to a shot of a newspaper ad for the Clash at Demonhead album featuring songs "You Suck" and "Stop Calling Me".

24February 1, 2010 Dates21st Century: 10sEvents

February 1, 2010
Vegan Todd Ingram knowingly ingested gelato.


25April 4, 2010 Dates21st Century: 10sEvents

April 4, 2010
Vegan Todd Ingram partook a plate of chicken parm.


26May 22 DatesNo YearEvents

May 22
Date of a Sex Sex Bob-Omb gig on poster in background.

27HasbianOtherLanguageSexual Jargon

An ex-Lesbian: mash-up of "has-been" and "lesbian".

28The Toronto International Battle of the ...OtherEventsConcerts

The Toronto International Battle of the Bands
Also known as T.I.B.B., featuring bands Sex Bob-Omb vs. Crash and the Boys.

29Untitled OtherThemesSolo


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