aka Wes Craven's New Nightmare
Film 1994. Written by Wes Craven. Directed by Wes Craven. Starring Robert Englund, Heather Langenkamp, Miko Hughes, John Saxon.
Source Features: BBB (6) TIMELINE (1) TRIVIA (1)

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Total Record Results: 9 - Medium: FILM
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1Barton & O'Neil's Text on Pediatric Schi... BBBLiteratureBooks-Psychology

Barton & O'Neil's Text on Pediatric Schizophrenia
Book Heather reads.

2Chilton on Childhood Diseases BBBLiteratureBooks-Psychology

Chilton on Childhood Diseases
Book visible when Heather does some research on her son Dylan's condition.

3Cut to the Chase BBBCompaniesFilm Production Companies

Cut to the Chase
Heather's husband Chase's special effects company.

4Dr. Dylan BBBHealthcareSurgeons

Dr. Dylan
Joke Heather's son Dylan's babysitter Julie makes after Freddy slices Dylan's toy dinosaur.


5Dr. Julie BBBHealthcareSurgeons

Dr. Julie
Joke Heather's son Dylan's babysitter Julie makes after Freddy slices Dylan's toy dinosaur.


6Wes Craven's New Nightmare BBBVideoMovies-Horror

Wes Craven's New Nightmare
Wes Craven's latest screenplay, in which serial killer Freddy Krueger manages to cross over into the real world, terrorizing the actors and production crew from the Nightmare on Elm Street movies.

7November 4, 1993 Dates20th Century: 90sEvents

November 4, 1993
Wes Craven revises his latest screenplay, Wes Cravenb's New Nightmare, in which serial killer Freddy Krueger manages to cross over into the real world, terrorizing the actors and production crew from the Nightmare on Elm Street movies.

8Freddy Krueger OtherCriminalsSerial Killers

Freddy Krueger
The dream haunting serial killer Freddy Krueger manages to cross over into the real world, terrorizing the actors and production crew from the Nightmare on Elm Street movies.


9Heather's son Dylan's toy dinosaur's nam... OtherTriviaName Game-Animals

Heather's son Dylan's toy dinosaur's name that Freddy slices.
Big Lizard

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