Film 1987. Written by Edward Neumeier and Michael Miner. Directed by Paul Verhoeven. Starring Peter Weller, Nancy Allen, Dan O'Herlihy, Ronny Cox, Kurtwood Smith and Miguel Ferrer.
Source Features: BBB (19) MAP (3) QUOTES (3) THEMES (2)

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16000 SUX BBBVehiclesMotor Vehicles

6000 SUX
Large 4-door, executive type car with reclining leather seats, cruise control, and a Blaupunkt radio. 8.2 MPG. An American tradition. "It's back. Big is back. Bigger is better." Boddicker blows one up on the street with the Cobra assault cannon.


2Butler Brothers BBBToysToy Stores

Butler Brothers
Makers of the Nukem home game.

3Cobra Assault Cannon BBBWeaponsGuns

Cobra Assault Cannon
Experimental destructive weapon developed by Omni Consumer Products for the military that Boddicker brings to fight RoboCop.


4ED-209 BBBTechnologyRobot Models

The future of law enforcement. The Enforcement Droid series 209 is a self-sufficient law enforcement robot. 209 is currently programmed for urban pacification, but that is only the beginning. After a successful tour of duty in Old Detroit, we can expect 209 to become the hot military product for the next decade.

5Family Heart Center BBBHealthcareHospitals

Family Heart Center
TV commercial: Is it time for that big operation? This may be the most important decision of your life. So come down and talk to one of our qualified surgeons here at The Family Heart Center. We feature the complete Jarvik line, series 7 Sports Heart by Jensen, Yamaha. You pick the heart. Extended warranties, financing. Qualifies for health tax credit. And remember, we care.

6Food Concepts BBBCompaniesTechnology Companies

Food Concepts
Company that built the kitchen in Murphy's old house. Announcer: And, say, it doesn't matter who cooks in your family, because this kitchen by Food Concepts makes everything a snap.

7Gray Bar Hotel BBBTravelHotels

Gray Bar Hotel
Joke Boddicker makes when Emil is released from jail: Hey, Emil. How's the Gray Bar Hotel?

8Henry Ford Memorial HospitalBBBHealthcareHospitals

Henry Ford Memorial Hospital
Hospital where doctors fight to save the life of Police Officer Frank Frederickson.

9Jarvik Sports Heart BBBTechnologyMedical Devices

Jarvik Sports Heart
TV commercial: Is it time for that big operation? This may be the most important decision of your life. So come down and talk to one of our qualified surgeons here at The Family Heart Center. We feature the complete Jarvik line, series 7 Sports Heart by Jensen, Yamaha. You pick the heart. Extended warranties, financing. Qualifies for health tax credit. And remember, we care.

10Lee Iacocca Elementary School BBBEducationElementary Schools

Lee Iacocca Elementary School
Elementary school in Detroit that Robocop visits, mentioned on the news: Today, kids at Lee Iacocca Elementary School got to meet in person what their parents only read about in comic books.

11Media Break BBBVideoTV-News Shows

Media Break
TV news program. "You give us three minutes, and we'll give you the world."

12Mission for Christ BBBEntertainmentMovie Theaters

Mission for Christ
Mission in the background on the street where Boddicker and his friends test out the Cobra assault cannon.

13Nukem BBBToysTabletop Games

Another quality home game from Butler Brothers - parody of Battleship. Simulates deteriorating world affairs and eventual nuclear war in the comfort of your living room. To "win" the game you invade each other's countries, impose sanctions and enforce regime change, until some one gives up and launches nukes. This causes a small explosion and mushroom cloud to erupt from the top of the game console. "Get them before they get you!"

14Omni Consumer Products BBBCompaniesCompanies-misc

Omni Consumer Products
OCP. Firm that enters into a contract with the city to fund and run the Detroit Metropolitan Police Department.


15Palace Adult Theater BBBEntertainmentMovie Theaters

Palace Adult Theater
Adult Theater in the background on the street where Boddicker and his friends test out the Cobra assault cannon.

16Security ConceptsBBBServicesSecurity Services

Security Concepts
Subsidiary of Omni Consumer Products that develops the RoboCop Program.

17Smith Music City BBBPerforming ArtsMusic Stores

Smith Music City
Music store that Emil blows up with the Cobra assault cannon.


18TJ Lazer BBBVideoTV-Police

TJ Lazer
TV cop show that Police Officer Alex Murphy's son watches.

19ZM Industries BBBCompaniesIndustries

ZM Industries
Company that built Murphy's old house. Announcer: Welcome, shopper. Let's take a stroll through your new home. This is a one-family house built by ZM Industries. Situated near schools and shopping centers, this progressive development has a growth factor of 7.

20Delta City MapUrban AreasCities-U.S.

Delta City
City project planned by Own Consumer Products: Today, labor leaders agreed to sanction construction of OCP's Delta City, thereby creating an estimated one million much-needed new jobs, despite questions about worker safety in dangerous Old Detroit.

21Primrose Lane MapTransit RoutesStreets-Lanes

Primrose Lane
The Murphy family's address in Detroit. Filmed at 9233 Church Road, in Lake Highlands to the north of Dallas.


22Star Wars Orbiting Peace Platform MapOuter SpaceSpace Stations

Star Wars Orbiting Peace Platform
Space station mentioned on Media Break news program: And the President's first press conference from the Star Wars Orbiting Peace Platform got off to a shaky start, when power failed causing a brief, but harmless, period of weightlessness for the visiting President and his staff.

23Clarence Boddicker OtherQuotesQuotes

Clarence Boddicker
Clarence Boddicker: Sayanara, RoboCop!

24Richard Jones OtherQuotesQuotes

Richard Jones
Richard Jones: It's an old story, the fight for love and glory, huh, Bob? It helps if you think of it as a game, Bob. Every game has a winner and a loser. I'm cashing you out, Bob.

25Richard Jones, Old Man & RoboCop OtherQuotesQuotes

Richard Jones, Old Man & RoboCop
Richard Jones: Richard Jones: I want a chopper. Now! We will walk to the roof very calmly. I will board the chopper with my hostage. Anybody tries to stop me, the old geezer gets it.
Old Man: Dick, you're fired.
RoboCop: Thank you.


26Robocop Program OtherPlansPrograms

Robocop Program
Program developed at Security Concepts, subsidiary of Omni Consumer Products, to create a cyborg police officer.

27Sponsor OtherThemesBillboard


28Sponsor OtherThemesBillboard


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