The dates are real, but the events are not... well, except when fictional characters participate in real historical events. Then the events ARE real, you know, kinda sorta, but not really, not anymore, because now they're different.
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Total Record Results: 436 - Group: DATES / Category: 20TH CENTURY: 60S / Subcategory: EVENTS
Record Name
1960 - 65 years ago
1January 1, 1960 THE APARTMENT 1960 Film20th Century: 60sEvents
2February 11, 1960 THE UMBRELLA ACADEMY 2019 TV Series20th Century: 60sEvents
3April 4, 1960 QUANTUM LEAP 1989 TV Series20th Century: 60sEvents
4April 20, 1960 THE LOST ROOM 2006 TV Series20th Century: 60sEvents
5April 27, 1960 QUANTUM LEAP 1989 TV Series20th Century: 60sEvents
6July 2, 1960 THE BRONSWIK AFFAIR 1978 Film20th Century: 60sEvents
7July 3, 1960 BAD TIMES AT THE EL ROYALE 2018 Film20th Century: 60sEvents
8July 17, 1960 BAD TIMES AT THE EL ROYALE 2018 Film20th Century: 60sEvents
9October 21, 1960 11.22.63 2016 TV Series20th Century: 60sEvents
10October 25, 1960 BREAKFAST AT TIFFANY'S 1961 Film20th Century: 60sEvents
11October 31, 1960 THE UMBRELLA ACADEMY 2019 TV Series20th Century: 60sEvents
12December 24, 1960 THE TWILIGHT ZONE 1959 TV Series20th Century: 60sEvents
1961 - 64 years ago
13January 2, 1961 IDENTITY 2003 Film20th Century: 60sEvents
14January 24, 1961 QUANTUM LEAP 1989 TV Series20th Century: 60sEvents
15March 2, 1961 MEN IN BLACK 1997 Film20th Century: 60sEvents
16March 12, 1961 THE TWILIGHT ZONE 1959 TV Series20th Century: 60sEvents
17April 14, 1961 THE TWILIGHT ZONE 1959 TV Series20th Century: 60sEvents
18May 4, 1961 THE LOST ROOM 2006 TV Series20th Century: 60sEvents
19May 31, 1961 THE X-FILES 1993 TV Series20th Century: 60sEvents
20June 2, 1961 THE TWILIGHT ZONE 1959 TV Series20th Century: 60sEvents
21June 3, 1961 THE TWILIGHT ZONE 1959 TV Series20th Century: 60sEvents
22June 6, 1961 QUANTUM LEAP 1989 TV Series20th Century: 60sEvents
23June 14, 1961 DEXTER 2006 TV Series20th Century: 60sEvents
24June 15, 1961 SMALLVILLE 2001 TV Series20th Century: 60sEvents
25June 17, 1961 SMALLVILLE 2001 TV Series20th Century: 60sEvents
26June 19, 1961 THE 4400 2004 TV Series20th Century: 60sEvents
27August 4, 1961 QUANTUM LEAP 1989 TV Series20th Century: 60sEvents
28August 5, 1961 THE TWILIGHT ZONE 1959 TV Series20th Century: 60sEvents
29August 6, 1961 QUANTUM LEAP 1989 TV Series20th Century: 60sEvents
30August 13, 1961 12 MONKEYS 2015 TV Series20th Century: 60sEvents
31September 6, 1961 IDENTITY 2003 Film20th Century: 60sEvents
32September 12, 1961 MAD MAGAZINE 1952 Magazines20th Century: 60sEvents
33September 13, 1961 MAD MAGAZINE 1952 Magazines20th Century: 60sEvents
34September 14, 1961 MAD MAGAZINE 1952 Magazines20th Century: 60sEvents
35October 16, 1961 QUANTUM LEAP 1989 TV Series20th Century: 60sEvents
1962 - 63 years ago
36March 6, 1962 THE TWILIGHT ZONE 1959 TV Series20th Century: 60sEvents
37March 12, 1962 IDENTITY 2003 Film20th Century: 60sEvents
38March 23, 1962CARRIE 1974 Literature20th Century: 60sEvents
39April 1, 1962 THE TWILIGHT ZONE 1959 TV Series20th Century: 60sEvents
40April 3, 1962CARRIE 1974 Literature20th Century: 60sEvents
41April 8, 1962 SUPER 8 2011 Film20th Century: 60sEvents
42May 3, 1962 TIMELESS 2016 TV Series20th Century: 60sEvents
43May 3, 1962 THE TWILIGHT ZONE 1959 TV Series20th Century: 60sEvents
44May 16, 1962 THE INCREDIBLES 2004 Animated Film20th Century: 60sEvents
45May 22, 1962 SLACKER 1990 Film20th Century: 60sEvents
46June 3, 1962 THE TWILIGHT ZONE 1959 TV Series20th Century: 60sEvents
47June 30, 1962 THE SANDLOT 1993 Film20th Century: 60sEvents
48July 1, 1962 THE SANDLOT 1993 Film20th Century: 60sEvents
49July 2, 1962 THE SANDLOT 1993 Film20th Century: 60sEvents
50July 3, 1962 THE SANDLOT 1993 Film20th Century: 60sEvents
51July 4, 1962 THE SANDLOT 1993 Film20th Century: 60sEvents
52July 5, 1962 THE SANDLOT 1993 Film20th Century: 60sEvents
53July 6, 1962 THE SANDLOT 1993 Film20th Century: 60sEvents
54July 7, 1962 THE SANDLOT 1993 Film20th Century: 60sEvents
55July 8, 1962 THE SANDLOT 1993 Film20th Century: 60sEvents
56July 9, 1962 THE SANDLOT 1993 Film20th Century: 60sEvents
57August 2, 1962 BACK TO THE FUTURE 1985 Film20th Century: 60sEvents
58August 4, 1962 FUTURE MAN 2017 TV Series20th Century: 60sEvents
59August 16, 1962 THE UMBRELLA ACADEMY 2019 TV Series20th Century: 60sEvents
60August 19, 1962CARRIE 1974 Literature20th Century: 60sEvents
61August 23, 1962 ANDY BARKER P.I. 2007 TV Series20th Century: 60sEvents
62September 1, 1962 TIMELESS 2016 TV Series20th Century: 60sEvents
63September 12, 1962 MONSTERS VS. ALIENS 2009 Animated Film20th Century: 60sEvents
64September 17, 1962 THE SHAPE OF WATER 2017 Film20th Century: 60sEvents
65September 18, 1962 THE SHAPE OF WATER 2017 Film20th Century: 60sEvents
66September 19, 1962 THE SHAPE OF WATER 2017 Film20th Century: 60sEvents
67October 9, 1962 THE SHAPE OF WATER 2017 Film20th Century: 60sEvents
68October 10, 1962 THE SHAPE OF WATER 2017 Film20th Century: 60sEvents
69October 11, 1962 THE SHAPE OF WATER 2017 Film20th Century: 60sEvents
70October 22, 1962 BLAST FROM THE PAST 1999 Film20th Century: 60sEvents
71October 23, 1962 BLAST FROM THE PAST 1999 Film20th Century: 60sEvents
72October 26, 1962 QUANTUM LEAP 1989 TV Series20th Century: 60sEvents
73November 5, 1962 X-MEN: DAYS OF FUTURE PAST 2014 Film20th Century: 60sEvents
74November 6, 1962 QUANTUM LEAP 1989 TV Series20th Century: 60sEvents
75November 7, 1962 FAST FIVE 2011 Film20th Century: 60sEvents
76December 24, 1962 QUANTUM LEAP 1989 TV Series20th Century: 60sEvents
77December 24, 1962 THE TWILIGHT ZONE 1959 TV Series20th Century: 60sEvents
1963 - 62 years ago
78January 18, 1963 THE SIMPSONS 1989 Animated Series20th Century: 60sEvents
79February 1, 1963 BACK TO THE FUTURE 1985 Film20th Century: 60sEvents
80February 2, 1963 THE PRETENDER 1996 TV Series20th Century: 60sEvents
81February 3, 1963 THE OUTER LIMITS 1963 TV Series20th Century: 60sEvents
82February 4, 1963 THE PRETENDER 1996 TV Series20th Century: 60sEvents
83February 19, 1963 THE SIMPSONS 1989 Animated Series20th Century: 60sEvents
84March 11, 1963 QUANTUM LEAP 1989 TV Series20th Century: 60sEvents
85March 13, 1963 THE TWILIGHT ZONE 1959 TV Series20th Century: 60sEvents
86March 17, 1963 ANDY BARKER P.I. 2007 TV Series20th Century: 60sEvents
87March 21, 1963 QUANTUM LEAP 1989 TV Series20th Century: 60sEvents
88April 3, 1963ALL YOU ZOMBIES 1958 Literature20th Century: 60sEvents
89April 3, 1963 PREDESTINATION 2014 Film20th Century: 60sEvents
90April 6, 1963 KING OF NEW YORK 1990 Film20th Century: 60sEvents
91April 7, 1963 QUANTUM LEAP 1989 TV Series20th Century: 60sEvents
92April 10, 1963 QUANTUM LEAP 1989 TV Series20th Century: 60sEvents
93April 24, 1963ALL YOU ZOMBIES 1958 Literature20th Century: 60sEvents
94April 25, 1963 EARLY EDITION 1996 TV Series20th Century: 60sEvents
95May 8, 1963 THE RING 2002 Film20th Century: 60sEvents
96June 11, 1963 FORREST GUMP 1994 Film20th Century: 60sEvents
97June 24, 1963 PREDESTINATION 2014 Film20th Century: 60sEvents
98August 7, 1963 THE X-FILES 1993 TV Series20th Century: 60sEvents
99August 19, 1963 QUANTUM LEAP 1989 TV Series20th Century: 60sEvents
100August 28, 1963 HOT TUB TIME MACHINE 2 2015 Film20th Century: 60sEvents
101September 1, 1963 THE UMBRELLA ACADEMY 2019 TV Series20th Century: 60sEvents
102September 14, 1963 INDIANA JONES AND THE DIAL OF DESTINY 2023 Film20th Century: 60sEvents
103September 21, 1963CARRIE 1974 Literature20th Century: 60sEvents
104October 12, 1963 THE UMBRELLA ACADEMY 2019 TV Series20th Century: 60sEvents
105October 21, 1963 QUANTUM LEAP 1989 TV Series20th Century: 60sEvents
106October 31, 1963 MERMAIDS 1990 Film20th Century: 60sEvents
107November 15, 1963 THE UMBRELLA ACADEMY 2019 TV Series20th Century: 60sEvents
108November 18, 1963 THE UMBRELLA ACADEMY 2019 TV Series20th Century: 60sEvents
109November 19, 1963 THE UMBRELLA ACADEMY 2019 TV Series20th Century: 60sEvents
110November 20, 1963 THE UMBRELLA ACADEMY 2019 TV Series20th Century: 60sEvents
111November 21, 1963 QUANTUM LEAP 1989 TV Series20th Century: 60sEvents
112November 21, 1963 THE UMBRELLA ACADEMY 2019 TV Series20th Century: 60sEvents
113November 22, 1963 11.22.63 2016 TV Series20th Century: 60sEvents
114November 22, 1963 11/22/63 2011 Literature20th Century: 60sEvents
115November 22, 1963 THE 4400 2004 TV Series20th Century: 60sEvents
116November 22, 1963 AMERICAN TABLOID 1995 Literature20th Century: 60sEvents
117November 22, 1963 THE COLD SIX THOUSAND 2001 Literature20th Century: 60sEvents
118November 22, 1963 DOCTOR WHO: WHO KILLED KENNEDY 1996 Literature20th Century: 60sEvents
119November 22, 1963 FRINGE 2008 TV Series20th Century: 60sEvents
120November 22, 1963 THE GOOD PLACE 2016 TV Series20th Century: 60sEvents
121November 22, 1963 THE LANGOLIERS 1995 Film20th Century: 60sEvents
122November 22, 1963 LIBRA 1988 Literature20th Century: 60sEvents
123November 22, 1963 MERMAIDS 1990 Film20th Century: 60sEvents
124November 22, 1963 QUANTUM LEAP 1989 TV Series20th Century: 60sEvents
125November 22, 1963 ROBOT CHICKEN 2005 Animated Series20th Century: 60sEvents
126November 22, 1963 SALT 2010 Film20th Century: 60sEvents
127November 22, 1963 THE SIMPSONS 1989 Animated Series20th Century: 60sEvents
128November 22, 1963 SLIDERS 1995 TV Series20th Century: 60sEvents
129November 22, 1963 SNEAKERS 1992 Film20th Century: 60sEvents
130November 22, 1963 TIMELESS 2016 TV Series20th Century: 60sEvents
131November 22, 1963 TIMESCAPE 1980 Literature20th Century: 60sEvents
132November 22, 1963 THE UMBRELLA ACADEMY 2019 TV Series20th Century: 60sEvents
133November 22, 1963 THE UMBRELLA ACADEMY 2019 TV Series20th Century: 60sEvents
134November 22, 1963 THE UMBRELLA ACADEMY 2019 TV Series20th Century: 60sEvents
135November 22, 1963 THE UMBRELLA ACADEMY 2007 Comic Books20th Century: 60sEvents
136November 22, 1963 WATCHMEN 2009 Film20th Century: 60sEvents
137November 22, 1963 THE X-FILES 1993 TV Series20th Century: 60sEvents
138November 22, 1963 X-MEN: DAYS OF FUTURE PAST 2014 Film20th Century: 60sEvents
139November 23, 1963 THE UMBRELLA ACADEMY 2019 TV Series20th Century: 60sEvents
140November 23, 1963 THE UMBRELLA ACADEMY 2019 TV Series20th Century: 60sEvents
141November 23, 1963 THE UMBRELLA ACADEMY 2019 TV Series20th Century: 60sEvents
142November 25, 1963 11/22/63 2011 Literature20th Century: 60sEvents
143December 2, 1963 THE UMBRELLA ACADEMY 2019 TV Series20th Century: 60sEvents
144December 25, 1963 WATCHMEN 2009 Film20th Century: 60sEvents
145December 31, 1963 MERMAIDS 1990 Film20th Century: 60sEvents
1964 - 61 years ago
146January 1, 1964 MERMAIDS 1990 Film20th Century: 60sEvents
147January 18, 1964 PARKS AND RECREATION 2009 TV Series20th Century: 60sEvents
148January 20, 1964 X-MEN: DAYS OF FUTURE PAST 2014 Film20th Century: 60sEvents
149January 22, 1964 EARLY EDITION 1996 TV Series20th Century: 60sEvents
150January 22, 1964 X-MEN: DAYS OF FUTURE PAST 2014 Film20th Century: 60sEvents
151January 24, 1964 APOCALYPSE NOW 1979 Film20th Century: 60sEvents
152February 4, 1964 X-MEN: DAYS OF FUTURE PAST 2014 Film20th Century: 60sEvents
153February 5, 1964 X-MEN: DAYS OF FUTURE PAST 2014 Film20th Century: 60sEvents
154February 6, 1964 QUANTUM LEAP 1989 TV Series20th Century: 60sEvents
155February 7, 1964 BACK TO THE FUTURE: THE RIDE 1991 Other20th Century: 60sEvents
156February 9, 1964 HOT TUB TIME MACHINE 2 2015 Film20th Century: 60sEvents
157February 9, 1964 MR. SATURDAY NIGHT 1992 Film20th Century: 60sEvents
158February 11, 1964 THE TWILIGHT ZONE 1959 TV Series20th Century: 60sEvents
159March 2, 1964 PREDESTINATION 2014 Film20th Century: 60sEvents
160March 9, 1964 APOCALYPSE NOW 1979 Film20th Century: 60sEvents
161March 10, 1964ALL YOU ZOMBIES 1958 Literature20th Century: 60sEvents
162March 14, 1964 SURVIVOR 1999 Literature20th Century: 60sEvents
163March 15, 1964 EDDIE AND THE CRUISERS 1983 Film20th Century: 60sEvents
164March 15, 1964 EDDIE AND THE CRUISERS 2 1989 Film20th Century: 60sEvents
165March 16, 1964 EDDIE AND THE CRUISERS 1983 Film20th Century: 60sEvents
166May 21, 1964 APOCALYPSE NOW 1979 Film20th Century: 60sEvents
167May 23, 1964 APOCALYPSE NOW 1979 Film20th Century: 60sEvents
168May 25, 1964 THE TWILIGHT ZONE 1959 TV Series20th Century: 60sEvents
169June 5, 1964 MOONRISE KINGDOM 2012 Film20th Century: 60sEvents
170June 11, 1964 QUANTUM LEAP 1989 TV Series20th Century: 60sEvents
171June 25, 1964 THE TWILIGHT ZONE 1959 TV Series20th Century: 60sEvents
172July 4, 1964 QUANTUM LEAP 1989 TV Series20th Century: 60sEvents
173July 12, 1964 THE BRONSWIK AFFAIR 1978 Film20th Century: 60sEvents
174August 1, 1964 THE BRONSWIK AFFAIR 1978 Film20th Century: 60sEvents
175August 24, 1964 METAL GEAR SOLID 3: SNAKE EATER 2004 Video Games20th Century: 60sEvents
176August 30, 1964 METAL GEAR SOLID 3: SNAKE EATER 2004 Video Games20th Century: 60sEvents
177September 2, 1964 METAL GEAR SOLID 3: SNAKE EATER 2004 Video Games20th Century: 60sEvents
178September 4, 1964 THE BRONSWIK AFFAIR 1978 Film20th Century: 60sEvents
179September 23, 1964 APOCALYPSE NOW 1979 Film20th Century: 60sEvents
180September 30, 1964 INDIANA JONES AND THE DIAL OF DESTINY 2023 Film20th Century: 60sEvents
181October 3, 1964 APOCALYPSE NOW 1979 Film20th Century: 60sEvents
182October 4, 1964 QUANTUM LEAP 1989 TV Series20th Century: 60sEvents
183October 22, 1964 THE BRONSWIK AFFAIR 1978 Film20th Century: 60sEvents
184October 25, 1964 THE BRONSWIK AFFAIR 1978 Film20th Century: 60sEvents
185October 31, 1964 QUANTUM LEAP 1989 TV Series20th Century: 60sEvents
186November 10, 1964 APOCALYPSE NOW 1979 Film20th Century: 60sEvents
187November 16, 1964 THE BRONSWIK AFFAIR 1978 Film20th Century: 60sEvents
188November 27, 1964 THE BRONSWIK AFFAIR 1978 Film20th Century: 60sEvents
189December 3, 1964 THE BRONSWIK AFFAIR 1978 Film20th Century: 60sEvents
190December 24, 1964 THE BRONSWIK AFFAIR 1978 Film20th Century: 60sEvents
191December 27, 1964 MOONRISE KINGDOM 2012 Film20th Century: 60sEvents
1965 - 60 years ago
192January 1, 1965 THE BRONSWIK AFFAIR 1978 Film20th Century: 60sEvents
193January 2, 1965 THE BRONSWIK AFFAIR 1978 Film20th Century: 60sEvents
194January 21, 1965 RAIN MAN 1988 Film20th Century: 60sEvents
195January 28, 1965 THE BRONSWIK AFFAIR 1978 Film20th Century: 60sEvents
196February 8, 1965 HULK 2003 Film20th Century: 60sEvents
197February 12, 1965 THE BRONSWIK AFFAIR 1978 Film20th Century: 60sEvents
198February 16, 1965 THE BRONSWIK AFFAIR 1978 Film20th Century: 60sEvents
199February 22, 1965 HULK 2003 Film20th Century: 60sEvents
200March 1, 1965PET SEMATARY 1983 Literature20th Century: 60sEvents
201March 5, 1965FLOWERS FOR ALGERNON 1958 Literature20th Century: 60sEvents
202March 6, 1965FLOWERS FOR ALGERNON 1958 Literature20th Century: 60sEvents
203March 7, 1965FLOWERS FOR ALGERNON 1958 Literature20th Century: 60sEvents
204March 8, 1965FLOWERS FOR ALGERNON 1958 Literature20th Century: 60sEvents
205March 10, 1965FLOWERS FOR ALGERNON 1958 Literature20th Century: 60sEvents
206March 12, 1965 APOCALYPSE NOW 1979 Film20th Century: 60sEvents
207March 15, 1965FLOWERS FOR ALGERNON 1958 Literature20th Century: 60sEvents
208March 19, 1965FLOWERS FOR ALGERNON 1958 Literature20th Century: 60sEvents
209March 21, 1965 ENEMY OF THE STATE 1998 Film20th Century: 60sEvents
210March 23, 1965FLOWERS FOR ALGERNON 1958 Literature20th Century: 60sEvents
211March 25, 1965FLOWERS FOR ALGERNON 1958 Literature20th Century: 60sEvents
212March 28, 1965FLOWERS FOR ALGERNON 1958 Literature20th Century: 60sEvents
213March 29, 1965FLOWERS FOR ALGERNON 1958 Literature20th Century: 60sEvents
214April 1, 1965 THE BRONSWIK AFFAIR 1978 Film20th Century: 60sEvents
215April 3, 1965FLOWERS FOR ALGERNON 1958 Literature20th Century: 60sEvents
216April 6, 1965FLOWERS FOR ALGERNON 1958 Literature20th Century: 60sEvents
217April 7, 1965 APOCALYPSE NOW 1979 Film20th Century: 60sEvents
218April 9, 1965FLOWERS FOR ALGERNON 1958 Literature20th Century: 60sEvents
219April 10, 1965FLOWERS FOR ALGERNON 1958 Literature20th Century: 60sEvents
220April 14, 1965FLOWERS FOR ALGERNON 1958 Literature20th Century: 60sEvents
221April 14, 1965PET SEMATARY 1983 Literature20th Century: 60sEvents
222April 15, 1965FLOWERS FOR ALGERNON 1958 Literature20th Century: 60sEvents
223April 16, 1965FLOWERS FOR ALGERNON 1958 Literature20th Century: 60sEvents
224April 17, 1965FLOWERS FOR ALGERNON 1958 Literature20th Century: 60sEvents
225April 18, 1965FLOWERS FOR ALGERNON 1958 Literature20th Century: 60sEvents
226April 19, 1965 HULK 2003 Film20th Century: 60sEvents
227April 20, 1965FLOWERS FOR ALGERNON 1958 Literature20th Century: 60sEvents
228April 21, 1965FLOWERS FOR ALGERNON 1958 Literature20th Century: 60sEvents
229April 22, 1965FLOWERS FOR ALGERNON 1958 Literature20th Century: 60sEvents
230April 23, 1965 FUNNY WOMAN 2023 TV Series20th Century: 60sEvents
231April 25, 1965FLOWERS FOR ALGERNON 1958 Literature20th Century: 60sEvents
232April 27, 1965FLOWERS FOR ALGERNON 1958 Literature20th Century: 60sEvents
233April 28, 1965FLOWERS FOR ALGERNON 1958 Literature20th Century: 60sEvents
234April 30, 1965FLOWERS FOR ALGERNON 1958 Literature20th Century: 60sEvents
235May 10, 1965 BETTER CALL SAUL 2015 TV Series20th Century: 60sEvents
236May 15, 1965FLOWERS FOR ALGERNON 1958 Literature20th Century: 60sEvents
237May 18, 1965FLOWERS FOR ALGERNON 1958 Literature20th Century: 60sEvents
238May 20, 1965FLOWERS FOR ALGERNON 1958 Literature20th Century: 60sEvents
239May 23, 1965FLOWERS FOR ALGERNON 1958 Literature20th Century: 60sEvents
240May 24, 1965FLOWERS FOR ALGERNON 1958 Literature20th Century: 60sEvents
241May 25, 1965FLOWERS FOR ALGERNON 1958 Literature20th Century: 60sEvents
242May 31, 1965FLOWERS FOR ALGERNON 1958 Literature20th Century: 60sEvents
243June 4, 1965FLOWERS FOR ALGERNON 1958 Literature20th Century: 60sEvents
244June 5, 1965FLOWERS FOR ALGERNON 1958 Literature20th Century: 60sEvents
245June 10, 1965 THE BEST OF PHILIP K. DICK 1977 Literature20th Century: 60sEvents
246June 10, 1965FLOWERS FOR ALGERNON 1958 Literature20th Century: 60sEvents
247June 15, 1965FLOWERS FOR ALGERNON 1958 Literature20th Century: 60sEvents
248June 15, 1965 QUANTUM LEAP 1989 TV Series20th Century: 60sEvents
249June 19, 1965FLOWERS FOR ALGERNON 1958 Literature20th Century: 60sEvents
250June 21, 1965FLOWERS FOR ALGERNON 1958 Literature20th Century: 60sEvents
251June 22, 1965FLOWERS FOR ALGERNON 1958 Literature20th Century: 60sEvents
252June 30, 1965FLOWERS FOR ALGERNON 1958 Literature20th Century: 60sEvents
253July 7, 1965FLOWERS FOR ALGERNON 1958 Literature20th Century: 60sEvents
254July 8, 1965 STARGATE SG-1 1997 TV Series20th Century: 60sEvents
255July 10, 1965FLOWERS FOR ALGERNON 1958 Literature20th Century: 60sEvents
256July 14, 1965FLOWERS FOR ALGERNON 1958 Literature20th Century: 60sEvents
257July 22, 1965FLOWERS FOR ALGERNON 1958 Literature20th Century: 60sEvents
258July 24, 1965FLOWERS FOR ALGERNON 1958 Literature20th Century: 60sEvents
259July 25, 1965FLOWERS FOR ALGERNON 1958 Literature20th Century: 60sEvents
260July 27, 1965FLOWERS FOR ALGERNON 1958 Literature20th Century: 60sEvents
261July 28, 1965FLOWERS FOR ALGERNON 1958 Literature20th Century: 60sEvents
262August 11, 1965 QUANTUM LEAP 1989 TV Series20th Century: 60sEvents
263August 28, 1965 MOONRISE KINGDOM 2012 Film20th Century: 60sEvents
264August 30, 1965 APOCALYPSE NOW 1979 Film20th Century: 60sEvents
265September 2, 1965 MOONRISE KINGDOM 2012 Film20th Century: 60sEvents
266September 3, 1965 MOONRISE KINGDOM 2012 Film20th Century: 60sEvents
267September 4, 1965 MOONRISE KINGDOM 2012 Film20th Century: 60sEvents
268September 5, 1965 MOONRISE KINGDOM 2012 Film20th Century: 60sEvents
269September 12, 1965 INDIANA JONES AND THE DIAL OF DESTINY 2023 Film20th Century: 60sEvents
270September 19, 1965 THUNDERBALL 1965 Film20th Century: 60sEvents
271October 10, 1965 MOONRISE KINGDOM 2012 Film20th Century: 60sEvents
272October 21, 1965 IDENTITY 2003 Film20th Century: 60sEvents
273October 21, 1965 INDIANA JONES AND THE DIAL OF DESTINY 2023 Film20th Century: 60sEvents
274November 5, 1965 TOP GUN 1996 Film20th Century: 60sEvents
275November 8, 1965 QUANTUM LEAP 1989 TV Series20th Century: 60sEvents
276December 10, 1965 12 MONKEYS 2015 TV Series20th Century: 60sEvents
1966 - 59 years ago
277February 4, 1966 BOJACK HORSEMAN 2014 Animated Series20th Century: 60sEvents
278February 12, 1966 ENEMY OF THE STATE 1998 Film20th Century: 60sEvents
279February 28, 1966 THE 4400 2004 TV Series20th Century: 60sEvents
280March 16, 1966 FOR ALL MANKIND 2019 TV Series20th Century: 60sEvents
281March 19, 1966 QUANTUM LEAP 1989 TV Series20th Century: 60sEvents
282April 22, 1966 IDENTITY 2003 Film20th Century: 60sEvents
283May 21, 1966 QUANTUM LEAP 1989 TV Series20th Century: 60sEvents
284June 14, 1966 QUANTUM LEAP 1989 TV Series20th Century: 60sEvents
285June 28, 1966 ROSEMARY'S BABY 1968 Film20th Century: 60sEvents
286June 29, 1966 IDENTITY 2003 Film20th Century: 60sEvents
287July 13, 1966 LONGLEGS 2024 Film20th Century: 60sEvents
288July 14, 1966 LONGLEGS 2024 Film20th Century: 60sEvents
289July 21, 1966 12 MONKEYS 2015 TV Series20th Century: 60sEvents
290August 1, 1966 NATURAL BORN KILLERS 1994 Film20th Century: 60sEvents
291August 7, 1966 NO COUNTRY FOR OLD MEN 2007 Film20th Century: 60sEvents
292August 16, 1966 UP 2009 Animated Film20th Century: 60sEvents
293August 17, 1966CARRIE 1974 Literature20th Century: 60sEvents
294August 18, 1966 THE TIME MACHINE 1960 Film20th Century: 60sEvents
295August 19, 1966CARRIE 1974 Literature20th Century: 60sEvents
296August 29, 1966THE CHRONOTHON: A TIME TRAVEL ADVENTURE 2015 Literature20th Century: 60sEvents
297August 29, 1966 THE RING 2002 Film20th Century: 60sEvents
298September 12, 1966 THE SHAWSHANK REDEMPTION 1994 Film20th Century: 60sEvents
299September 30, 1966 SQUID GAME 2021 TV Series20th Century: 60sEvents
300November 8, 1966 APOCALYPSE NOW 1979 Film20th Century: 60sEvents
301November 10, 1966 THE 4400 2004 TV Series20th Century: 60sEvents
302December 3, 1966 THE RING 2002 Film20th Century: 60sEvents
303December 12, 1966 THE SIMPSONS 1989 Animated Series20th Century: 60sEvents
1967 - 58 years ago
304January 7, 1967 THE PRETENDER 1996 TV Series20th Century: 60sEvents
305January 10, 1967 THE PRETENDER 1996 TV Series20th Century: 60sEvents
306January 14, 1967 THE PRETENDER 1996 TV Series20th Century: 60sEvents
307March 18, 1967 THE PRISONER 1967 TV Series20th Century: 60sEvents
308March 19, 1967 THE PRISONER 1967 TV Series20th Century: 60sEvents
309March 20, 1967 THE PRETENDER 1996 TV Series20th Century: 60sEvents
310March 20, 1967 THE PRETENDER 1996 TV Series20th Century: 60sEvents
311April 4, 1967 THE X-FILES 1993 TV Series20th Century: 60sEvents
312June 25, 1967 HULK 2003 Film20th Century: 60sEvents
313July 31, 1967 THE PRETENDER 1996 TV Series20th Century: 60sEvents
314August 1, 1967 THE PRETENDER 1996 TV Series20th Century: 60sEvents
315August 2, 1967 THE PRETENDER 1996 TV Series20th Century: 60sEvents
316August 13, 1967 ORPHAN BLACK 2013 TV Series20th Century: 60sEvents
317August 19, 1967 THE GOOD PLACE 2016 TV Series20th Century: 60sEvents
318September 22, 1967 APOCALYPSE NOW 1979 Film20th Century: 60sEvents
319October 12, 1967 THE PRETENDER 1996 TV Series20th Century: 60sEvents
320October 19, 1967 QUANTUM LEAP 1989 TV Series20th Century: 60sEvents
321October 21, 1967 FORREST GUMP 1994 Film20th Century: 60sEvents
322October 22, 1967 FORREST GUMP 1994 Film20th Century: 60sEvents
323November 10, 1967 RESIDENT EVIL: WELCOME TO RACCOON CITY 2021 Film20th Century: 60sEvents
324November 23, 1967 THE DOOMSDAY FLIGHT 1966 Film20th Century: 60sEvents
325December 3, 1967 THE PRETENDER 1996 TV Series20th Century: 60sEvents
326December 4, 1967 THE PRETENDER 1996 TV Series20th Century: 60sEvents
327December 25, 1967 FULL METAL JACKET 1987 Film20th Century: 60sEvents
1968 - 57 years ago
328January 1, 1968 PLATOON 1986 Film20th Century: 60sEvents
329January 7, 1968 APOCALYPSE NOW 1979 Film20th Century: 60sEvents
330January 16, 1968 PLATOON 1986 Film20th Century: 60sEvents
331January 31, 1968 THE PRETENDER 1996 TV Series20th Century: 60sEvents
332February 6, 1968 THE PRETENDER 1996 TV Series20th Century: 60sEvents
333March 3, 1968 INDIANA JONES AND THE DIAL OF DESTINY 2023 Film20th Century: 60sEvents
334April 2, 1968ADRIAN MOLE AND THE WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION 2004 Literature20th Century: 60sEvents
335April 3, 1968 THE X-FILES 1993 TV Series20th Century: 60sEvents
336April 4, 1968 FUTURE MAN 2017 TV Series20th Century: 60sEvents
337April 4, 1968 THE X-FILES 1993 TV Series20th Century: 60sEvents
338April 16, 1968 FREQUENCY 2000 Film20th Century: 60sEvents
339April 23, 1968 URBAN LEGEND 1998 Film20th Century: 60sEvents
340June 1, 1968 SLEEPERS 1996 Film20th Century: 60sEvents
341June 2, 1968 APOCALYPSE NOW 1979 Film20th Century: 60sEvents
342June 2, 1968 SLEEPERS 1996 Film20th Century: 60sEvents
343June 7, 1968 THE PRETENDER 1996 TV Series20th Century: 60sEvents
344July 2, 1968 NO COUNTRY FOR OLD MEN 2007 Film20th Century: 60sEvents
345August 10, 1968 THE PRETENDER 1996 TV Series20th Century: 60sEvents
346August 10, 1968 QUANTUM LEAP 1989 TV Series20th Century: 60sEvents
347August 17, 1968 THE PRETENDER 1996 TV Series20th Century: 60sEvents
348August 24, 1968 THE RING 2002 Film20th Century: 60sEvents
349August 26, 1968 FAMILY TIES 1982 TV Series20th Century: 60sEvents
350August 27, 1968 FAMILY TIES 1982 TV Series20th Century: 60sEvents
351August 28, 1968 FAMILY TIES 1982 TV Series20th Century: 60sEvents
352August 29, 1968 FAMILY TIES 1982 TV Series20th Century: 60sEvents
353September 12, 1968 THE PRETENDER 1996 TV Series20th Century: 60sEvents
354October 16, 1968 QUANTUM LEAP 1989 TV Series20th Century: 60sEvents
355October 23, 1968 DEXTER 2006 TV Series20th Century: 60sEvents
356November 1, 1968 THE X-FILES 1993 TV Series20th Century: 60sEvents
357November 11, 1968 APOCALYPSE NOW 1979 Film20th Century: 60sEvents
358December 7, 1968 THE DEFENDERS 2017 TV Series20th Century: 60sEvents
359December 13, 1968 PLATOON 1986 Film20th Century: 60sEvents
360December 17, 1968 INDEPENDENCE DAY 1996 Film20th Century: 60sEvents
361December 21, 1968 FLY ME TO THE MOON 2024 Film20th Century: 60sEvents
362December 23, 1968 THE PRETENDER 1996 TV Series20th Century: 60sEvents
363December 24, 1968 SCROOGED 1988 Film20th Century: 60sEvents
1969 - 56 years ago
364January 14, 1969 THE PRETENDER 1996 TV Series20th Century: 60sEvents
365January 15, 1969 APOCALYPSE NOW 1979 Film20th Century: 60sEvents
366January 25, 1969 PERSON OF INTEREST 2011 TV Series20th Century: 60sEvents
367January 27, 1969 BAD TIMES AT THE EL ROYALE 2018 Film20th Century: 60sEvents
368February 14, 1969 THE SIMPSONS 1989 Animated Series20th Century: 60sEvents
369April 1, 1969 QUANTUM LEAP 1989 TV Series20th Century: 60sEvents
370April 20, 1969 BLACK MIRROR 2011 TV Series20th Century: 60sEvents
371May 8, 1969 FLY ME TO THE MOON 2024 Film20th Century: 60sEvents
372May 8, 1969 HOT FUZZ 2007 Film20th Century: 60sEvents
373May 12, 1969 DIE HARD 2: DIE HARDER 1990 Film20th Century: 60sEvents
374May 13, 1969 FREQUENCY 2000 Film20th Century: 60sEvents
375May 18, 1969 COLONY 2016 TV Series20th Century: 60sEvents
376June 9, 1969 BROOKLYN NINE-NINE 2013 TV Series20th Century: 60sEvents
377June 20, 1969 THE LAST STAND 2013 Film20th Century: 60sEvents
378June 26, 1969 FOR ALL MANKIND 2019 TV Series20th Century: 60sEvents
379June 28, 1969 INDIANA JONES AND THE DIAL OF DESTINY 2023 Film20th Century: 60sEvents
380July 6, 1969 FREQUENCY 2000 Film20th Century: 60sEvents
381July 11, 1969 X-MEN: DAYS OF FUTURE PAST 2014 Film20th Century: 60sEvents
382July 15, 1969 FLY ME TO THE MOON 2024 Film20th Century: 60sEvents
383July 15, 1969 MEN IN BLACK 3 2012 Film20th Century: 60sEvents
384July 15, 1969 MEN IN BLACK 3 2012 Film20th Century: 60sEvents
385July 16, 1969THE CHRONOTHON: A TIME TRAVEL ADVENTURE 2015 Literature20th Century: 60sEvents
386July 16, 1969 FLY ME TO THE MOON 2024 Film20th Century: 60sEvents
387July 16, 1969 HOT TUB TIME MACHINE 2 2015 Film20th Century: 60sEvents
388July 16, 1969 MEN IN BLACK 3 2012 Film20th Century: 60sEvents
389July 16, 1969 MEN IN BLACK 3 2012 Film20th Century: 60sEvents
390July 16, 1969 MEN IN BLACK 3 2012 Film20th Century: 60sEvents
391July 20, 1969 DESPICABLE ME 2010 Animated Film20th Century: 60sEvents
392July 20, 1969 FLY ME TO THE MOON 2024 Film20th Century: 60sEvents
393July 20, 1969 FOR ALL MANKIND 2019 TV Series20th Century: 60sEvents
394July 20, 1969 FORREST GUMP 1994 Film20th Century: 60sEvents
395July 20, 1969 FUTURE MAN 2017 TV Series20th Century: 60sEvents
396July 20, 1969 MOONFALL 2022 Film20th Century: 60sEvents
397July 20, 1969 THE SIMPSONS 1989 Animated Series20th Century: 60sEvents
398July 20, 1969 SNEAKERS 1992 Film20th Century: 60sEvents
399July 20, 1969 TIMELESS 2016 TV Series20th Century: 60sEvents
400July 20, 1969 WATCHMEN 2009 Film20th Century: 60sEvents
401July 21, 1969 LUNOPOLIS 2009 Film20th Century: 60sEvents
402August 4, 1969 NIGHTHAWKS 1981 Film20th Century: 60sEvents
403August 8, 1969 ONCE UPON A TIME... IN HOLLYWOOD 2019 Film20th Century: 60sEvents
404August 13, 1969 INDIANA JONES AND THE DIAL OF DESTINY 2023 Film20th Century: 60sEvents
405August 17, 1969 INDIANA JONES AND THE DIAL OF DESTINY 2023 Film20th Century: 60sEvents
406August 17, 1969 QUANTUM LEAP 1989 TV Series20th Century: 60sEvents
407August 18, 1969 INDIANA JONES AND THE DIAL OF DESTINY 2023 Film20th Century: 60sEvents
408August 18, 1969 THE SIMPSONS 1989 Animated Series20th Century: 60sEvents
409August 20, 1969 INDIANA JONES AND THE DIAL OF DESTINY 2023 Film20th Century: 60sEvents
410August 20, 1969 INDIANA JONES AND THE DIAL OF DESTINY 2023 Film20th Century: 60sEvents
411August 22, 1969 IDENTITY 2003 Film20th Century: 60sEvents
412September 1, 1969 CQ 2001 Film20th Century: 60sEvents
413September 5, 1969 FOR ALL MANKIND 2019 TV Series20th Century: 60sEvents
414September 9, 1969 QUANTUM LEAP 1989 TV Series20th Century: 60sEvents
415October 7, 1969 THE PRETENDER 1996 TV Series20th Century: 60sEvents
416October 9, 1969 FREQUENCY 2000 Film20th Century: 60sEvents
417October 10, 1969 FREQUENCY 2000 Film20th Century: 60sEvents
418October 14, 1969 FREQUENCY 2000 Film20th Century: 60sEvents
419October 15, 1969 FREQUENCY 2000 Film20th Century: 60sEvents
420October 16, 1969 FREQUENCY 2000 Film20th Century: 60sEvents
421October 20, 1969 INDIANA JONES AND THE DIAL OF DESTINY 2023 Film20th Century: 60sEvents
422October 22, 1969 FREQUENCY 2000 Film20th Century: 60sEvents
423November 6, 1969 AMERICAN PIE PRESENTS: THE BOOK OF LOVE 2009 Film20th Century: 60sEvents
424November 8, 1969 FREQUENCY 2000 Film20th Century: 60sEvents
425November 25, 1969 QUANTUM LEAP 1989 TV Series20th Century: 60sEvents
426November 27, 1969 THE PRETENDER 1996 TV Series20th Century: 60sEvents
427December 9, 1969 DIE HARD 2: DIE HARDER 1990 Film20th Century: 60sEvents
428December 15, 1969 AMERICAN PIE PRESENTS: THE BOOK OF LOVE 2009 Film20th Century: 60sEvents
429December 15, 1969 INHERENT VICE 2014 Film20th Century: 60sEvents
430December 20, 1969 CQ 2001 Film20th Century: 60sEvents
431December 20, 1969 THE PRETENDER 1996 TV Series20th Century: 60sEvents
432December 21, 1969 THE PRETENDER 1996 TV Series20th Century: 60sEvents
433December 24, 1969 SCROOGED 1988 Film20th Century: 60sEvents
434December 31, 1969 CQ 2001 Film20th Century: 60sEvents
435December 31, 1969 THE SIMPSONS 1989 Animated Series20th Century: 60sEvents
436December 31, 1969 STEVE MARTIN 1967 Comedy Acts20th Century: 60sEvents

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