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Total Record Results: 33 - Group: DATES / Category: 21ST CENTURY: 00S / Subcategory: DEATH DATES
Record Name
2000 - 25 years ago
1May 22, 2000 THE CELL 2000 Film21st Century: 00sDeath Dates

May 22, 2000
FBI agents rescue Julie Hickson / serial killer Carl Stargher dies.

2001 - 24 years ago
2March 13, 2001 FINAL DESTINATION 2 2003 Film21st Century: 00sDeath Dates

March 13, 2001
Date on newspaper featuring story about lottery winner Evan Lewis being killed by. ladder. This date is incorrect though - "March" should be "May". Evan dies later in the evening after the highway pile-up.

3September 11, 2001 EXTREMELY LOUD & INCREDIBLY CLOSE 2011 Film21st Century: 00sDeath Dates

September 11, 2001
Thomas dies at the World Trade Center.

2002 - 23 years ago
4January 11, 2002 ROCKY BALBOA 2006 Film21st Century: 00sDeath Dates

January 11, 2002
Rocky's wife Adrian dies of ovarian cancer.

5June 20, 2002 SMALLVILLE 2001 TV Series21st Century: 00sDeath Dates

June 20, 2002
Smallville High School swim champion Troy Turner dies a mysterious death related to rapid aging.

6October 31, 2002 HALLOWEEN: RESURRECTION 2002 Film21st Century: 00sDeath Dates

October 31, 2002
When internet reality show Dangertainment hires a group of students from Haddonfield University to spend a night in Michael Myers' abandoned childhood house in order to figure out what led him to kill, Michael shows up, and kills them.

2003 - 22 years ago
7March 18, 2003 LARS AND THE REAL GIRL 2007 Film21st Century: 00sDeath Dates

March 18, 2003
Lars and Gus' father Paul Lindstrom dies.

8April 28, 2003 THE REAPING 2007 Film21st Century: 00sDeath Dates

April 28, 2003
Haven resident Doug Blackwell's wife Samantha dies.

9November 17, 2003 THE BOURNE LEGACY 2012 Film21st Century: 00sDeath Dates

November 17, 2003
Date of Death recorded for PFC. Kenneth J. Kitsom, the American soldier who would become Aaron Cross.

10December 16, 2003 MAN ON FIRE 2004 Film21st Century: 00sDeath Dates

December 16, 2003
Former CIA SAD/SOG officer John W. Creasy dies.

2004 - 21 years ago
11February 11, 2004 THE JACKET 2005 Film21st Century: 00sDeath Dates

February 11, 2004
Date of Death on Rudy Mackenzie's headstone.

12June 24, 2004 TAKING LIVES 2004 Film21st Century: 00sDeath Dates

June 24, 2004
Martin Asher kidnaps James McKeen Costa, then dies in the ensuing car accident. The case is closed. Costa and Agent Scott have sex.

13August 26, 2004 CRIMINAL MINDS 2005 TV Series21st Century: 00sDeath Dates

August 26, 2004
Date of Death for Silencer victim Julie Myers.

14October 6, 2004 CRIMINAL MINDS 2005 TV Series21st Century: 00sDeath Dates

October 6, 2004
Date of Death for Silencer victim Jane Helmway.

15October 6, 2004 THE LAKE HOUSE 2006 Film21st Century: 00sDeath Dates

October 6, 2004
Date of Death on Alex's father Simon Wyler's Death Certificate.

16December 25, 2004 FRINGE 2008 TV Series21st Century: 00sDeath Dates

December 25, 2004
William Bell dies, according to Nina. Walter and Nina argue over when William Bell died. Walter believes that Bell died on New Year's Day 2005, remembering Bell visiting him the night before on New Year's Eve 2004 at St. Claire's Hospital to say goodbye. But Nina insists that Bell died on Christmas - and that the car accident was not an accident, as Bell was suffering from lymphoma, and wanted to go out on his own terms.

2005 - 20 years ago
17January 1, 2005 FRINGE 2008 TV Series21st Century: 00sDeath Dates

January 1, 2005
William Bell dies, according to Walter. Walter and Nina argue over when William Bell died. Walter believes that Bell died on New Year's Day 2005, remembering Bell visiting him the night before on New Year's Eve 2004 at St. Claire's Hospital to say goodbye. But Nina insists that Bell died on Christmas - and that the car accident was not an accident, as Bell was suffering from lymphoma, and wanted to go out on his own terms.

18September 23, 2005 PERSON OF INTEREST 2011 TV Series21st Century: 00sDeath Dates

September 23, 2005
Date of Death on U.S. Marine Corps Captain Lawrence R. Dixon's headstone, the grave next to Reese's grave.

19October 19, 2005 THE 4400 2004 TV Series21st Century: 00sDeath Dates

THE 4400
October 19, 2005
A thousand acre patch of barren sand in the Nubian desert north of Khartoum is transformed overnight into fertile wheat fields. Scientists at a loss to explain the conversion, but tests confirm that the wheat is real and edible. The defensive wing of the 4400 known as the Nova Group claims responsibility. Neuroscientist Kevin Burkhoff loses a tooth. Alana uses her 4400 ability to create alternate realities to give Tom a vacation to the past, when his son Kyle was a baby. Maia starts school at the 4400 Center. Richard Tyler takes his wife Lily to the cabin where they used to live, but she dies before they have the chance to go inside.

2006 - 19 years ago
20January 26, 2006 SMALLVILLE 2001 TV Series21st Century: 00sDeath Dates

January 26, 2006
Clark's Earth father Jonathan Kent dies protecting his son.

21March 7, 2006 SUPERNATURAL 2005 TV Series21st Century: 00sDeath Dates

March 7, 2006
Date of Death on Dean Winchester's police record.

22April 8, 2006 LOST 2004 TV Series21st Century: 00sDeath Dates

April 8, 2006
John Locke's Ex-girlfriend Helen Norwood dies of a brain aneurysm - date on her tombstone.

23August 11, 2006 BETTER CALL SAUL 2015 TV Series21st Century: 00sDeath Dates

August 11, 2006
Date of Death on Travelwire employee Fred Whalen's New Mexico driver license.

24September 19, 2006 THE DEPARTED 2006 Film21st Century: 00sDeath Dates

September 19, 2006
Frank Costello's crew associate Myles Kennefick executed by the mob to prevent him from being arrested for stealing 20 microprocessors from MASS Processor.

25October 14, 2006 THE UMBRELLA ACADEMY 2019 TV Series21st Century: 00sDeath Dates

October 14, 2006
Ben dies - flashback sequence reveals that Reg was the one that shot him - and Jennifer, the girl from the squid, whom Ben found and rescued from the container.


2007 - 18 years ago
26October 25, 2007RECURSION 2019 Literature21st Century: 00sDeath Dates

October 25, 2007
Barry and Julia's daughter Megan dies, weeks shy of her 16th birthday. In Barry's new timeline, Barry prevents this tragedy.

2008 - 17 years ago
27January 10, 2008 UNTRACEABLE 2008 Film21st Century: 00sDeath Dates

January 10, 2008
Lulu the cat dies on the website

28January 15, 2008 UNTRACEABLE 2008 Film21st Century: 00sDeath Dates

January 15, 2008
Herbert Miller dies in front of viewers of the website

2009 - 16 years ago
29March 21, 2009 RUSSIAN DOLL 2019 TV Series21st Century: 00sDeath Dates

March 21, 2009
Adojan Halasz dies, Google search result when Nadia searches for living descendants of Captain Marton Halasz, the name on her family's receipt for the Gold Train.

30May 17, 2009 WORLD'S GREATEST DAD 2009 Film21st Century: 00sDeath Dates

May 17, 2009
Kyle Clayton dies while masturbating.

31May 18, 2009 FRINGE 2008 TV Series21st Century: 00sDeath Dates

May 18, 2009
Date of Death for scientist and time traveler Alistair Peck's girlfriend Arlette Turling.

32July 5, 2009RECURSION 2019 Literature21st Century: 00sDeath Dates

July 5, 2009
Day 613 of Helena's research project on Marcus Slade's research facility. Test subject Reed dies during experiment. Marcus Slade travels back to an earlier memory and saves him.

33October 8, 2009 FRINGE 2008 TV Series21st Century: 00sDeath Dates

October 8, 2009
Date of Death on FBI agent Charlie Francis' headstone.

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