 The dates are real, but the events are not... well, except when fictional characters participate in real historical events. Then the events ARE real, you know, kinda sorta, but not really, not anymore, because now they're different. |  | |
Total Record Results: 19 - Group: DATES / Category: 21ST CENTURY: 10S / Subcategory: BIRTH DATES |
# | 2010 - 15 years ago | 1 | February 10, 2010  | THE ADAM PROJECT 2022 Film | 21st Century: 10s | Birth Dates | |
 | THE ADAM PROJECT February 10, 2010 Adam Reed born. |

| 2 | November 12, 2010  | SMALLVILLE 2001 TV Series | 21st Century: 10s | Birth Dates | |
 | SMALLVILLE November 12, 2010 Tess Mercer learns that November 12 is her true birthday, and that she was born Lutessa Lena Luthor. |

| 2011 - 14 years ago | 3 | February 3, 2011  | THE OUTSIDER 2020 TV Series | 21st Century: 10s | Birth Dates | |
 | THE OUTSIDER February 3, 2011 Asha Williams born - date on her and her sister's headstone. |

| 4 | September 28, 2011  | CSI: VEGAS 2021 TV Series | 21st Century: 10s | Birth Dates | |
 | CRIME SCENE INVESTIGATION: VEGAS September 28, 2011 Sawyer Locke's horse Kings Gambit born. |

| 2012 - 13 years ago | 5 | April 24, 2012  | CAPTIVE STATE 2019 Film | 21st Century: 10s | Birth Dates | |
 | CAPTIVE STATE April 24, 2012 Date of Birth of Rachel Clemson, identified by the United States Data Reclaim Center through facial recognition. |

| 2013 - 12 years ago | 6 | August 27, 2013  | WAYWARD PINES 2015 TV Series | 21st Century: 10s | Birth Dates | |
 | WAYWARD PINES August 27, 2013 Jason Higgins born to Kerry Campbell in Chicago, Illinois. |

| 2014 - 11 years ago | 7 | March 20, 2014  | SILENT NIGHT 2023 Film | 21st Century: 10s | Birth Dates | |
 | SILENT NIGHT March 20, 2014 Brian Godlock's son Taylor born. |

| 8 | August 8, 2014  | THE MIDNIGHT SKY 2020 Film | 21st Century: 10s | Birth Dates | |
 | THE MIDNIGHT SKY August 8, 2014 Flight Engineer Maya Lawrence of the Aether mission born. |

| 9 | November 12, 2014  | TWO AND A HALF MEN 2003 TV Series | 21st Century: 10s | Birth Dates | |
 | TWO AND A HALF MEN November 12, 2014 Alan and Walden's baby born. Unfortunately for them, the mother changes her mind. |

| 10 | December 9, 2014  | DOCTOR STRANGE 2016 Film | 21st Century: 10s | Birth Dates | |
 | DOCTOR STRANGE December 9, 2014 Date of Jonathan Pangborn's study at Metropolitan General Hospital - patient that consults and is turned away by Doctor Strange. |

| 11 | December 31, 2014  | FRINGE 2008 TV Series | 21st Century: 10s | Birth Dates | |
 | FRINGE December 31, 2014 Date of Birth on Jared Colin's Massachusetts driver's license - airline passenger in former MIT professor and murderer Neil's TSA line. |

| 2015 - 10 years ago | 12 | May 19, 2015 | SCREAM 5 2022 Film | 21st Century: 10s | Birth Dates | |
 | SCREAM 5 May 19, 2015 According to Amber, Sam leaves home on her 18th birthday (Date of Birth on Sam's driver's license in Scream 6 is May 19, 1997). |
| 2017 - 8 years ago | 13 | September 26, 2017  | A SIMPLE FAVOR 2018 Film | 21st Century: 10s | Birth Dates | |
 | A SIMPLE FAVOR September 26, 2017 Emily Nelson born - date on her headstone. |

| 2018 - 7 years ago | 14 | October 18, 2018  | CASTLE ROCK 2018 TV Series | 21st Century: 10s | Birth Dates | |
 | CASTLE ROCK October 18, 2018 Date of Death of Alan Pangborn's grave. |

| 2019 - 6 years ago | 15 | February 9, 2019  | DARK 2017 TV Series | 21st Century: 10s | Birth Dates | |
 | DARK February 9, 2019 Date of birth on Regina Tiedemann's headstone. |

| 16 | February 14, 2019  | CSI: VEGAS 2021 TV Series | 21st Century: 10s | Birth Dates | |
 | CRIME SCENE INVESTIGATION: VEGAS February 14, 2019 Dante's Heat born - progeny of Sawyer Locke's horse Kings Gambit and Betsy's Wedding. |

| 17 | March 22, 2019  | BLACK OUT 2022 2017 Film | 21st Century: 10s | Birth Dates | |
 | BLADE RUNNER: BLACK OUT 2022 March 22, 2019 Incept Date for replicant Sapper Morton. |

| 18 | September 14, 2019  | CSI: VEGAS 2021 TV Series | 21st Century: 10s | Birth Dates | |
 | CRIME SCENE INVESTIGATION: VEGAS September 14, 2019 Russells Muscles born - progeny of Sawyer Locke's horse Kings Gambit and Oh Hannah. |

| 19 | September 30, 2019  | BLACK OUT 2022 2017 Film | 21st Century: 10s | Birth Dates | |
 | BLADE RUNNER: BLACK OUT 2022 September 30, 2019 Incept Date for replicant Iggy. |

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Fiction Empire / fictionempire.com Concept & Design by MADASIAM Productions © 1999. All Rights Reserved. |