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Total Record Results: 21 - Group: DATES / Category: NO YEAR / Subcategory: JOURNAL ENTRIES
Record Name
1January 5 RED NOTICE 2021 FilmNo YearJournal Entries

January 5
Date of Live Entry Event listed on the Security Alarm Panel at notorious arms dealer Sotto Voce's masquerade ball in Valencia.

2January 23 STAR TREK: PICARD 2019 TV SeriesNo YearJournal Entries

January 23
Date of video journal entry that Kore finds on her father's computer. Adam Soong: "Despoina, age 3."

3February 14 RED NOTICE 2021 FilmNo YearJournal Entries

February 14
Date of Live Entry Event listed on the Security Alarm Panel at notorious arms dealer Sotto Voce's masquerade ball in Valencia.

4February 28 SKELETON CREW 1985 LiteratureNo YearJournal Entries

February 28
A disoriented and delusional Richard Pine records one last entry in his diary before losing it completely, entering the impossible date of February 40th.

5March 12 RED NOTICE 2021 FilmNo YearJournal Entries

March 12
Date of Live Entry Event listed on the Security Alarm Panel at notorious arms dealer Sotto Voce's masquerade ball in Valencia.

6April 3 FRASIER 1993 TV SeriesNo YearJournal Entries

April 3
Date of entry in Frasier and Niles' mother's old journal.
Niles Crane: "April 3rd. Niles remains as docile as ever. He constantly allows himself to be cowed and dominated, especially by females."
Frasier Crane: Well, you shouldn't let that upset you. You've broken that pattern. You could have knocked that under and gone groveling back to Maris but you didn't. You know Niles, I don't think I've ever been more proud of you.

7April 14 FRASIER 1993 TV SeriesNo YearJournal Entries

April 14
Date of entry in Frasier and Niles' mother's old journal.
Frasier Crane: "April 14th. The day I've dreaded for weeks: Frasier died this morning. I never would have guessed that my heart could ache so over the death of my beloved lab rat. My only consolation is the knowledge that I will soon give birth to my first child."
Niles Crane: Frasier... do you know what this means?
Frasier Crane: Our mother named us after rodents.
Niles Crane: No. It means I have ended my marriage to the woman I love based on the case history of a spineless rat! Oh My God!

8April 17 FRIENDS 1994 TV SeriesNo YearJournal Entries

April 17
Date of entry in Mr. Heckles' Big Book of Grievances about Joey: Excessive noise Italian guy comes home with a date.

9April 18 FRIENDS 1994 TV SeriesNo YearJournal Entries

April 18
Date of entry in Mr. Heckles' Big Book of Grievances about Chandler: Excessive noise Italian guy's gay roommate brings home dry cleaning.

10May 3 RESIDENT EVIL: AFTERLIFE 2010 FilmNo YearJournal Entries

May 3
Alice's Log Entry Day 177. Following 177 days without signs of life, Alice travels to the Alaskan haven called Arcadia searching for Claire Redfield's Convoy. She finds Claire Redfield, now missing her memory.

11May 4 RESIDENT EVIL: AFTERLIFE 2010 FilmNo YearJournal Entries

May 4
Alice's Log Entry Day 178. Alice and Claire Redfield leave Arcadia, Alaska. Alice plots a course for Prince Rupert in British Columbia.

12May 6 RESIDENT EVIL: AFTERLIFE 2010 FilmNo YearJournal Entries

May 6
Alice's Log Entry Day 180. Alice and Claire Redfield arrive in Los Angeles, landing at the Citadel Correctional Facility.

13June 12 THE UMBRELLA ACADEMY 2019 TV SeriesNo YearJournal Entries

June 12
Date of entry that Leonard reads in Sir Reginald Hargreeves' journal: A controlled environment has proven ideal for the maximum impact of Number Seven's powers. But in the face of sure, uninvited chaos, she must be trained to locate control in another form.

14June 18 GRAVITY FALLS 2012 Animated SeriesNo YearJournal Entries

June 18
Entry in the journal that Dipper finds: It's hard to believe it's been six years since I began studying the strange and wondrous secrets of Gravity Falls, Oregon. Unfortunately, my suspicions have been confirmed. I'm being watched. I must hide this book before he finds it. Remember, in Gravity Falls, there is no one you can trust.

15June 25 SYNECDOCHE, NEW YORK 2008 FilmNo YearJournal Entries

June 25
Date of Caden's daughter Olive's diary entry (year not specified): Today I felt a wetness between my legs. Maria explained to me now I am a woman. And being a woman is wonderful with Maria to guide me.

16July 4THE YELLOW WALLPAPER 1892 LiteratureNo YearJournal Entries

July 4
Mother and Nellie and the children visit the narrator and her husband John at the colonial mansion where they're staying over the 4th of July. The narrator's journal entry: "Well, the Fourth of July is over! The people are gone and I am tired out. John thought it might do me good to see a little company, so we just had mother and Nellie and the children down for a week. Of course I didn't do a thing. Jennie sees to everything now. But it tired me all the same."

17July 11 STAR TREK: PICARD 2019 TV SeriesNo YearJournal Entries

July 11
Date of video journal entry that Kore finds on her father's computer. Adam Soong: "Today was a good day. Life signs are looking up. I estimate Persephone has a 97% chance of survival."

18August 12 STAR TREK: PICARD 2019 TV SeriesNo YearJournal Entries

August 12
Date of video journal entry that Kore finds on her father's computer. Adam Soong: "Friday. Persephone died from complications. One month old."

19September 9 BARRY 2018 TV SeriesNo YearJournal Entries

September 9
Premier of Mega Girls 4, the latest entry in the Mega Girls franchise.

20September 22 RED NOTICE 2021 FilmNo YearJournal Entries

September 22
Date of Live Entry Event listed on the Security Alarm Panel at notorious arms dealer Sotto Voce's masquerade ball in Valencia.

21October 12 THE LIFE AQUATIC WITH STEVE ZISSOU 2004 FilmNo YearJournal Entries

October 12
Entry in the logbook of the Belafonte by Capt. Zissou: "Esteban and I explore the blue reefs beyond the peninsula. Fluorescent snapper unexpectedly appear in the shallows - extremely rare at this depth." Steve Zissou: Encounter with highly abnormal shark-like fish, ten meters in length, unfamiliar dorsal features, spots all over it. I shot it dorsally with a homing dart. Esteban was eaten.

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