TV Series 1969. Created by Joan Ganz Cooney and Lloyd Morrisett. Starring various actors.
Source Features: BBB (8) TIMELINE (74) MAP (3) THEMES (1)

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Total Record Results: 86 - Medium: TV SERIES
Record Name
1Charlie's RestaurantBBBDiningRestaurants-misc

Charlie's Restaurant
Local restaurant where Grover works.

2Don't Drop InnBBBTravelInns

Don't Drop Inn
Grouch diner from Sesame Street presents: Follow that Bird.

3Fix-it ShopBBBServicesRepair Services

Fix-it Shop

4Hooper's StoreBBBRetailGas Stations

Hooper's Store
Convenience store.

5Mail-It ShopBBBServicesShipping and Storage

Mail-It Shop

6Roosevelt Franklin ElementaryBBBEducationElementary Schools

Roosevelt Franklin Elementary

7Spaceship Surprise BBBVehiclesSpacecrafts

Spaceship Surprise
Sesame Street version of the starship Enterprise, parody of Star Trek: The next generation.

8WORMBBBVideoTV Stations

TV station.

9January 11, 1974 Dates20th Century: 70sEvents

January 11, 1974
Measure your Mother Day.

10February 4, 1974 Dates20th Century: 70sEvents

February 4, 1974
Help Your Mom Day as part of Cooperation Month.

11February 10, 1974 Dates20th Century: 70sEvents

February 10, 1974
Help Your Daddy Day as part of Cooperation Month.

12February 16, 1974 Dates20th Century: 70sEvents

February 16, 1974
Seesaw Day as part of Cooperation Month.

13February 20, 1974 Dates20th Century: 70sEvents

February 20, 1974
Share a Toy Day as part of Cooperation Month.

14March 6, 1974 Dates20th Century: 70sEvents

March 6, 1974
Look for things beginning with H Day as part of Alphabet Month.

15March 31, 1974 Dates20th Century: 70sEvents

March 31, 1974
Say the Alphabet Day as part of Alphabet Month.

16April 9, 1974 Dates20th Century: 70sEvents

April 9, 1974
Look for Rectangles Day as part of Shape Month.

17April 11, 1974 Dates20th Century: 70sEvents

April 11, 1974
Square Dance Day.

18April 20, 1974 Dates20th Century: 70sEvents

April 20, 1974
Look for Triangles Day as part of Shape Month.

19April 22, 1974 Dates20th Century: 70sEvents

April 22, 1974
Play a Triangle Day as part of Shape Month.

20April 29, 1974 Dates20th Century: 70sEvents

April 29, 1974
Look for Circles Day as part of Shape Month.

21May 1, 1974 Dates20th Century: 70sEvents

May 1, 1974
Plant a Flower Day as part of Ecology Month.

22May 7, 1974 Dates20th Century: 70sEvents

May 7, 1974
Take a Bath Day as part of Ecology Month.

23May 10, 1974 Dates20th Century: 70sEvents

May 10, 1974
Clean Your Room Day as part of Ecology Month.

24May 14, 1974 Dates20th Century: 70sEvents

May 14, 1974
Clean Your Street Day as part of Ecology Month.

25May 31, 1974 Dates20th Century: 70sEvents

May 31, 1974
Water a Flower Day as part of Ecology Month.

26June 3, 1974 Dates20th Century: 70sEvents

June 3, 1974
Zip a Zipper Day as part of Do It Yourself Month.

27June 6, 1974 Dates20th Century: 70sEvents

June 6, 1974
Comb Your Hair Day as part of Do It Yourself Month.

28June 11, 1974 Dates20th Century: 70sEvents

June 11, 1974
Make Your Bed Day as part of Do It Yourself Month.

29June 18, 1974 Dates20th Century: 70sEvents

June 18, 1974
Tie Your Shoelace Day as part of Do It Yourself Month.

30June 24, 1974 Dates20th Century: 70sEvents

June 24, 1974
Button Your Buttons Day as part of Do It Yourself Month.

31June 29, 1974 Dates20th Century: 70sEvents

June 29, 1974
Make Up a Song Day as part of Do It Yourself Month.

32July 7, 1974 Dates20th Century: 70sEvents

July 7, 1974
Remember Your Dentist Day as part of People in Your Neighborhood Month.

33July 10, 1974 Dates20th Century: 70sEvents

July 10, 1974
Visit a Baker Day as part of People in Your Neighborhood Month.

34July 13, 1974 Dates20th Century: 70sEvents

July 13, 1974
Pretend You're a Bus Driver Day as part of People in Your Neighborhood Month.

35July 15, 1974 Dates20th Century: 70sEvents

July 15, 1974
Smile at Your Teacher Day as part of People in Your Neighborhood Month.

36July 18, 1974 Dates20th Century: 70sEvents

July 18, 1974
Say Hello to a Policeman Day as part of People in Your Neighborhood Month.

37July 21, 1974 Dates20th Century: 70sEvents

July 21, 1974
Look for Skywriters Day as part of People in Your Neighborhood Month.

38July 23, 1974 Dates20th Century: 70sEvents

July 23, 1974
Wave to a Garbage Man Day as part of People in Your Neighborhood Month.

39July 31, 1974 Dates20th Century: 70sEvents

July 31, 1974
Say Thank You to Your Mailman Day as part of People in Your Neighborhood Month.

40August 11, 1974 Dates20th Century: 70sEvents

August 11, 1974
National Nose Day.

41September 6, 1974 Dates20th Century: 70sEvents

September 6, 1974
Make a Happy Face Day as part of Feelings Month.

42September 9, 1974 Dates20th Century: 70sEvents

September 9, 1974
Make a Sad Face Day as part of Feelings Month.

43September 15, 1974 Dates20th Century: 70sEvents

September 15, 1974
First Annual Grouch Day.

44September 18, 1974 Dates20th Century: 70sEvents

September 18, 1974
Make an Angry Face Day as part of Feelings Month.

45September 21, 1974 Dates20th Century: 70sEvents

September 21, 1974
Don't Get Mad Day as part of Feelings Month.

46September 22, 1974 Dates20th Century: 70sEvents

September 22, 1974
Look Surprised Day as part of Feelings Month.

47September 25, 1974 Dates20th Century: 70sEvents

September 25, 1974
Tell Your Mother You Love Her Day as part of Feelings Month.

48October 23, 1974 Dates20th Century: 70sEvents

October 23, 1974
Count Your Toes Day as part of Counting Month.

49November 4, 1974 Dates20th Century: 70sEvents

November 4, 1974
Walk Around Things Day as part of Up, Down, and All Around Month.

50November 10, 1974 Dates20th Century: 70sEvents

November 10, 1974
Look Down Day as part of Up, Down, and All Around Month.

51November 12, 1974 Dates20th Century: 70sEvents

November 12, 1974
Jump Over Things Day as part of Up, Down, and All Around Month.

52November 17, 1974 Dates20th Century: 70sEvents

November 17, 1974
Look Up Day as part of Up, Down, and All Around Month.

53November 20, 1974 Dates20th Century: 70sEvents

November 20, 1974
Look Under Things Day as part of Up, Down, and All Around Month.

54November 26, 1974 Dates20th Century: 70sEvents

November 26, 1974
National Cookie Day.

55December 1, 1974 Dates20th Century: 70sEvents

December 1, 1974
Eat a Red Apple Day as part of Color Month.

56December 4, 1974 Dates20th Century: 70sEvents

December 4, 1974
Wear Brown Shoes Day as part of Color Month.

57December 6, 1974 Dates20th Century: 70sEvents

December 6, 1974
Paint a Purple Cow Day as part of Color Month.

58December 13, 1974 Dates20th Century: 70sEvents

December 13, 1974
Lucky Day - Pet a Black Cat as part of Color Month.

59December 14, 1974 Dates20th Century: 70sEvents

December 14, 1974
Find Something Yellow Day as part of Color Month.

60December 19, 1974 Dates20th Century: 70sEvents

December 19, 1974
Be Nice to Green Things Day as part of Color Month.

61January 13 DatesNo YearEvents

January 13
Rubber Duckie's birthday.

62January 28 DatesNo YearEvents

January 28
Ernie's birthday.

63February 24 DatesNo YearEvents

February 24
Gordon's birthday.

64March 20 DatesNo YearEvents

March 20
Big Bird's birthday.

65April 17 DatesNo YearEvents

April 17
Sherlock Holmes' birthday.

66April 25 DatesNo YearEvents

April 25
Mr. Hooper's birthday.

67May 4 DatesNo YearEvents

May 4
Susan's birthday.

68May 24 DatesNo YearEvents

May 24
Sam's birthday.

69June 1 DatesNo YearEvents

June 1
Oscar's birthday.

70June 26 DatesNo YearEvents

June 26
Maria's birthday.

71July 1 DatesNo YearEvents

July 1
Guy Smiley's birthday.

72July 26 DatesNo YearEvents

July 26
Bert's birthday.

73August 15 DatesNo YearEvents

August 15
Bob's birthday.

74August 19 DatesNo YearEvents

August 19
Snuffleupagus' birthday.

75August 31 DatesNo YearEvents

August 31
Herry's birthday.

76September 19 DatesNo YearEvents

September 19
Slimey's birthday.

77October 4 DatesNo YearEvents

October 4
David's birthday.

78October 9 DatesNo YearEvents

October 9
The Count's birthday.

79October 14 DatesNo YearEvents

October 14
Grover's birthday.

80November 2 DatesNo YearEvents

November 2
Cookie Monster's birthday.

81November 14 DatesNo YearEvents

November 14
Luis' birthday.

82December 17 DatesNo YearEvents

December 17
Little Bird's birthday.

83The Land of HonkMapWorldsFantasy Lands

The Land of Honk
Where Mr. Honker is from - from the Let's Play Games DVD.

84The Planet HMapOuter SpacePlanets

The Planet H
Planet where the starship Surprise lands, where everything there starts with the letter H, such as harps and hula hens.

85Sesame StreetMapTransit RoutesStreets

Sesame Street

86Untitled OtherThemesWall v2, The


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