Film 1985. Written by Robert Zemeckis and Bob Gale. Directed by Robert Zemeckis. Starring Michael J. Fox, Christopher Lloyd, Lea Thompson, Crispin Glover and Thomas F. Wilson.
Source Features: BBB (43) TIMELINE (10) MAP (29) QUOTES (4) TRIVIA (1) THEMES (4)

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Total Record Results: 94 - Medium: FILM
Record Name
1Abram's Brokerage Corp BBBFinancial CompaniesFinancial Services

Abram's Brokerage Corp
Financial service in Hill Valley in 1985, featuring insurance and bail bonds.

2Al's Tattoo Art BBBPersonal CareTattoo Parlors

Al's Tattoo Art
Abandoned tattoo parlor in Hill Valley in 1985, where the Bluebird Motel used to be.

3Ask Mr. Foster Travel Service BBBTravelTravel Agencies

Ask Mr. Foster Travel Service
Travel service in Hill Valley in both 1955 and 1985.


4Biff's Automotive Detailing BBBVehiclesAutomotive Services

Biff's Automotive Detailing
Biff's business in the revised 1985.

5Bluebird Motel BBBTravelMotels

Bluebird Motel
Motel in Hill Valley in 1955.

6Broadway Florist BBBRetailFlower Shops

Broadway Florist
Flower shop in Hill Valley in 1955 and in 1985.

7Crazy HorseBBBNightlifeStrip Clubs

Crazy Horse
Strip Club.

8CRM-114 BBBTechnologyAudiovisual Devices

Amplifier in Dr. Emmett Brown's laboratory. Reference to the C.R.M. 114 Discriminator radio device in Stanley Kubrick's Dr. Strangelove.

9Cupid's Adult Book Store BBBRetailBookstores

Cupid's Adult Book Store
Bookstore in Hill Valley in 1985.

10D. Jones Manure Hauling BBBMaintenanceHome Maintenance Services

D. Jones Manure Hauling
Manure business in 1955, previously known as A. Jones Manure Hauling in 1885.

11DeLorean Time Machine BBBTravelTime Travel

DeLorean Time Machine
Marty McFly accidentally gets sent back to 1955 in his eccentric scientist friend Doc Brown's time-traveling Delorean, inadvertently preventing his future parents from falling in love and threatening his very existence.

12Dr. E. Brown Enterprises BBBCompaniesEnterprises

Dr. E. Brown Enterprises
The name of Doc's company on the side of his van at the mall. "24 Hr Scientific Services"

13Elite Barber Shop BBBPersonal CareBarber Shops

Elite Barber Shop
Barber shop in Hill Valley in 1955.

14Elmo's Rib Cafe BBBDiningCafes and Delis

Elmo's Rib Cafe
Cafe in Hill Valley in 1985.

15Essex Theater BBBEntertainmentMovie Theaters

Essex Theater
Movie theater in Hill Valley - just a regular movie house in 1955, but has become an adult theater by 1985.

16Flux Capacitor BBBTravelTime Travel

Flux Capacitor
Doc Brown's device that makes time travel possible: November 5, 1955. That was the day I invented time travel. I remember it vividly. I was standing on my toilet hanging a clock. The porcelain was wet. I slipped, hit my head on the sink. When I came to, I had a revelation. A vision. A picture in my head. A picture of this. This is what makes time travel possible. The flux capacitor. It's taken almost 30 years and my family fortune to realize the vision of that day.

17Gaynor's Hideaway Bar BBBNightlifeBars

Gaynor's Hideaway Bar
Bar in Hill Valley in 1955 and 1985.

18Hal's Bike Shop BBBRetailSporting Goods Stores

Hal's Bike Shop
Bicycle shop in Hill Valley in 1955.

19Hill Valley High School BBBEducationHigh Schools

Hill Valley High School
High school in Hill Valley in 1955 and 1985.

20Hill Valley Stationers BBBRetailOffice Supply Stores

Hill Valley Stationers
Store in Hill Valley in 1955.

21Hog Heaven BBBVehiclesVehicle Dealerships

Hog Heaven
Motorcycle store in Hill Valley in 1985.

22Holt's Diner BBBDiningDiners

Holt's Diner
Diner in Hill Valley in 1955.

23J.D. Armstrong Realty BBBServicesRealty Services

J.D. Armstrong Realty
Realty service in Hill Valley in 1955.

24Jacobson & Field Attorneys at LawBBBLegal AidLaw Firms

Jacobson & Field Attorneys at Law
Legal service in Hill Valley in 1955.

25Lone Pine Mall BBBRetailShopping Centers

Lone Pine Mall
Twin Pines Mall is the name of the shopping mall where Doc tests out his time machine. When Marty returns from 1955 to 1985, the mall can be seen to have changed its name to Lone Pine Mall, as upon arriving in 1955 and crashing into Old Man Peabody's barn at Twin Pines Ranch, named for Peabody's two prized baby pine trees. Marty was shot at by Peabody, forcing Marty to flee in the DeLorean, and accidentally run over and destroy one of the twin pines.

26Louis Watch MakerBBBApparelClothing Stores

Louis Watch Maker
Watch service in Hill Valley in 1955.

27Lou's Aerobic Fitness Center BBBPersonal CareFitness Centers

Lou's Aerobic Fitness Center
Gym in Hill Valley in 1985.

28Lou's Cafe BBBDiningCafes and Delis

Lou's Cafe
Cafe in Hill Valley in 1955.

29Marvin Berry and the Starlighters BBBPerforming ArtsMusicians-misc

Marvin Berry and the Starlighters

30A Match Made in Space BBBLiteratureBooks-Fiction

A Match Made in Space
The idea for George McFly's first and greatest novel came to him as a teenager, when he had a strange vision.


31Mr. Fusion BBBHome FurnishingKitchen Appliances

Mr. Fusion
Home energy reactor appliance Doc Brown converted into fuel source for the DeLorean.

32Pacific Nuclear Research Facility BBBResearch InstitutesInstitutes

Pacific Nuclear Research Facility
TV reporter: In other news, officials at the Pacific Nuclear Research Facility have denied the rumor that a case of missing plutonium was in fact stolen from their vault two weeks ago. A Libyan terrorist group had claimed responsibility for the alleged theft.

33Pawn Shop BBBRetailPawn Shops

Pawn Shop
Generic pawn shop in Hill Valley in 1985.

34The Pinheads BBBPerforming ArtsMusicians-misc

The Pinheads
Marty's band.

35Roy's Records BBBPerforming ArtsRecord Stores

Roy's Records
Record store in Hill Valley in 1955.

36Ruth's Frock Shop BBBApparelClothing Stores

Ruth's Frock Shop
Women's clothing store in Hill Valley in 1955.

37Statler Motors BBBVehiclesVehicle Dealerships

Statler Motors
Automobile dealership in Hill Valley in 1955.

38Statler Toyota BBBVehiclesVehicle Dealerships

Statler Toyota
Automobile dealership in Hill Valley in 1985.

39Tales from Space BBBLiteratureComic Books

Tales from Space
1950s comic book with title font and layout similar to real comic books Vault of Horror and Tales From The Crypt.

40The Third Eye BBBServicesPsychic Services

The Third Eye
Psychic service in Hill Valley in 1985.

41Town Theater BBBEntertainmentMovie Theaters

Town Theater
Movie theater in Hill Valley in 1955 - building used for a church in Hill Valley in 1985.


42Twin Pines Mall BBBRetailShopping Centers

Twin Pines Mall
Shopping mall in Hill Valley. Twin Pines Mall is the name of the shopping mall where Doc tests out his time machine. When Marty returns from 1955 to 1985, the mall can be seen to have changed its name to Lone Pine Mall, as upon arriving in 1955 and crashing into Old Man Peabody's barn at Twin Pines Ranch, named for Peabody's two prized baby pine trees. Marty was shot at by Peabody, forcing Marty to flee in the DeLorean, and accidentally run over and destroy one of the twin pines.

43Twin Pines Ranch BBBFoodFood Companies

Twin Pines Ranch
Ranch in Hill Valley in 1955.

44November 5, 1955 Dates20th Century: 50sEvents

November 5, 1955
Marty arrives in the past after watching Libyan terrorists shoot Doc Brown at the Twin Pines Mall in 1985. Later that day, he gets hit by a car saving his father when he falls out of a tree while spying on Marty's mother. That night, Marty tracks down Doc.

45November 8, 1955 Dates20th Century: 50sEvents

November 8, 1955
Marty McFly visits his father George, disguising himself as an extra-terrestrial named Darth Vader from the planet Vulcan, ordering him to "take the female unit known as Baines, Lorraine to the place called Hill Valley High School exactly four Earth cycles from now. That's this Saturday night, George."

46November 12, 1955 Dates20th Century: 50sEvents

November 12, 1955
Original Timeline: The Hill Valley Courthouse is struck by lightning at 10:04pm, stopping the clock, inspiring a movement to save it 30 years later. "SAVE THE CLOCK TOWER"

47November 12, 1955 Dates20th Century: 50sEvents

November 12, 1955
Revised Timeline: Doc Brown harnesses the energy from the lightning that strikes the clock tower to send Marty McFly back to the future.

48August 2, 1962 Dates20th Century: 60sEvents

August 2, 1962
Date of Hill Valley Telegraph newspaper article: BROWN MANSION DESTROYED.

49February 1, 1963 Dates20th Century: 60sEvents

February 1, 1963
Date of Hill Valley Telegraph newspaper article: BROWN ESTATE SOLD TO DEVELOPERS.

50June 9, 1966 Dates20th Century: 60sBirth Dates

June 9, 1966
Marty McFly born - Date of Birth listed on his California driver license prop.

51October 25, 1985 Dates20th Century: 80sEvents

October 25, 1985
Marty visits Doc Brown's house on his way to school.

52October 26, 1985 Dates20th Century: 80sEvents

October 26, 1985
Marty meets Doc Brown and Einstein at the Twin Pines Mall, where Einstein travels one into the future, Doc Brown is shot by Libyan terrorists, and Marty travels back in time to November 5, 1955.

53June 9, 1987 Dates20th Century: 80sExpiration Dates

June 9, 1987
Expiration Date on Marty McFly's California driver license prop.

542nd Street MapTransit RoutesStreets

2nd Street
Street in downtown Hill Valley.

553rd Street MapTransit RoutesStreets

3rd Street
Street in downtown Hill Valley.

56Broad Av MapTransit RoutesStreets-Roads

Broad Av
Street in the Hill Valley phone book when Marty looks up Doc Brown's address.

57Bryan Av MapTransit RoutesStreets-Avenues

Bryan Av
Street in the Hill Valley phone book when Marty looks up Doc Brown's address.

58Harrison Av MapTransit RoutesStreets-Avenues

Harrison Av
Street in the Hill Valley phone book when Marty looks up Doc Brown's address.

59Hector MapTransit RoutesStreets-misc

Street in the Hill Valley phone book when Marty looks up Doc Brown's address.

60Helm Av MapTransit RoutesStreets-Avenues

Helm Av
Street in the Hill Valley phone book when Marty looks up Doc Brown's address.

61Hill Street MapTransit RoutesStreets

Hill Street
Street in Hill Valley.

62Hill Valley MapUrban AreasCities-California

Hill Valley
Setting. City in California.

63Hoffarth MapTransit RoutesStreets-misc

Street in the Hill Valley phone book when Marty looks up Doc Brown's address.

64John F. Kennedy Drive MapTransit RoutesStreets-Drives

John F. Kennedy Drive
Marty McFly: Do you know where Riverside Drive is?
Sam Baines: It's on the other end of town. A block past Maple.
Marty McFly: East end of town. A block past Maple. That's John F. Kennedy Drive.
Sam Baines: Who the hell is John F. Kennedy?


65Lincoln MapTransit RoutesStreets-misc

Street in the Hill Valley phone book when Marty looks up Doc Brown's address.

66Lyon Drive MapTransit RoutesStreets-Drives

Lyon Drive
Address of the McFly residence as listed on Marty's California driver license prop.

67Lyon Estates MapUrban AreasNeighborhoods

Lyon Estates
Housing development in Hill Valley where Marty's family lives in 1985. It is still being built in 1955.

68Main Street MapTransit RoutesStreets

Main Street
Street in Hill Valley.

69Maple MapTransit RoutesStreets-misc

Marty McFly: Do you know where Riverside Drive is?
Sam Baines: It's on the other end of town. A block past Maple.
Marty McFly: East end of town. A block past Maple. That's John F. Kennedy Drive.
Sam Baines: Who the hell is John F. Kennedy?


70More Av MapTransit RoutesStreets-Avenues

More Av
Street in the Hill Valley phone book when Marty looks up Doc Brown's address.

71Parkway Av MapTransit RoutesStreets-Avenues

Parkway Av
Street in the Hill Valley phone book when Marty looks up Doc Brown's address.

72Riverside Drive MapTransit RoutesStreets-Drives

Riverside Drive
Marty McFly: Do you know where Riverside Drive is?
Sam Baines: It's on the other end of town. A block past Maple.
Marty McFly: East end of town. A block past Maple. That's John F. Kennedy Drive.
Sam Baines: Who the hell is John F. Kennedy?


73Sherman Av MapTransit RoutesStreets-Avenues

Sherman Av
Street in the Hill Valley phone book when Marty looks up Doc Brown's address.

74State MapTransit RoutesStreets-misc

Street in the Hill Valley phone book when Marty looks up Doc Brown's address.

75Temple MapTransit RoutesStreets-misc

Street in the Hill Valley phone book when Marty looks up Doc Brown's address.

76Thornton Av MapTransit RoutesStreets-Avenues

Thornton Av
Street in the Hill Valley phone book when Marty looks up Doc Brown's address.

77Van Buren Av MapTransit RoutesStreets-Avenues

Van Buren Av
Street in the Hill Valley phone book when Marty looks up Doc Brown's address.

78Victory MapTransit RoutesStreets-misc

Street in the Hill Valley phone book when Marty looks up Doc Brown's address.

79Vulcan MapOuter SpacePlanets

When Marty breaks into his father's house, he claims to be Darth Vader from the planet Vulcan.

80Wilbur Av MapTransit RoutesStreets-Avenues

Wilbur Av
Street in the Hill Valley phone book when Marty looks up Doc Brown's address.

81Williams Ct MapTransit RoutesStreets-Courts

Williams Ct
Street in the Hill Valley phone book when Marty looks up Doc Brown's address.

82Wilson Av MapTransit RoutesStreets-Avenues

Wilson Av
Street in the Hill Valley phone book when Marty looks up Doc Brown's address.

83Battle of the Bands OtherEventsConcerts

Battle of the Bands

84Cubs OtherSportsBaseball Teams

George's neighbor and his little league kid sell him a case of peanut brittle.

85Doc Brown OtherThemesShield, The


86Doc Brown's dog's name in 1985. OtherTriviaName Game-Animals

Doc Brown's dog's name in 1985.

87George McFly OtherQuotesQuotes

George McFly
George McFly: Last night, Darth Vader came down from planet Vulcan and told me that if I didn't take Lorraine out that he'd melt my brain.

88Hill Valley Preservation Society OtherOrganizationsNonprofit Organizations

Hill Valley Preservation Society
Group raising money to save the clock tower.

89Marty McFly OtherQuotesQuotes

Marty McFly
Marty McFly (as Darth Vader): My name is Darth Vader. I am an extra-terrestrial from the planet Vulcan.

90Marty McFly OtherQuotesQuotes

Marty McFly
Marty McFly (as Darth Vader): You, George McFly, have created a rift in the space-time continuum. The supreme Klingon hereby commands you to take the female unit known as Baines, Lorraine to the place called Hill Valley High School exactly four Earth cycles from now. That's this Saturday night, George.

91Marty McFly & Sam Baines OtherQuotesQuotes

Marty McFly & Sam Baines
Marty McFly: Do you know where Riverside Drive is?
Sam Baines: It's on the other end of town. A block past Maple.
Marty McFly: East end of town. A block past Maple. That's John F. Kennedy Drive.
Sam Baines: Who the hell is John F. Kennedy?


92Untitled OtherThemesPleasantville


93Untitled OtherThemes3-D


94Untitled OtherThemesColor Out of Space


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