Film 2002. Written by Koji Suzuki, Ehren Kruger and Scott Frank. Directed by Gore Verbinski. Starring Naomi Watts, Martin Henderson and Brian Cox.
Source Features: BBB (14) TIMELINE (8) MAP (5) QUOTES (7) THEMES (1)

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Total Record Results: 36 - Medium: FILM
Record Name
1Caprarelli BBBRetailDepartment Stores

Seattle department store advertised in newspaper clipping.

2Dr. David Deever BBBHealthcareTherapy

Dr. David Deever
Anna Morgan's doctor at Eola County Psychiatric Hospital.

3Dr. Grasnik BBBHealthcareDoctors

Dr. Grasnik
Doctor on Moesko Island.

4Dr. Orloff BBBHealthcareTherapy

Dr. Orloff
Doctor at Eola County Psychiatric Hospital.

5Dr. Zimmerman BBBHealthcareTherapy

Dr. Zimmerman
Doctor at Eola County Psychiatric Hospital - name listed on a videocassette tape.

6Eola Psychiatric Hospital BBBHealthcareHospitals-Mental Health

Eola Psychiatric Hospital
Noah travels to Eola Psychiatric Hospital to view Anna's medical files.

7Kirkland BBBEducationSchools-misc

School where Noah's assistant Beth studies journalism.

8Morgan Ranch BBBPetsPet Services

Morgan Ranch
Ranch on Moesko Island.


9Next Day Premium Photo Processing BBBServicesPhotography Services

Next Day Premium Photo Processing
Ticket that Rachel finds in Katie's room, and picks up her photos.

10Quinault BBBVehiclesWatercrafts

Ferry to Moeske Island.

11Revere High School BBBEducationHigh Schools

Revere High School
High school that Katie's boyfriend Josh attended.


12Seattle Post-Intelligencer BBBMediaNewspapers-misc

Seattle Post-Intelligencer
Seattle PI. Newspaper where Rachel works.


13Shelter Mountain Inn BBBTravelInns

Shelter Mountain Inn
Rachel goes to Shelter Mountain Inn, the mountain retreat where Katie and her friends watched the tape. She rents the same cabin and watches the tape.


14Washington Baptist BBBHealthcareHospitals

Washington Baptist
Hospital where Anna Morgan was born.

15November 24, 1934 Dates20th Century: 1st HalfBirth Dates

November 24, 1934
Anna Morgan born.

16May 8, 1963 Dates20th Century: 60sEvents

May 8, 1963
Under the care of Dr. David Deevers at Eola County Psychiatric Hospital, patient Anna Morgan conceives a child, only to suffer a miscarriage a few months later, in August (exact date unclear).

17August 29, 1966 Dates20th Century: 60sEvents

August 29, 1966
Under the care of Dr. David Deevers at Eola County Psychiatric Hospital, patient Anna Morgan conceives a child, only to suffer a miscarriage a few months later, in December.

18December 3, 1966 Dates20th Century: 60sEvents

December 3, 1966
Eola County Psychiatric Hospital patient Anna Morgan suffers a miscarriage.

19August 24, 1968 Dates20th Century: 60sEvents

August 24, 1968
Previous Admission Date listed on Anna Morgan's Record of Admission to Eola County Psychiatric Hospital.

20February 4, 1978 Dates20th Century: 70sEvents

February 4, 1978
Date of Projected Thermography for subject Samara Morgan.


21September 20, 1978 Dates20th Century: 70sEvents

September 20, 1978
Date of newspaper article: Equine Test Results Negative.

22October 18, 1978 Dates20th Century: 70sEvents

October 18, 1978
Anna Morgan admitted to Eola County Psychiatric Hospital.

23Lake View Avenue MapTransit RoutesStreets-Avenues

Lake View Avenue
Address of Dr. David Deever - Anna Morgan's doctor at Eola County Psychiatric Hospital.

24Moesko IslandMapGeographic AreasIslands

Moesko Island
Rachel discovers hidden imagery of a lighthouse and identifies a woman on the tape: a horse breeder, Anna Morgan, who committed suicide after some of her horses drowned themselves off Moesko Island.

25Moesko Island Lighthouse MapStructuresTowers

Moesko Island Lighthouse
Lighthouse on Moesko Island, home to the Morgan family haunted by the presence of Samara Morgan and her supernatural abilities.

26Spruce Drive MapTransit RoutesStreets-Drives

Spruce Drive
Address of Dr. Orloff - doctor at Eola County Psychiatric Hospital.

27SR. 20 MapTransit RoutesStreets-Roads

SR. 20
Anna Morgan's address on Moesko Island, as listed on her Record of Admission to Eola County Psychiatric Hospital.

28Aidan KellerOtherQuotesQuotes

Aidan Keller
Aidan Keller: What about the person we show it to? What happens to them?


Becca: You start to play it... and it's like somebody's nightmare. Then suddenly, this woman comes on. Smiling at you, right? Seeing you... through the screen. Then when it's over, your phone rings. Someone knows you watched it. And what they say is, "You will die in seven days". And exactly seven days later...

30Dr. Grasnik OtherQuotesQuotes

Dr. Grasnik
Dr. Grasnik: See, when you live on an island you catch a cold, it's everybody's cold.


Katie: I hate television. Gives me headaches. You know, I heard there's so many magnetic waves traveling through the air, because of TV and telephones, that we're losing, like, ten times as many brain cells as we're supposed to. Like, all the molecules in our heads are all unstable. All the companies know about it, but they're not doing anything about it. It's, like, a big conspiracy.

32Moesko Island Historical Society OtherOrganizationsProf. Orgs

Moesko Island Historical Society
Organization that refubishes the Moesko Island Lighthouse.

33Rachel Keller OtherQuotesQuotes

Rachel Keller
Rachel Keller: She wanted that child more than anything in the world. How could she have done that...? She just wanted to be heard. Sometimes children yell, or cry... or draw pictures...

34Rachel KellerOtherQuotesQuotes

Rachel Keller
Rachel Keller: I think before you die, you see the ring...

35Richard Morgan & Rachel Keller OtherQuotesQuotes

Richard Morgan & Rachel Keller
Richard Morgan: The whispers - you could hear them all the time. At night. In your sleep. Even the damn horses. And those pictures, oh, good Christ. The things she'd show you.
Rachel Keller: She's still showing them.
Richard Morgan: And she'll never stop. You coming here proves that.
Rachel Keller: Where is she? Please. I have to stop her. If I don't, my son will die.
Richard Morgan: Oh, yes, he will. She never sleeps.

36Untitled OtherThemesWolf


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