Film 2011. Written by Ben Ripley. Directed by Duncan Jones. Starring Jake Gyllenhaal, Michelle Monaghan and Vera Farmiga.
Source Features: BBB (2) TIMELINE (45) MAP (2) THEMES (1)

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Total Record Results: 51 - Medium: FILM
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1Glenbrook StationBBBTravelTrain Stations

Glenbrook Station
Train station in Chicago.

2The Source Code BBBTravelTime Travel

The Source Code
An experimental machine that enables someone to take control of a compatible person's body in a parallel reality eight minutes before their death.

3September 17, 1948 Dates20th Century: 1st HalfBirth Dates

September 17, 1948
Date of Birth on train passenger Melvin Downing's Illinois driver license.

4July 14, 1950 Dates20th Century: 50sBirth Dates

July 14, 1950
Date of Birth on train passenger Pierre Perrault's Illinois driver license.

5April 17, 1975 Dates20th Century: 70sBirth Dates

April 17, 1975
Date of Birth on train passenger Corry Tibbits' Illinois driver license.

6October 13, 1975 Dates20th Century: 70sBirth Dates

October 13, 1975
Date of Birth on train passenger Catherine Leboeuf's Illinois driver license.

7April 20, 1978 Dates20th Century: 70sBirth Dates

April 20, 1978
Date of Birth on train passenger Philippe Gadieux's New York State driver license.

8August 30, 1981 Dates20th Century: 80sBirth Dates

August 30, 1981
Date of Birth on train passenger William Clement's Wisconsin driver license.

9February 1, 1982 Dates20th Century: 80sBirth Dates

February 1, 1982
Birth date on Derek Frost driver's license, from the wallet that Colter Stevens finds on the train.

10March 23, 1982 Dates20th Century: 80sBirth Dates

March 23, 1982
Date of Birth on train passenger Christina Warren's Illinois driver license.

11February 21, 1983 Dates20th Century: 80sBirth Dates

February 21, 1983
Birth date on Derek Frost driver's license, from the electronic DMV record at Beleaguered Castle.

12May 21, 1984 Dates20th Century: 80sBirth Dates

May 21, 1984
Date of Birth on train passenger Maximilien Dion's Iowa driver license.

13October 29, 1984 Dates20th Century: 80sBirth Dates

October 29, 1984
Date of Birth on train passenger Marjolaine Legault's Illinois driver license.

14October 27, 1985 Dates20th Century: 80sBirth Dates

October 27, 1985
Date of Birth on train passenger Julie Bougie Boyer's Illinois driver license.

15January 2, 1988 Dates20th Century: 80sBirth Dates

January 2, 1988
Date of Birth on train passenger Kyle Gatehouse's Illinois driver license.

16February 21, 1988 Dates20th Century: 80sBirth Dates

February 21, 1988
Date of Birth on train passenger Annie Claude Tremblay's Illinois driver license.

17February 21, 2007 Dates21st Century: 00sIssued Dates

February 21, 2007
Issued Date on train passenger Annie Claude Tremblay's Illinois driver license.

18September 17, 2007 Dates21st Century: 00sIssued Dates

September 17, 2007
Issued Date on train passenger Melvin Downing's Illinois driver license.

19February 21, 2008 Dates21st Century: 00sEvents

February 21, 2008
Issue date on Derek Frost driver's license, from the electronic DMV record at Beleaguered Castle.

20October 29, 2008 Dates21st Century: 00sIssued Dates

October 29, 2008
Issued Date on train passenger Marjolaine Legault's Illinois driver license.

21January 2, 2009 Dates21st Century: 00sIssued Dates

January 2, 2009
Issued Date on train passenger Kyle Gatehouse's Illinois driver license.

22February 12, 2009 Dates21st Century: 00sIssued Dates

February 12, 2009
Issued Date on train passenger Julie Bougie Boyer's Illinois driver license.

23March 16, 2009 Dates21st Century: 00sIssued Dates

March 16, 2009
Issued Date on train passenger Christina Warren's Illinois driver license.

24April 2, 2009 Dates21st Century: 00sIssued Dates

April 2, 2009
Issued Date on train passenger Philippe Gadieux's New York State driver license.

25April 17, 2009 Dates21st Century: 00sIssued Dates

April 17, 2009
Issued Date on train passenger Corry Tibbits' Illinois driver license.

26April 21, 2009 Dates21st Century: 00sIssued Dates

April 21, 2009
Issued Date on train passenger Maximilien Dion's Iowa driver license.

27May 12, 2009 Dates21st Century: 00sEvents

May 12, 2009
Issue date on Derek Frost driver's license, from the wallet that Colter Stevens finds on the train.

28July 12, 2009 Dates21st Century: 00sIssued Dates

July 12, 2009
Issued Date on train passenger Pierre Perrault's Illinois driver license.

29October 2, 2009 Dates21st Century: 00sIssued Dates

October 2, 2009
Issued Date on train passenger Catherine Leboeuf's Illinois driver license.

30July 30, 2010 Dates21st Century: 10sIssued Dates

July 30, 2010
Issued Date on train passenger William Clement's Wisconsin driver license.

31February 4, 2011 Dates21st Century: 10sExpiration Dates

February 4, 2011
Expiration date on Sean Fentress' Teacher ID card.

32May 31, 2011 Dates21st Century: 10sEvents

May 31, 2011
Schoolteacher Sean Fentress scheduled to have coffee with Christina Warren.

33June 2, 2011 Dates21st Century: 10sEvents

June 2, 2011
Date in schoolteacher Sean Fentress' planner.

34February 21, 2012 Dates21st Century: 10sExpiration Dates

February 21, 2012
Expiration Date on train passenger Annie Claude Tremblay's Illinois driver license.

35April 2, 2012 Dates21st Century: 10sExpiration Dates

April 2, 2012
Expiration Date on train passenger Philippe Gadieux's New York State driver license.

36April 21, 2012 Dates21st Century: 10sExpiration Dates

April 21, 2012
Expiration Date on train passenger Maximilien Dion's Iowa driver license.

37September 17, 2012 Dates21st Century: 10sExpiration Dates

September 17, 2012
Expiration Date on train passenger Melvin Downing's Illinois driver license.

38February 21, 2013 Dates21st Century: 10sExpiration Dates

February 21, 2013
Expiration date on Derek Frost driver's license, from the electronic DMV record at Beleaguered Castle.

39April 17, 2013 Dates21st Century: 10sExpiration Dates

April 17, 2013
Expiration Date on train passenger Corry Tibbits' Illinois driver license.

40July 12, 2013 Dates21st Century: 10sExpiration Dates

July 12, 2013
Expiration Date on train passenger Pierre Perrault's Illinois driver license.

41July 30, 2013 Dates21st Century: 10sExpiration Dates

July 30, 2013
Expiration Date on train passenger William Clement's Wisconsin driver license.

42October 29, 2013 Dates21st Century: 10sExpiration Dates

October 29, 2013
Expiration Date on train passenger Marjolaine Legault's Illinois driver license.

43February 12, 2014 Dates21st Century: 10sExpiration Dates

February 12, 2014
Expiration Date on train passenger Julie Bougie Boyer's Illinois driver license.

44March 16, 2014 Dates21st Century: 10sExpiration Dates

March 16, 2014
Expiration Date on train passenger Christina Warren's Illinois driver license.

45May 12, 2014 Dates21st Century: 10sExpiration Dates

May 12, 2014
Expiration date on Derek Frost driver's license, from the wallet that Colter Stevens finds on the train.

46October 2, 2014 Dates21st Century: 10sExpiration Dates

October 2, 2014
Expiration Date on train passenger Catherine Leboeuf's Illinois driver license.

47October 21, 2014 Dates21st Century: 10sExpiration Dates

October 21, 2014
Expiration Date on train passenger Kyle Gatehouse's Illinois driver license.

48Cambry MapUrban AreasCities-U.S.

Address in Illinois on Derek Frost's driver's license, from the electronic DMV record at Beleaguered Castle.

49Hemlock Street MapTransit RoutesStreets

Hemlock Street
Address on Derek Frost's driver's license, from the electronic DMV record at Beleaguered Castle.

50Beleaguered CastleOtherPlansInitiatives

Beleaguered Castle
Military project code name for the unit that runs the Source Code project, taking its name from a variation on the game of solitaire.

51Untitled OtherThemesSolo


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