Film 2007. Written by Fernley Phillips. Directed by Joel Schumacher. Starring Jim Carrey, Virginia Madsen, Logan Lerman and Danny Huston.
Source Features: BBB (12) TIMELINE (34) MAP (1) QUOTES (8) TRIVIA (4) THEMES (2)

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Total Record Results: 61 - Medium: FILM
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1Agatha's Cake Shop BBBFoodBakeries

Agatha's Cake Shop
Walter Sparrow's wife Agatha's bakery.

2Detective Monthly MagazineBBBMediaMagazines-misc

Detective Monthly Magazine
Magazine in Walter's belongings from the institute.

3Dr. Alice Mortimer, PhD BBBHealthcareTherapy

Dr. Alice Mortimer, PhD
Walter sees behavioral psychologist Dr. Alice Mortimer, PhD after a suffering a dog-bite at work the day before.

4Dr. Sirius Leary, Phd BBBHealthcareTherapy

Dr. Sirius Leary, Phd
Walter Sparrow tracks down the supposed author of The Number 23 - who turns out to be Dr. Sirius Leary, Phd - a psychiatrist at Nathaniel's Institute Psychiatric Care Facility.

5Inland Parcel BBBServicesShipping and Storage

Inland Parcel
Shipping truck outside Midtown Mail, the packaging and shipping store where Walter attempts to track down the author of The Number 23.

6King Edward Hotel BBBTravelHotels

King Edward Hotel
After a bad dream, Walter Sparrow leaves home and checks into a hotel - room 23 at the King Edward Hotel.

7Lucky Pawn Shop BBBRetailPawn Shops

Lucky Pawn Shop
Pawn shop visible behind Detective Fingerling.

8Midtown Mail BBBServicesShipping and Storage

Midtown Mail
Packaging and shipping store where Walter attempts to track down the author of The Number 23.

9Nathaniel's Institute BBBHealthcareHospitals-Mental Health

Nathaniel's Institute
Walter Sparrow tracks down the supposed author of The Number 23 - who turns out to be Dr. Sirius Leary, Phd - a psychiatrist at Nathaniel's Institute Psychiatric Care Facility.

10A Novel Fate BBBRetailBookstores

A Novel Fate
Bookstore where Agatha finds the book The Number 23.

11The Number 23 BBBLiteratureBooks-Fiction

The Number 23
Book that Walter Sparrow's wife finds in a bookstore and buys for him on his birthday. A novel of obsession by Topsy Kretts.

12The Post Telegram BBBMediaNewspapers-misc

The Post Telegram
Newspaper article: Tollins Family Pleased with Verdict.

13August 23, 1000 Dates19th Century and earlierEvents

August 23, 1000
According to the opening credits, the Barbarians invasion of Rome in the year 410 is connected to the number 23.

14April 23, 1564 Dates19th Century and earlierEvents

April 23, 1564
According to the opening credits, the birth of William Shakespeare is connected to the number 23.

15April 23, 1616 Dates19th Century and earlierEvents

April 23, 1616
According to the opening credits, the death of William Shakespeare is connected to the number 23.

16January 30, 1649 Dates19th Century and earlierEvents

January 30, 1649
According to the opening credits, the beheading of King Charles I is connected to the number 23.

17April 15, 1912 Dates20th Century: 1st HalfEvents

April 15, 1912
According to the opening credits, the sinking of the Titanic is connected to the number 23.

18June 9, 1931 Dates20th Century: 1st HalfEvents

June 9, 1931
Dedication date on The Steps to Heaven in Casanova's Park.

19November 12, 1934 Dates20th Century: 1st HalfEvents

November 12, 1934
According to the opening credits, the birth of Charles Manson is connected to the number 23.

20December 11, 1941 Dates20th Century: 1st HalfEvents

December 11, 1941
According to the opening credits, the US declaring war on Germany is connected to the number 23.

21April 30, 1945 Dates20th Century: 1st HalfEvents

April 30, 1945
According to the opening credits, Adolf Hitler's suicide is connected to the number 23.

22August 6, 1945 Dates20th Century: 1st HalfEvents

August 6, 1945
According to the opening credits, the bombing of Hiroshima is connected to the number 23.

23August 6, 1945 Dates20th Century: 1st HalfEvents

August 6, 1945
According to Fingerling, the Hiroshima bomb is connected to the number 23 - the bomb was dropped at 8:15. 8 plus 15 is 23.

24February 3, 1968 Dates20th Century: 60sBirth Dates

February 3, 1968
Walter Sparrow born. His birthday is February 3. The movie takes place in 2004. He met Agatha 13 years earlier, when he was 23.

25February 10, 1968 Dates20th Century: 60sBirth Dates

February 10, 1968
Laura Tollins born.

26October 23, 1983 Dates20th Century: 80sEvents

October 23, 1983
According to the opening credits, the terrorist attack on Marine barracks in Beirut is connected to the number 23.

27June 23, 1985 Dates20th Century: 80sEvents

June 23, 1985
According to the opening credits, the bombing of Air India Flight 182 is connected to the number 23.

28January 23, 1989 Dates20th Century: 80sEvents

January 23, 1989
According to Fingerling, Ted Bundy's execution is connected to the number 23. He was executed on the 23rd of January. However, Ted Bundy was actually executed on January 24th.

29February 10, 1991 Dates20th Century: 90sEvents

February 10, 1991
Laura Tollins is murdered.

30September 14, 1991 Dates20th Century: 90sEvents

September 14, 1991
The day Walter and Agatha met. 9/14. 14 plus 9 is 23.

31October 13, 1991 Dates20th Century: 90sEvents

October 13, 1991
Walter and Agatha got married on October 13th. 10/13. 23.

32April 19, 1993 Dates20th Century: 90sEvents

April 19, 1993
According to Fingerling, the Waco Siege in 1993 and the Oklahoma City bombing in 1995 are connected to the number 23. Both happened on April 19. 4 plus 19 is 23.

33April 19, 1995 Dates20th Century: 90sEvents

April 19, 1995
According to Fingerling, the Waco Siege and the Oklahoma City bombing are connected to the number 23. Both happened on April 19th. 4 plus 19 us 23.

34July 17, 1996 Dates20th Century: 90sEvents

July 17, 1996
According to the opening credits, the TWA Flight 800 crash is connected to the number 23.

35December 23, 2003 Dates21st Century: 00sEvents

December 23, 2003
Walter attends a Christmas party alone, since Agatha is sick.

36February 3, 2004 Dates21st Century: 00sEvents

February 3, 2004
Walter Sparrow's birthday - 2nd month, 3rd day = 23.

37February 4, 2004 Dates21st Century: 00sEvents

February 4, 2004
Walter sees behavioral psychologist Dr. Alice Mortimer, PhD after a suffering a dog-bite at work the day before.

38February 5, 2004 Dates21st Century: 00sEvents

February 5, 2004
Walter finds out that there is a mysterious significance to the number 23.

39February 6, 2004 Dates21st Century: 00sEvents

February 6, 2004
Walter Sparrow visits Professor Dr. Isaac French to discuss the number 23. Walter is now seeing the number 23 everywhere he looks.

40February 7, 2004 Dates21st Century: 00sEvents

February 7, 2004
After a bad dream, Walter Sparrow leaves home and checks into a hotel - room 23 at the King Edward Hotel.

41February 8, 2004 Dates21st Century: 00sEvents

February 8, 2004
Walter Sparrow visits Kyle Flinch in prison, the man accused of murdering Laura Tollins.

42February 9, 2004 Dates21st Century: 00sEvents

February 9, 2004
Walter Sparrow tracks down the supposed author of The Number 23. When confronted, the mysterious man kills himself, leading to the devastating revelation of the true identity of the book's author.

43February 10, 2004 Dates21st Century: 00sEvents

February 10, 2004
When Walter Sparrow visits Kyle Flinch in prison, the man accused of murdering Laura Tollins, Kyle tells him he's two days early, because reporters always come on the 10th - the anniversary of Laura's death.

44December 23, 2012 Dates21st Century: 10sEvents

December 23, 2012
According to the opening credits, the Mayan belief that the world would end is connected to the number 23.

45June 23 DatesNo YearEvents

June 23
According to the opening credits, the Witches Sabbath on June 23rd is connected to the number 23.

46July 23 DatesNo YearEvents

July 23
According to the opening credits, there are more UFO sightings on July 23rd than any other day of the year - a date that is connected to the number 23.

47Casanova's ParkMapNatureParks

Casanova's Park
Following directions found by circling every 23rd word on every 23rd page in The Number 23, Walter and his son dig up a skeleton in Casanova's Park.

48Agatha's maiden name. OtherTriviaName Game

Agatha's maiden name.

49Dr. Sirius Leary & Agatha Sparrow OtherQuotesQuotes

Dr. Sirius Leary & Agatha Sparrow
Dr. Sirius Leary: Hard to get rid of.
Agatha Sparrow: What?
Dr. Sirius Leary: I was insane.
Agatha Sparrow: What was driving you insane?
Dr. Sirius Leary: Hard to get rid of... the institute... go there. You'll see.

50Fingerling's neighbor's the widow Dobkin...OtherTriviaName Game-Animals

Fingerling's neighbor's the widow Dobkins' dog's name.

51Groundskeeper Barnaby's dog's name - the... OtherTriviaName Game-Animals

Groundskeeper Barnaby's dog's name - the one that bites Walter - also known as the Guardian of the Dead.

52Kyle Flinch OtherQuotesQuotes

Kyle Flinch
Kyle Flinch: I am in prison for a crime I didn't commit, Mr. Sparrow. But somehow I think your problems are bigger than mine.

53Laura Tollins OtherQuotesQuotes

Laura Tollins
Laura Tollins: I never loved you, ever. How could I? How could anyone? You're pathetic. Just like your father. Get out!

54Suicide Blonde OtherQuotesQuotes

Suicide Blonde
Suicide Blonde: Pink is my favorite colour. Do you know what pink is? Red 27, white 65. 65 plus 27, 92. Pink has 4 letters. 92 divided by 4, twenty-fucking-three.

55Untitled OtherThemesSolo


56Untitled OtherThemesColor Out of Space


57Walter SparrowOtherQuotesQuotes

Walter Sparrow
Walter Sparrow: There's no such thing as destiny. There are only different choices. Some choices are easy, some aren't. Those are the really important ones, the ones that define us as people.

58Walter SparrowOtherQuotesQuotes

Walter Sparrow
Walter Sparrow: I once read that the only philosophical question that matters, is whether or not to commit suicide... I guess that makes me a philosopher.

59Walter SparrowOtherQuotesQuotes

Walter Sparrow
Walter Sparrow: Of course time is just a counting system... numbers with meanings attached to them.

60Walter Sparrow & Dr. Sirius Leary OtherQuotesQuotes

Walter Sparrow & Dr. Sirius Leary
Walter Sparrow: The number - what does it mean?
Dr. Sirius Leary: I think you know.

61Walter's middle name. OtherTriviaName Game

Walter's middle name.

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