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Total Record Results: 124,455
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                    Body Armor (33)
                    Clothing Products (258)
                    Clothing Stores (553)
                    Footwear (75)
                    Hair Accessories (21)
                    Hats (8)
                    Jewelry Products (9)
                    Jewelry Stores (132)
                    Luggage (13)
                    Shoe Stores (57)
                    Timepieces (16)
                    Underwear (21)
                    Art Galleries (80)
                    Artwork (43)
                    Murals (15)
                    Paintings (148)
          Beverage Products
                    Alcohol (341)
                    Beer (611)
                    Beverages (102)
                    Bottled Water (35)
                    Coffee (65)
                    Energy Drinks (36)
                    Juice (102)
                    Milk (93)
                    Soft Drinks (273)
                    Tea (39)
                    Wine (114)
                    Chemical Companies (93)
                    Communications Companies (164)
                    Companies-misc (909)
                    Construction Companies (246)
                    Development Companies (19)
                    Energy Companies (138)
                    Enterprises (88)
                    Film Production Companies (253)
                    Fuel Companies (120)
                    Import Export Companies (51)
                    Industries (234)
                    Manufacturing (310)
                    Mining (73)
                    Pharmaceutical Companies (47)
                    Publishing Companies (127)
                    Robotics Companies (75)
                    Software Companies (56)
                    Technology Companies (460)
                    Vehicle Manufacturing (90)
                    Bar and Grills (81)
                    Burger Joints (181)
                    Cafes and Delis (515)
                    Coffeehouses (222)
                    Diners (312)
                    Fast Food (263)
                    Fast Food-Chicken (61)
                    Fast Food-Mexican (47)
                    Food Trucks (36)
                    Frozen Yogurt Shops (30)
                    Ice Cream Parlors (110)
                    Juice Bars (17)
                    Pizza Parlors (356)
                    Restaurants-Asian (197)
                    Restaurants-BBQ (48)
                    Restaurants-Breakfast (24)
                    Restaurants-Buffet (11)
                    Restaurants-Chain (23)
                    Restaurants-French (146)
                    Restaurants-Hot Dog (68)
                    Restaurants-Italian (121)
                    Restaurants-Mexican (63)
                    Restaurants-misc (696)
                    Restaurants-Seafood (142)
                    Restaurants-Vegetarian (10)
                    Snack Bars (41)
                    Steakhouses (59)
                    Academic Fields (26)
                    Academies (61)
                    Boarding Schools (135)
                    Classes (190)
                    Colleges (203)
                    Driving Schools (11)
                    Elementary Schools (151)
                    Fraternities (84)
                    High Schools (873)
                    Higher Education (48)
                    Junior High Schools (42)
                    Magic Schools (41)
                    Martial Arts Schools (17)
                    Medical Schools (28)
                    Middle Schools (62)
                    Military Schools (63)
                    Performing Arts Schools (91)
                    Primary Schools (161)
                    Religious Schools (8)
                    Schools-misc (80)
                    Schools-Science/Tech (67)
                    Sororities (53)
                    Specialty Schools (6)
                    Sports Schools (18)
                    State Colleges (57)
                    Universities (284)
                    Vocational Schools (53)
                    Amusement Attractions (181)
                    Amusement Parks (315)
                    Amusement Rides (146)
                    Bowling Alleys (64)
                    Carnivals (25)
                    Casinos (133)
                    Circuses (43)
                    Entertainment Acts (30)
                    Libraries (83)
                    Miniature Golf (20)
                    Movie Theaters (209)
                    Museum Exhibits (42)
                    Museum Halls (29)
                    Museums (246)
                    Pool Halls (21)
                    Private Clubs (96)
                    Skating Rinks (27)
                    Theater Companies (27)
                    Video Game Arcades (53)
                    Video Rental (69)
                    Zoos (77)
          Financial Companies
                    Accounting Services (38)
                    Auction Houses (14)
                    Banks (545)
                    Credit Cards (54)
                    Credit Unions (13)
                    Financial Services (343)
                    Insurance Services (117)
                    Investment Companies (34)
                    Baked Goods (121)
                    Bakeries (226)
                    Beans (33)
                    Beverage Companies (20)
                    Breakfast Cereal (432)
                    Butcher Shops (73)
                    Candy (358)
                    Candy Bars (21)
                    Candy Stores (59)
                    Cheese (36)
                    Chips and Crackers (247)
                    Condiments (220)
                    Dairy Products (45)
                    Donut Shops (77)
                    Farms (99)
                    Fish Products (24)
                    Food Companies (211)
                    Food-Baking (81)
                    Food-Cookies (35)
                    Food-misc (65)
                    Food-Pizza (18)
                    Food-Seasonings (5)
                    Fruits and Vegetables (210)
                    Grocery Stores (392)
                    Ice Cream (71)
                    Liquor Stores (101)
                    Meat (175)
                    Meat Alternatives (24)
                    Meat Companies (42)
                    Nuts (22)
                    Pasta (53)
                    Prepackaged Meals (43)
                    Sauces (57)
                    Snack Food (101)
                    Soup (53)
                    Cryogenics (16)
                    Dentists (82)
                    Doctors (939)
                    Drug Rehabilitation (44)
                    Hospitals (654)
                    Hospitals-Mental Health (237)
                    Medical Companies (47)
                    Medical Services (182)
                    Obstetrics (44)
                    Optometry (27)
                    Physical Therapy (6)
                    Plastic Surgery (60)
                    Support Groups (66)
                    Surgeons (62)
                    Therapy (468)
          Home Furnishing
                    Antique Stores (52)
                    Appliances (33)
                    Barbecue Products (5)
                    Bathroom Furnishings (28)
                    Bedding (19)
                    Candle Stores (11)
                    Clocks (11)
                    Flooring Stores (8)
                    Furniture (60)
                    Furniture Stores (122)
                    Home Furnishing Stores (164)
                    House Models (22)
                    Housewares (16)
                    Kitchen Appliances (85)
                    Kitchen Products (24)
                    Landscaping Tools (17)
                    Lighting (23)
                    Pools and Hot Tubs (5)
                    Security Products (55)
                    Tableware (27)
                    Vacuum Cleaners (15)
          Legal Aid
                    Bail Bonds (24)
                    Law Firms (278)
                    Lawyers (111)
                    Legal Services (20)
                    Police Departments (393)
                    Books-Art (9)
                    Books-Biography (299)
                    Books-Biology (7)
                    Books-Children (207)
                    Books-Cooking (76)
                    Books-Erotica (17)
                    Books-Fiction (572)
                    Books-History (100)
                    Books-Humor (14)
                    Books-Instructional (242)
                    Books-Joke (33)
                    Books-Legal (29)
                    Books-Magic (110)
                    Books-Medical (22)
                    Books-misc (28)
                    Books-Mystery (42)
                    Books-Nature (28)
                    Books-Parenting (32)
                    Books-Philosophy (8)
                    Books-Photography (21)
                    Books-Politics (12)
                    Books-Pop Culture (6)
                    Books-Psychology (158)
                    Books-Puzzle (5)
                    Books-Reference (160)
                    Books-Religious (91)
                    Books-Sci Fi (39)
                    Books-Science (75)
                    Books-Sociology (46)
                    Books-Sports (13)
                    Books-Supernatural (19)
                    Books-Travel (39)
                    Books-True Crime (13)
                    Comic Books (367)
                    Comic Strips (29)
                    Poetry (81)
                    Printed Matter (188)
                    Self-Help Products (79)
                    Short Stories (118)
                    Textbooks (146)
                    Cleaning Products (166)
                    Home Maintenance Services (113)
                    Laundry Services (156)
                    Pest Control Products (55)
                    Pest Control Services (310)
                    Plumbing Services (53)
                    Waste Management (82)
                    Journals (23)
                    Magazines-Adult (213)
                    Magazines-misc (988)
                    Newspaper Columns (36)
                    Newspapers-Chronicles (69)
                    Newspapers-Gazettes (80)
                    Newspapers-Heralds (76)
                    Newspapers-misc (902)
                    Newspapers-Times (94)
                    Newspapers-Tribunes (61)
                    Podcasts (50)
                    Video Games (835)
                    Virtual Reality (117)
                    Websites (583)
                    Burgers (651)
                    Drinks (53)
                    Fries (24)
                    Frozen Yogurt Flavors (162)
                    Ice Cream Flavors (44)
                    Meals (43)
                    Menu Items (1,010)
                    Mixed Drinks (234)
                    Sandwiches (178)
                    Shakes (19)
                    Bars (310)
                    Clubs (159)
                    Comedy Clubs (31)
                    Lounges (68)
                    Nightclubs (923)
                    Nightlife-Dancing (29)
                    Nightlife-Gay Lesbian (36)
                    Pubs (51)
                    Saloons (71)
                    Strip Clubs (203)
                    Taverns (53)
          Performing Arts
                    Albums (230)
                    Animal Acts (12)
                    Clowns (65)
                    Comedy Acts (4)
                    Magicians (94)
                    Motivational Speakers (5)
                    Music Products (18)
                    Music Stores (60)
                    Music-A Cappella (23)
                    Music-Boy Bands (17)
                    Music-Country (18)
                    Music-Cover Bands (23)
                    Music-DJs (15)
                    Music-Folk (11)
                    Music-Jazz (50)
                    Music-Opera (5)
                    Music-Orchestra (38)
                    Music-Pop (68)
                    Music-Rap (103)
                    Music-Rhythm Blues (15)
                    Music-Rock (326)
                    Musicians-Joke (2)
                    Musicians-misc (693)
                    Record Companies (103)
                    Record Stores (38)
                    Singer-Songwriters (9)
                    Songs (865)
                    Theater Productions (336)
                    Theaters (70)
                    Ventriloquists (11)
          Personal Care
                    Barber Shops (89)
                    Beauty Salons (119)
                    Cosmetics (70)
                    Dental Products (32)
                    Fitness Centers (127)
                    Hair Products (82)
                    Hygiene Products (290)
                    Massage Parlors (27)
                    Nail Salons (18)
                    Perfumes (138)
                    Sex Products (87)
                    Spas (28)
                    Tanning Salons (16)
                    Tattoo Parlors (32)
                    Pet Obedience Schools (120)
                    Pet Products (113)
                    Pet Services (115)
                    Pet Stores (107)
                    Baby Products (66)
                    Cigarettes (184)
                    Cigars (19)
                    Fitness Products (61)
                    Hardware (127)
                    Medicine (516)
                    Musical Instruments (22)
                    Narcotics (125)
                    Narcotics-Marijuana (65)
                    Office Products (86)
                    Products-misc (194)
                    Sporting Goods (68)
                    Tobacco Products (57)
                    Vending Machines (8)
                    Radio Programs (195)
                    Radio Stations (371)
          Research Institutes
                    Institutes (231)
                    Laboratories (103)
                    Adult Stores (14)
                    Arts and Crafts Stores (19)
                    Baby Supply Stores (15)
                    Beauty Supply Stores (22)
                    Bookstores (198)
                    Comic Book Stores (24)
                    Department Stores (129)
                    Discount Stores (93)
                    Drugstores (160)
                    Electronics Stores (222)
                    Flower Shops (92)
                    Gas Stations (278)
                    Gift Shops (126)
                    Hardware Stores (202)
                    Hobby Shops (14)
                    Locksmiths (12)
                    Magic Shops (21)
                    Office Supply Stores (94)
                    Pawn Shops (57)
                    Shopping Centers (156)
                    Smoke Shops (6)
                    Sporting Goods Stores (139)
                    Stores-misc (427)
                    Advertising and Marketing (76)
                    Architects (25)
                    Assassins and Mercenaries (149)
                    Burial Grounds (32)
                    Catering Services (26)
                    Cemeteries (65)
                    Consultants (17)
                    Dating Services (38)
                    Drug Dealers (78)
                    Fire and Rescue (42)
                    Funeral Homes (132)
                    Interior Design (13)
                    Job Services (29)
                    Maintenance Services (26)
                    Party Lines (10)
                    Party Services (34)
                    Photography Services (57)
                    Private Investigation (136)
                    Psychic Services (85)
                    Public Relations (32)
                    Realty Services (216)
                    Rental Services (40)
                    Repair Services (103)
                    Security Services (175)
                    Services-misc (186)
                    Sex Services (122)
                    Shipping and Storage (379)
                    Talent Agencies (70)
                    Wedding Services (35)
                    A.I. (93)
                    Audiovisual Devices (176)
                    Communication Devices (44)
                    Computer Peripherals (50)
                    Computer Products (35)
                    Electronics (365)
                    Medical Devices (65)
                    Mobile Apps (145)
                    Power Supplies (66)
                    Robot Models (399)
                    Software (116)
                    Spy Gadgets (32)
                    Supercomputers (34)
                    Tracking Devices (14)
                    Action Figures (78)
                    Arcade Games (42)
                    Construction Toys (4)
                    Costumes (19)
                    Dolls (151)
                    Fireworks (35)
                    Lunchboxes (16)
                    Magic Toys (13)
                    Novelty Items (48)
                    Tabletop Games (137)
                    Toy Kits (24)
                    Toy Stores (203)
                    Toy Vehicles (25)
                    Toy Weapons (13)
                    Toys-misc (171)
                    Airlines (437)
                    Airports (65)
                    Bus Lines (98)
                    Hotels (604)
                    Inns (152)
                    Limousines (10)
                    Lodging-misc (371)
                    Maritime Transport (26)
                    Motels (283)
                    Seaports (38)
                    Spaceports (18)
                    Taxicabs (190)
                    Time Travel (176)
                    Tours (70)
                    Train Stations (37)
                    Trains (138)
                    Transportation Technology (49)
                    Travel Agencies (50)
                    Travel Services (31)
                    Aircrafts (191)
                    Automotive Products (105)
                    Automotive Services (367)
                    Bikes (24)
                    Car Washes (31)
                    Combat Vehicles (94)
                    Motor Vehicles (478)
                    Spacecrafts (677)
                    Spacecrafts - Star Trek (499)
                    Spacecrafts - Star Wars (239)
                    Vehicle Dealerships (150)
                    Vehicle Rental (65)
                    Watercrafts (523)
                    Adult Film Parodies (142)
                    Adult Films (307)
                    Exercise Videos (4)
                    Movies-Action (170)
                    Movies-Children (76)
                    Movies-Comedy (85)
                    Movies-Crime (53)
                    Movies-Documentary (208)
                    Movies-Horror (233)
                    Movies-misc (738)
                    Movies-Parodies (763)
                    Movies-Sci Fi (177)
                    Movies-Sequels (213)
                    Movies-Superhero (117)
                    TV Shows-misc (907)
                    TV Stations (673)
                    TV-Biography (61)
                    TV-Children (93)
                    TV-Comedy (151)
                    TV-Game Shows (106)
                    TV-News (836)
                    TV-News Networks (112)
                    TV-News Shows (128)
                    TV-Police (92)
                    TV-Reality (199)
                    TV-Sci Fi (32)
                    TV-Specials (37)
                    TV-Sports (53)
                    TV-Talk Shows (192)
                    Blade Weapons (46)
                    Explosives (34)
                    Gun Stores (71)
                    Guns (129)
                    Projectile Weapons (48)
                    Weapons-misc (374)
          Youth Services
                    Childcare Services (60)
                    Youth Camps (102)
                    Youth Programs (71)
          19th Century and earlier
                    Birth Dates (28)
                    Death Dates (20)
                    Events (190)
                    Headlines (27)
                    Journal Entries (91)
          20th Century: 1st Half
                    Birth Dates (169)
                    Death Dates (16)
                    Events (372)
                    Headlines (31)
                    Journal Entries (3)
          20th Century: 50s
                    Birth Dates (111)
                    Death Dates (7)
                    Events (181)
                    Headlines (18)
                    Issued Dates (1)
                    Journal Entries (2)
          20th Century: 60s
                    Birth Dates (239)
                    Death Dates (24)
                    Events (436)
                    Expiration Dates (2)
                    Headlines (18)
                    Issued Dates (2)
                    Journal Entries (1)
          20th Century: 70s
                    Birth Dates (296)
                    Death Dates (49)
                    Events (645)
                    Expiration Dates (6)
                    Headlines (35)
                    Issued Dates (2)
                    Journal Entries (2)
          20th Century: 80s
                    Birth Dates (275)
                    Death Dates (35)
                    Events (984)
                    Expiration Dates (13)
                    Headlines (49)
                    Issued Dates (28)
                    Journal Entries (17)
          20th Century: 90s
                    Birth Dates (87)
                    Death Dates (46)
                    Events (1,302)
                    Expiration Dates (55)
                    Headlines (71)
                    Issued Dates (54)
                    Journal Entries (27)
          21st Century: 00s
                    Birth Dates (58)
                    Death Dates (33)
                    Events (1,633)
                    Expiration Dates (70)
                    Headlines (31)
                    Issued Dates (101)
                    Journal Entries (30)
          21st Century: 10s
                    Birth Dates (19)
                    Death Dates (51)
                    Events (2,739)
                    Expiration Dates (183)
                    Headlines (34)
                    Issued Dates (88)
                    Journal Entries (23)
          21st Century: 20s
                    Birth Dates (19)
                    Death Dates (13)
                    Events (771)
                    Expiration Dates (69)
                    Headlines (9)
                    Issued Dates (17)
          21st Century: 30s and up
                    Birth Dates (18)
                    Death Dates (4)
                    Events (183)
                    Expiration Dates (10)
                    Headlines (6)
                    Issued Dates (1)
                    Journal Entries (1)
          22nd Century and beyond
                    Birth Dates (24)
                    Death Dates (7)
                    Events (510)
                    Headlines (4)
                    Journal Entries (5)
          No Year
                    Birth Dates (26)
                    Death Dates (3)
                    Events (592)
                    Expiration Dates (7)
                    Headlines (3)
                    Issued Dates (5)
                    Journal Entries (21)
          Detention Centers
                    Correctional Facilities (152)
                    Jails (19)
                    Penitentiaries (58)
                    Prisons (111)
          Geographic Areas
                    Counties (155)
                    Countries (155)
                    Islands (342)
                    Territories (306)
                    Canyons (35)
                    Caverns (53)
                    Forests (72)
                    Gardens (26)
                    Hills (30)
                    Mountains (167)
                    Natural Areas (368)
                    Parks (140)
                    Valleys (43)
          Outer Space
                    Asteroids (30)
                    Comets (11)
                    Constellations (22)
                    Interstellar Objects (41)
                    Moons (82)
                    Nebulae (46)
                    Planets (862)
                    Planets-Star Trek (730)
                    Planets-Star Wars (414)
                    Regions of Space (125)
                    Sectors (73)
                    Space Stations (303)
                    Star Clusters (30)
                    Star Systems (189)
                    Stars (58)
          Residential Communities
                    Apartment and Condos (214)
                    Orphanages (99)
                    Retirement Communities (117)
                    Trailer Parks (21)
                    Arenas (40)
                    Buildings (460)
                    Castles (38)
                    Centers (73)
                    Churches (291)
                    Event Venues (148)
                    Halls (90)
                    Landmarks (18)
                    Mansions (67)
                    Military Bases (159)
                    Monasteries (15)
                    Sports Fields (21)
                    Stadiums (49)
                    Temples (62)
                    Towers (76)
          Transit Routes
                    Bridges (61)
                    Highways (66)
                    Streets (964)
                    Streets-Avenues (385)
                    Streets-Blvds (92)
                    Streets-Courts (28)
                    Streets-Drives (178)
                    Streets-Lanes (145)
                    Streets-misc (659)
                    Streets-Places (53)
                    Streets-Roads (379)
                    Streets-Routes (62)
                    Streets-Terraces (18)
                    Streets-Ways (78)
          Urban Areas
                    Cities (924)
                    Cities-Arizona (24)
                    Cities-California (87)
                    Cities-Colorado (20)
                    Cities-Joke (194)
                    Cities-Maine (117)
                    Cities-Massachusetts (50)
                    Cities-New Jersey (23)
                    Cities-New York (27)
                    Cities-Outer Space (229)
                    Cities-Texas (64)
                    Cities-U.S. (896)
                    City Squares (40)
                    Communities (43)
                    Districts (30)
                    Native Tribes (18)
                    Neighborhoods (338)
                    Bays (16)
                    Beaches (47)
                    Bodies of Water (125)
                    Creeks (35)
                    Lakes (112)
                    Ponds (11)
                    Rivers (78)
                    Seas (36)
                    Swamps (18)
                    Afterlife (167)
                    Alternate Earths (15)
                    Dimensions (46)
                    Fantasy Lands (97)
                    Places-misc (127)
                    Realms (23)
                    Universes (24)
                    Ancient Weapons (62)
                    Archaeological Artifacts (149)
                    Gems (31)
                    Jewelry (72)
                    Criminal Organizations (169)
                    Gangs (358)
                    Serial Killers (326)
                    Beauty Pageants (107)
                    Concerts (76)
                    Contests (73)
                    Contests-Food (11)
                    Contests-Science (9)
                    Conventions and Seminars (203)
                    Fairs and Festivals (229)
                    Lotteries (27)
                    Marches and Parades (28)
                    Pet Shows (9)
                    Races (23)
                    Spelling Bees (8)
                    Sporting Events (148)
                    Talent Shows (25)
                    Profanity (18)
                    Sexual Jargon (109)
                    Lists-Classic (14)
                    Lists-Multimedia (47)
                    Lists-Quotes (7)
          Living Things
                    Animals (945)
                    Birds (25)
                    Bugs (36)
                    Fish (29)
                    Flowers (38)
                    Plants (112)
                    Trees (34)
                    Colors (136)
                    Crystals (35)
                    Elements (30)
                    Fuels (27)
                    Metals (35)
                    Substances (320)
                    Confessions (2)
                    Information (2)
                    Last Words (1)
                    Lyrics (3)
                    Narration (3)
          Medical Conditions
                    Conditions (248)
                    Diseases (60)
                    Medical Procedures (35)
                    Syndromes (41)
                    Viruses (67)
                    Blood Types (4)
                    Characters (412)
                    Combat Strategies (74)
                    Evaluations (8)
                    Forms (6)
                    Games (20)
                    Humanimal Behaviors (86)
                    Humanimals (126)
                    Magic Tricks (18)
                    Scams (8)
                    Techniques (56)
                    Techniques-Music (9)
                    Techniques-Psychology (40)
                    Techniques-Sports (32)
                    Banknotes (5)
                    Coins (10)
                    Currency (142)
                    Activist Groups (177)
                    Charities (216)
                    Foundations (45)
                    Nonprofit Organizations (63)
                    Political Parties (83)
                    Prof. Orgs (259)
                    Religions (67)
                    Religious Organizations (186)
                    Secret Organizations (122)
                    Initiatives (96)
                    Operations (174)
                    Programs (49)
                    Projects (176)
                    Polls (36)
                    Quotes (14,170)
                    Recipes-Breakfast (16)
                    Recipes-Dessert (27)
                    Recipes-misc (322)
                    Recipes-Sandwich (14)
                    Awards (323)
                    Awards Ceremonies (65)
                    Baseball Teams (244)
                    Basketball Teams (44)
                    Bowling Teams (28)
                    Dance Teams (28)
                    Dodgeball Teams (18)
                    Football Teams (272)
                    Hockey Teams (28)
                    Physical Activities (5)
                    Racehorses (182)
                    Racing Dogs (40)
                    Racing Teams (15)
                    School Mascots (331)
                    Soccer Teams (38)
                    Sports (104)
                    Sports Associations (58)
                    Sports Teams (121)
                    3-D (190)
                    Beast (24)
                    Beast 2 (67)
                    Billboard (58)
                    Color Out of Space (164)
                    Dark Shadows (154)
                    Diff|rent Strokes (99)
                    Flatliners (16)
                    Flatliners 2 (185)
                    GLOW (26)
                    Gray Eagle (185)
                    Japanese Baby Driver (13)
                    MAD (38)
                    Mouth of Madness (224)
                    Pleasantville (207)
                    Ransom (35)
                    Shield, The (255)
                    Sin City (92)
                    Singles (82)
                    Solo (226)
                    Starfighter (90)
                    Wall v1, The (37)
                    Wall v2, The (61)
                    Wolf (79)
                    Name Game (839)
                    Name Game-Animals (666)
                    Name Game-Nicknames (110)
                    Name Game-Real Names (84)
                    Numbers Game (162)
                    Questions (710)

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