TV Series 2012. Created by Simon Barry. Starring Rachel Nichols, Victor Webster, Erik Knudsen, Stephen Lobo, Roger Cross, Lexa Doig, Tony Amendola, Omari Newton, Luvia Petersen, Jennifer Spence and Brian Markinson.
Source Features: BBB (86) TIMELINE (15) MAP (8) QUOTES (10) THEMES (3)

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Total Record Results: 129 - Medium: TV SERIES
Record Name

The name for Sonmanto's chemical weapon created by weaponizing their chemical waste - from Wasted Minute.

22071 BBBLiteratureBooks-Sci Fi

Book in mystery amnesia guy's hotel room.

3Air South America BBBTravelAirlines

Air South America
Airline that the founder of future energy corporation Laroche Energy uses.

4ARC BBBTechnologySoftware

Surveillance program Alec creates using a piece of the time travel device. It's a way to take the entire internet and distill it into one single page of information. The "ultimate window into real time data at light speed".

5Baker/August BBBCompaniesCompanies-misc

Future corporation mentioned.

6BCPower BBBCompaniesEnergy Companies

Power company can Liber8 steals.

7Bio-enhancement Mist BBBTechnologySpy Gadgets

Bio-enhancement Mist
Kiera's tech that interacts with DNA and helps Kiera's HUD identify fingerprints.

8Bradley & Son Savings BBBFinancial CompaniesBanks

Bradley & Son Savings
Name on wall of Freelancer's office wall - looks like their headquarters is in an old bank.

9Bregenzer Bank BBBFinancial CompaniesBanks

Bregenzer Bank
Bank from multiple episodes.

10Calisto BBBTechnologyElectronics

Anti-matter containment unit from.

11Channel 1 BBBVideoTV Stations

Channel 1
Channel that broadcasts the show Firing Point. Owned by Fermitas. Attacked by Liber8.

12Citizen Chip BBBHome FurnishingSecurity Products

Citizen Chip
Government required ID in the future, embedded in your skin. Extraction renders your birth and citizenship null and void. "A good idea once but now being abused by the corporate congress and people are wise to the scam that they unwittingly became a part of in the name of convenience."

13City Protective ServicesBBBLegal AidPolice Departments

City Protective Services
CPS. Law enforcement group Kiera works for in the future.

14CKET 4 BBBVideoTV-News

Local news team that interviews Julian after the Lions Gate University demonstration that turned violent when a cop shot three students. "Where's my outrage? Where's yours?".

15CMR Cellular Memory Review BBBTechnologyAudiovisual Devices

CMR Cellular Memory Review
Bio-upgrade memory pack implanted in Kiera's skull that records telemetry, video and audio from her cortex for use in chain of evidence and trials - mentioned.

16CPS Flyer BBBVehiclesAircrafts

CPS Flyer
Kiera's transport ship that goes down.

17Crazy Horse Tattoo BBBPersonal CareTattoo Parlors

Crazy Horse Tattoo
Headquarters of anarchist group that starts riot outside Exotrol oil company protest.

18Crescent Medical Labs BBBResearch InstitutesLaboratories

Crescent Medical Labs
Where Brad's future soldiers go to steal more than a hundred liters of blood.

19D Wave BBBCompaniesTechnology Companies

D Wave
Company where a quantum computer valued at $10 million is stolen.

20Dr. Gibson BBBHealthcareDoctors

Dr. Gibson
Doctor at South Creek Fertility Clinic.

21Evergreen Petroleum BBBCompaniesFuel Companies

Evergreen Petroleum
Fuel company that owns the tanker that Liber8 stole to attack Sonmantos.

22Exotrol Financial Services BBBFinancial CompaniesFinancial Services

Exotrol Financial Services
Corporation whose CEO is kidnapped by Liber8.

23Faber College BBBEducationColleges

Faber College
Where potential murder victim Kiera and Carlos track down is a student. Tribute to Animal House?

24Faber University BBBEducationUniversities

Faber University
Someone stole all the superconducting magnets from Faber University's physics lab.

25Fermitas BBBCompaniesManufacturing

One of the world's largest weapons manufacturers, like Wal-Mart for warlords.

26Firing Point with Diana Bolton BBBVideoTV-News Shows

Firing Point with Diana Bolton
TV news show.

27Fisker & Associates BBBLegal AidLaw Firms

Fisker & Associates
Legal firm used by freelancers to probate their wills.


New street drug which is actually a major drug in 2077. Originally developed to help Alzheimer's Disease patients, it allows you to re-experience a particular memory with perfect clarity. Just remember something, anything and it triggers a vivid flashback. Recreational drug from the future that's killing people all over the city - but leaving smiles on their faces. Described as "Laser vision" Your memories on steroids. You may not be able to trust it - Maybe all you'll see is what you hope is true.

29Gautuma BBBCompaniesPharmaceutical Companies

Pharmaceutical company.

30Giga Drive BBBRetailElectronics Stores

Giga Drive
Computer store application Alec throws in the trash.

31Glimmer BBBVideoTV Shows-misc

TV show from multiple episodes.

32Gord Solomon BBBLegal AidLawyers

Gord Solomon
Attorney that works for Liber8, first seen.

33Governor BBBTechnologyAudiovisual Devices

Electronic device that creates a null field - installing one in Kiera's cerebellum prevents her CMR from receiving, recording or transmitting.

34Green House BBBDiningCafes and Delis

Green House
Cafe where Alec meets Emily.

35Grey Point Security BBBServicesSecurity Services

Grey Point Security
Where Nealon works - the mercenary that took the Fermitas nerve gas job. Owned by Sonmanto.

36Halo BBBPersonal CareHygiene Products

Healthcare/Medical product that Alec creates.

37Hyper Stealth BBBCompaniesTechnology Companies

Hyper Stealth
Tech company parkour guy steals active camouflage suit from.

38In Code BBBMediaMagazines-misc

In Code
Magazine Kellogg says he works for when he shows up at Teledyne Systems.

39Interpacific Bus Company BBBTravelBus Lines

Interpacific Bus Company
Where Emily waits for her future Alec who doesn't show up because Kiera handed him over to the Freelancers.

40Kellog Incorporated BBBCompaniesCompanies-misc

Kellog Incorporated
Matthew's company in the future he tells Alec about when he shows up at Memory Express where Alec works.

41LaRoche AMTech BBBCompaniesTechnology Companies

LaRoche AMTech
Future energy corporation mentioned.

42Laroche Energy BBBCompaniesEnergy Companies

Laroche Energy
Future energy company.

43The Lemurs BBBPerforming ArtsMusicians-misc

The Lemurs
Band Kiera mentions she was going to see in the future. BBBMediaWebsites
Where you can download Liber8's manifesto.

45Lions Gate University BBBEducationUniversities

Lions Gate University
Location of free speech demonstrations. "Liber8 R free speech".

46Liquid Chip BBBTechnologyComputer Peripherals

Liquid Chip
Alec's technology, mentioned.

47LMB Lower Mainland Bank BBBFinancial CompaniesBanks

LMB Lower Mainland Bank
Bank where Kiera gets cash.

48Markland Palms BBBHealthcareHospitals

Markland Palms
The long-term care facility where mystery amnesia guy wakes up.

49Medi-pod BBBTechnologyMedical Devices

Device Kiera mentions when she tries to talk her sister off a ledge when she's high on the drug Flash.

50Method BBBNightlifeNightclubs

Nightclub run by the West Coast Syndicate that Kiera investigates - where Kiera finds the rifle used to assassinate the mayor.

51Military Surplus Discount BBBWeaponsGun Stores

Military Surplus Discount
Store where Liber8 regroups when they arrive in the past.

52Mr. Fairweather BBBHealthcareTherapy

Mr. Fairweather
Full psychological health in an hour or less. Alex calls him "Dr. Feelweird". CPS electronic cognitive therapist that appears when Kiera threatens to kill Agent Gardiner and takes her CMR offline.

53Multi-spectrum Nano-sensor BBBTechnologyElectronics

Multi-spectrum Nano-sensor
Tech Kiera uses to find out that Elena's body was removed from her grave.

54News 22 BBBVideoTV-News

News 22
Local news.

55Nu Crescent Cleaners BBBMaintenanceLaundry Services

Nu Crescent Cleaners
Dry cleaning store owned by the guy that finds and wears Kiera's partner's tech suit.

56Only Connect BBBLiteratureBooks-misc

Only Connect
The book Kiera's partner leaves for her when she dies.

57Oxbow Mine BBBCompaniesMining

Oxbow Mine

58Pacific Coastal University BBBEducationUniversities

Pacific Coastal University
One of the Lily Jones that Kiera and Carlos track down is a student at Pacific Coastal University. There's a Pacific Coast University in Vancouver where Continuum is filmed, but a sign for this college is shown, and it's definitely "Coastal" not "Coast" - it is not the same school.


Corporation seen in various episodes. Escher's company - a freelancer time traveler. Alec inherits the company from his father - Escher - when he is assassinated by Emily in the alternate timeline that Alec creates when he goes back to save her instead of transporting Kiera back to the future. BBBMediaWebsites
Piron's website - seen on the big screen behind Alex during Halo launch.

61Power in Silence BBBLiteratureBooks-Sociology

Power in Silence
Book by Alec Sadler that Matthew mentions.

62Retrievanol BBBProductsMedicine

Recreational drug from the future that was originally designed for Alzheimer's patients before they cured that.

63SadTech BBBCompaniesTechnology Companies

Alec's future company.

64SadTech Mark IV Body Suit BBBApparelBody Armor

SadTech Mark IV Body Suit
Polymeric nano-composite body armor with integrated electromagnetic offensive and defensive systems. CPS standard issue police model. Kiera tells Carlos all about her suit.

65Santec BBBCompaniesCompanies-misc

Future corporation mentioned by Keira's husband's best friend during a future flashback.

66Sellmax Real Estate BBBServicesRealty Services

Sellmax Real Estate
Realty sign seen in front of Kellog's grandmother's house.

67Sonmanto BBBCompaniesCompanies-misc

Powerful corporation from various episodes.

68South Creek Fertility Clinic BBBHealthcareObstetrics

South Creek Fertility Clinic
Sperm bank that links the two murder victims - the two men were both donors.

69Soymeal BBBFoodBreakfast Cereal

Banana flavored breakfast food product seen in Kiera's CMR flashback when she makes it for her son - he calls it "Soy-moo".

70Summerville Holdings BBBFinancial CompaniesFinancial Services

Summerville Holdings
Subsidiary of Piron. Carlos and Kiera raided a storage locker that was rented by this company.

71Tendyne Systems BBBCompaniesTechnology Companies

Tendyne Systems
Technology company that specializes in massively multi-player first-person shooters and real time combat simulations.

72Thermite Detonators BBBWeaponsWeapons-misc

Thermite Detonators
Grenade weapon Kiera mentions in future flashback.

73Theseus Manifesto BBBLiteratureBooks-Sociology

Theseus Manifesto
Mentioned throughout the series. Published online.

74Ti-Botanical BBBRetailFlower Shops

One of the Lily Jones that Kiera and Carlos track down works at a store called Ti-Botanical.

75Torox BBBProductsMedicine

Truth serum drug from multiple episodes.

76Torsion BBBBeverage ProductsEnergy Drinks

Energy drink that was taken off the market by the FDA that's still popular with gamers - and beta testers at Tendyne Systems.

77Trans-Dermal Location Dart BBBTechnologySpy Gadgets

Trans-Dermal Location Dart
Device Kiera uses to track Kellog.

78Ultra Gas BBBCompaniesFuel Companies

Ultra Gas
Big oil company that is targeted by Liber8.

79VanCity Power & Light BBBCompaniesEnergy Companies

VanCity Power & Light
Where Kiera acted as vigilante to stop Liber8 from taking out the power grid.

80Vancouver Post BBBMediaNewspapers-misc

Vancouver Post
Newspaper from multiple episodes.

81Vermitas BBBCompaniesCompanies-misc

Corporation that was mentioned by the mayor in the video that was broadcast live on the Liber8 website.

82Vickerdale EnterprisesBBBCompaniesEnterprises

Vickerdale Enterprises
Food production company that makes Soy Meal food product, from various episodes. Liber8 website: Company that patents terminator seeds that kill the crops of neighboring farms and then take root in that farm's soil. They advocate mono cropping, which strips the land of its nutrients. This will continue, and by 2030, all food cultivation will be controlled by Vickerdale.

83Vista Earth BBBMediaWebsites

Vista Earth
Search engine Alex uses - obvious ripoff of Google Earth.

84WCIT Alpha Labs BBBResearch InstitutesLaboratories

WCIT Alpha Labs
Lab from multiple episodes.

85The Welding Shop BBBCompaniesConstruction Companies

The Welding Shop
Warehouse where police find Exotrol's CEO.

86WIXA8BBBVideoTV Stations

TV Station shown in various episodes.

87December 5, 1981 Dates20th Century: 80sBirth Dates

December 5, 1981
Alec's girlfriend Maya Hartwell born.

88December 8, 1992 Dates20th Century: 90sBirth Dates

December 8, 1992
Date of Birth for Lily Jones, murder victim with the same name as Kiera's grandmother.

89February 15, 2005 Dates21st Century: 00sEvents

February 15, 2005
Alec's girlfriend Maya Hartwell arrested.

90April 15, 2005 Dates21st Century: 00sEvents

April 15, 2005
Alec's girlfriend Maya Hartwell released.

91May 24, 2006 Dates21st Century: 00sEvents

May 24, 2006
Date of anarchist Franics Hall's mugshot.

92March 15, 2013 Dates21st Century: 10sEvents

March 15, 2013
VPD Inspector Nora Harris interviews Special Agent Kiera Cameron.

93October 16, 2016 Dates21st Century: 10sEvents

October 16, 2016
Kiera and Alec arrive in the past after traveling back in time from October 23. Following the events in the Season 2 finale, Kiera and Alec independently time-travel a week into their past, creating a new timeline. Upon arriving, Alec checks his phone, the date updating from October 23 to October 16.

94October 17, 2016 Dates21st Century: 10sEvents

October 17, 2016
Following the events in the Season 2 finale, Kiera and Alec independently time-travel a week into their past, creating a new timeline. Upon arriving, Alec checks his phone, the date updating from October 23 to October 17.

95October 18, 2016 Dates21st Century: 10sEvents

October 18, 2016
Following the events in the Season 2 finale, Kiera and Alec independently time-travel a week into their past, creating a new timeline. Upon arriving, Alec checks his phone, the date updating from October 23 to October 16.

96October 19, 2016 Dates21st Century: 10sEvents

October 19, 2016
Following the events in the Season 2 finale, Kiera and Alec independently time-travel a week into their past, creating a new timeline. Upon arriving, Alec checks his phone, the date updating from October 23 to October 16.

97October 20, 2016 Dates21st Century: 10sEvents

October 20, 2016
Following the events in the Season 2 finale, Kiera and Alec independently time-travel a week into their past, creating a new timeline. Upon arriving, Alec checks his phone, the date updating from October 23 to October 16.

98October 21, 2016 Dates21st Century: 10sEvents

October 21, 2016
Following the events in the Season 2 finale, Kiera and Alec independently time-travel a week into their past, creating a new timeline. Upon arriving, Alec checks his phone, the date updating from October 23 to October 16.

99October 22, 2016 Dates21st Century: 10sEvents

October 22, 2016
Following the events in the Season 2 finale, Kiera and Alec independently time-travel a week into their past, creating a new timeline. Upon arriving, Alec checks his phone, the date updating from October 23 to October 16.

100October 23, 2016 Dates21st Century: 10sEvents

October 23, 2016
Kiera and Alec travel back in time to October 16. Following the events in the Season 2 finale, Kiera and Alec independently time-travel a week into their past, creating a new timeline. Upon arriving, Alec checks his phone, the date updating from October 23 to October 16.

101November 5, 2076 Dates21st Century: 30s and upEvents

November 5, 2076
City Protection Service arrests terrorist organisation Liber8 leader Edouard Kagame while he delivers a speech about the Corporate Congress. But they are too late to stop Liber8's attack that destroys two skyscrapers.

102Black Opal MapStructuresBuildings

Black Opal
The Fermitas corporation's isolated server farm with no hard lines in or out or links to the outside world except via satellite. Attacked by Liber8.

103CascadiaMapGeographic AreasTerritories

In the 2060s Cascadia declares itself an independent nation with Vancouver as its capital. The corporate government establishes a Republic.

104Exotrol Plaza MapUrban AreasCity Squares

Exotrol Plaza
Location of Exotrol's corporate office headquarters - site of riot.

105Grandview Correctional Center MapDetention CentersCorrectional Facilities

Grandview Correctional Center
Where Lucas is taken.

106New Pemberton MapUrban AreasCities

New Pemberton
Future factory city.

107Police Commissioner Carlos Fonnegra Memo... MapNatureParks

Police Commissioner Carlos Fonnegra Memorial Park

108Sonmantos Student Center MapStructuresCenters

Sonmantos Student Center
Building on the Lions Gate University campus.

109Vancouver District Prison MapDetention CentersPrisons

Vancouver District Prison
Location of planned execution where Liber8 escapes to the past.

110Alec OtherQuotesQuotes

Alec: Some labs are working on brain-to-brain interface. They've used it on insects, monkeys, rats. It's like an actual mind-meld.

111Alec OtherQuotesQuotes

Alec: What if time self-corrects? I mean, not to get all Rod Serling over here, but what if all I've done was just throw in a few more people into the gears while playing God?

112Alec & Future Alec OtherQuotesQuotes

Alec & Future Alec
Alec: This is very Marty McFly right now.
Future Alec: You know if this is Star Trek, we'd fight now.
Alec: Except it isn't.

113Amalgamated Transport and Shipping Union OtherOrganizationsProf. Orgs

Amalgamated Transport and Shipping Union

114Bio-Enhancement Super Soldier Program OtherPlansPrograms

Bio-Enhancement Super Soldier Program
Program from multiple episodes.

115Carlos OtherQuotesQuotes

Carlos: Anyone ever tell you watched too much Star Trek as a kid?

116Carlos OtherQuotesQuotes

Carlos: Shane, come on, you don't have to fall on your lightsaber for her. She's behind this we both know that.

117Coalition Kings OtherCriminalsGangs

Coalition Kings
Gang working with Liber8.

118Garza OtherQuotesQuotes

Garza: Try a little harder. This feels more like foreplay.

119Kiera & Alec OtherQuotesQuotes

Kiera & Alec
Kiera: Hey! So, you're not in the lab?
Alec: I'm an autonomous human being, you know? I have independent functionality.
Kiera: Yes, HAL.
Alec: Hey, is that your first pop culture reference? I think it is!
Kiera: Well, the first one you'd get, anyway
Alec: you'll have to wait, Dave. I have a few more databanks to wipe before I can take care of you.

120Kiera & Carlos OtherQuotesQuotes

Kiera & Carlos
Kiera: Wait for my signal.
Carlos: Yeah? Is it going to be a big bat projected into the night sky?
Kiera: What?
Carlos: Really? Never mind.

121Matthew Kellog OtherQuotesQuotes

Matthew Kellog
Matthew Kellog: Listen to me. I've read the dossiers on these board members. There's no Kirk. There's no Picard. They barely have a Geordi. Stop playing their game.

122Mr. Richardson & Carlos OtherQuotesQuotes

Mr. Richardson & Carlos
Mr. Richardson: We've got Liber8 calling us the bad guys. it's like we're in - what's that Superman thing?
Carlos: Bizarro World. Where good is bad, bad is good.
Mr. Richardson: That's it, Detective.

123Ouroboros OtherCriminalsSerial Killers

Most of the victims were pedophiles found with their eyes wide open. Turns out to be two guys - Dave Eldridge & Mike Venables. "No beginning. No end. Only death." Revenge killer originally active from 2009-2018.

124Stop Mad Science! OtherOrganizationsActivist Groups

Stop Mad Science!
Activist group Kiera and Carlos investigate.

125Temporal Dislocation OtherMedical ConditionsConditions

Temporal Dislocation
Condition Lucas is said to be suffering from when he hallucinates that he is still working with Kagame.

126Untitled OtherThemesGray Eagle


127Untitled OtherThemes3-D


128Untitled OtherThemesPleasantville


129West Coast Syndicate OtherCriminalsGangs

West Coast Syndicate
Criminal organization, rival of the Coalition Kings gang.

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