Film 2023. Written by Bruce Wemple. Directed by Bruce Wemple. Starring Grant Schumacher, Caitlin Duffy, Ariella Mastroianni, Chris Cimperman, George Katt, Andrew Gombas, LeJon Woods, Catharine Daddario.
Source Features: BBB (3) TIMELINE (10) QUOTES (2)

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1Best Total Security Company BBBServicesSecurity Services

Best Total Security Company
Finn's new security company.

2Z BBBTravelTime Travel

Original serum mentioned in Neurophysicist Dr. Jay Tupple's study Reordering Consciousness Experience of Time and Space capable of altering subjects' perception of reality and the reordering of events experienced.

3Z+ BBBTravelTime Travel

Drug that propels one's consciousness into the next day.

4June 1, 2016 Dates21st Century: 10sEvents

June 1, 2016
Neurophysicist Dr. Jay Tupple's study Reordering Consciousness Experience of Time and Space published.

5April 5, 2026 Dates21st Century: 20sEvents

April 5, 2026
Lee, Martin and Finn take Z in the back of a van, sending their consciousnesses into the next day.


6April 6, 2026 Dates21st Century: 20sEvents

April 6, 2026
Lee, Martin and Finn's consciousnesses arrive from the day before, where they attempt a heist in Schenectady, New York.


7April 6, 2026 Dates21st Century: 20sEvents

April 6, 2026
Date mentioned on glass ("Monday +4%") that Lee and Martin see written on glass during their future heist in Schenectady, New York.


8April 7, 2026 Dates21st Century: 20sEvents

April 7, 2026
Date mentioned on glass ("Tuesday +2%") that Lee and Martin see written on glass during their future heist in Schenectady, New York.


9April 8, 2026 Dates21st Century: 20sEvents

April 8, 2026
Date mentioned on glass ("Wednesday -23%") that Lee and Martin see written on glass during their future heist in Schenectady, New York.


10October 6, 2026 Dates21st Century: 20sEvents

October 6, 2026
Lee, Finn and Sophia send their consciousnesses into the following day for a trip to Simon's chalet.


11October 7, 2026 Dates21st Century: 20sEvents

October 7, 2026
Lee, Finn and Sophia's consciousnesses arrive from the day before, for their trip to Simon's chalet, which goes all kinds of wrong.


12October 8, 2026 Dates21st Century: 20sEvents

October 8, 2026
Lee, Finn and Sophia's make plans to prepare for Simon's ambush the following day.


13October 9, 2026 Dates21st Century: 20sEvents

October 9, 2026
Simon shows up at Jay's place, confronting Lee and Finn.


14Derrick OtherQuotesQuotes

Derrick: I'm not fuckin' around here!

15Martin OtherQuotesQuotes

Martin: You look like Tommy Bahama fucked a wet dog.

16The OrganizationOtherOrganizationsSecret Organizations

The Organization
Mysterious group that's after Lee's stash of Z+, the drug that propels one's consciousness into the next day.

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