Film 1983. Written by Martin Davidson and Arlene Davidson. Directed by Martin Davidson. Starring Tom Berenger and Michael Pare.
Source Features: BBB (21) TIMELINE (2) QUOTES (1)

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Total Record Results: 24 - Medium: FILM
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1Benton College BBBEducationColleges

Benton College
College where Eddie and the Cruisers play - Frank's old school.

2Betty Lou Got a New Pair of Shoes BBBPerforming ArtsSongs

Betty Lou Got a New Pair of Shoes
Song by Eddie and Cruisers.


3Boardwalk AngelBBBPerforming ArtsSongs

Boardwalk Angel
Song by Eddie and Cruisers.

4Down on My KneesBBBPerforming ArtsSongs

Down on My Knees
Song by Eddie and Cruisers.

5Eddie and the Cruisers BBBPerforming ArtsMusicians-misc

Eddie and the Cruisers


6Eddie and the Cruisers featuring Sal Ama... BBBPerforming ArtsMusic-Rock

Eddie and the Cruisers featuring Sal Amato
Name the band uses after Eddie's disappearance.

7The Eddie Wilson Story BBBVideoMovies-Documentary

The Eddie Wilson Story
Movie about Eddie's life.

8The El Marko Room BBBNightlifeNightclubs

The El Marko Room
Bar where what's left of Eddie and Cruisers reunite.

9Fairly Ridiculous BBBEducationSchools-misc

Fairly Ridiculous
Joke Eddie makes when the Cruisers play Benton College.


10Live Wire BBBPerforming ArtsSongs

Live Wire
Song that Eddie and Cruisers play at Benton College.

11Media Magazine BBBMediaMagazines-misc

Media Magazine

12On the Dark Side BBBPerforming ArtsSongs

On the Dark Side
Song that Frank "Word Man" Ridgeway wrote for Eddie and Cruisers. The band performs at Benton College.


13Regina Lewis BBBPerforming ArtsMusicians-Joke

Regina Lewis
Pianist that plays after Sal Almato at the club.

14Saint Something BBBEducationSchools-misc

Saint Something
Joke Eddie makes when the Cruisers play Benton College.


15Satin Records BBBPerforming ArtsRecord Companies

Satin Records
Recording studio where Eddie and the Cruisers recorded their last album that was lost.

16A Season in Hell BBBPerforming ArtsAlbums

A Season in Hell
Last album Eddie worked on before his car went off the bridge.


17Tender Years [Album] BBBPerforming ArtsAlbums

Tender Years [Album]
Album by Eddie and Cruisers.


18Tender Years [Song] BBBPerforming ArtsSongs

Tender Years [Song]
Song by Eddie and Cruisers on their album of the same name.

19Video to Go BBBEntertainmentVideo Rental

Video to Go
Video rental store window playing the movie about Eddie's life.


20Wild Summer Nights BBBPerforming ArtsSongs

Wild Summer Nights
Song by Eddie and Cruisers.


21WRHE BBBRadioRadio Stations

Radio station where Doc Robbins becomes a DJ.

22March 15, 1964 Dates20th Century: 60sEvents

March 15, 1964
Eddie's car went off the Raritan Bridge. His body was never found.


23March 16, 1964 Dates20th Century: 60sEvents

March 16, 1964
Someone checked out the tapes for Eddie's album A Season in Hell.


24Doc Robbins OtherQuotesQuotes

Doc Robbins
Doc Robbins: We might be paranoid, but it don't mean they ain't after us.


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