Literature 2012. Written by James S.A. Corey.
Source Features: BBB (49) MAP (12) QUOTES (7) THEMES (1)

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Total Record Results: 74 - Medium: LITERATURE
Record Name
1Al AbbiqBBBServicesSecurity Services

Al Abbiq
Persis-Strokes Security Consultants, the company that Prax contacts regarding his missing daughter Mei, has joint-action contracts with fellow security companies Al Abbiq and Star Helix.

2The ArbogastBBBVehiclesSpacecrafts

The Arbogast
Third generation destroyer, built in the Bush shipyards.

3The AristophanesBBBVehiclesSpacecrafts

The Aristophanes
One of the ships on Admiral Nguyen's list for the fleet he's building in order to respond to what he believes was a Martian attack.

4The Bernadette KoeBBBVehiclesSpacecrafts

The Bernadette Koe
One of the ships on Admiral Nguyen's list for the fleet he's building in order to respond to what he believes was a Martian attack.

5The Blauwe BlomeBBBNightlifeNightclubs

The Blauwe Blome
Bar on Tycho Station where Holden and Naomi reconcile, famous for two things: a drink called the Blue Meanie and its large number of Golgo tables.

6Blue MeanieBBBMenuMixed Drinks

Blue Meanie
Mixed drink served at the Tycho Station bar The Blauwe Blome. The station allowed the bar to serve only two to each customer due to the drink's fairly suicidal mixture of ethanol, caffeine, methylphenidate and blue food coloring.


The old water hauler where Holden and his team served together before the Rocinante. Mentioned several times.

8The CelestineBBBVehiclesSpacecrafts

The Celestine
Ship on the viewscreen near the infected planet Venus.

9Ceres Mining and Tech UniversityBBBEducationSchools-Science/Tech

Ceres Mining and Tech University
University mentioned in one of the messages that Prax receives from an old man that used to work with Strickland, where Strickland's name was Carlos Merrian.

10The ChesapeakeBBBVehiclesSpacecrafts

The Chesapeake
Ship at Tycho Station, designed for sustained high g.

11Chicken Food ProductsBBBFoodMeat

Chicken Food Products
Small case of canned food that Amos shows up with a few hours after the food riot.

12The Dasihari LoungeBBBNightlifeLounges

The Dasihari Lounge
Lounge located in the United Nations headquarters on Earth where Avasarala meets Bobbie.

13Doctor StricklandBBBHealthcareDoctors

Doctor Strickland
Mei's doctor.


Martian battleship, three of which are present when forces gather for the battle over Io.

15Dr. AstrigenBBBHealthcareDoctors

Dr. Astrigen
Mei's pediatrician.

16Dr. TrishBBBHealthcareDoctors

Dr. Trish
Bobby's doctor when she is injured during the battle with the monster.

17The FeodorovnaBBBVehiclesSpacecrafts

The Feodorovna
One of the ships on Admiral Nguyen's list for the fleet he's building in order to respond to what he believes was a Martian attack.

18Goliath Armored SuitBBBApparelBody Armor

Goliath Armored Suit
Main armor worn by the Martian Marine Corps Force Recon Marines. Different versions are mentioned, including Bobby's older Mark III, and the current Mark IV.

19The GuanshiyinBBBVehiclesWatercrafts

The Guanshiyin
Jules Mao's extravagant yacht that Avasarala, her UN security team and Bobbie board when they depart Earth.

20The Harman Dae-JungBBBVehiclesMotor Vehicles

The Harman Dae-Jung
A Donnager-class dreadnought carrying the Martian Navy shuttle Bobbie rode up from Ganymede.

21Iani ChaosBBBVehiclesSpacecrafts

Iani Chaos
Martian destroyer that attempted to reach Avasarala for clarification of which Earth ships it was permitted to shoot at during Io campaign.

22Magellan BiotechBBBCompaniesTechnology Companies

Magellan Biotech
Technology corporation that Basia mentions to Prax - where his cousin works on Luna.

23Mao-Kwikowski MercantileBBBCompaniesManufacturing

Mao-Kwikowski Mercantile
Avasarala has an appointment with Jules-Pierre Mao, corporate controlling interest of Mao-Kwikowski Mercantile.

24MCRN CydoniaBBBVehiclesSpacecrafts

MCRN Cydonia
Martian ship with Captain Richard Tseng that provides aid to the Rocinante.

25MCRN Sally RideBBBVehiclesSpacecrafts

MCRN Sally Ride
Martian destroyer that Captain Richard Tseng of the Cydonia sends to provide munitions transfer to the Rocinante.

26The MermanBBBVehiclesSpacecrafts

The Merman
Ship on the viewscreen near the infected planet Venus.

27The MikhaylovBBBVehiclesSpacecrafts

The Mikhaylov
Part of a small convoy monitoring the traffic between the deep stations orbiting the far edge of the Belt.

28Munroe-class DestroyerBBBVehiclesSpacecrafts

Munroe-class Destroyer
A UN admiral dispatches six Munroe-class destroyers from the Jupiter system to destroy the Rocinante.

29The NauvooBBBVehiclesSpacecrafts

The Nauvoo
Generational ship constructed at Tycho Station.

30Persis-Strokes Security ConsultantsBBBServicesSecurity Services

Persis-Strokes Security Consultants
The lag time to Earth - or Luna, actually, since Persis-Strokes Security Consultants was based in orbit rather than down the planet's gravity well - was a little over twenty minutes.


Bar near the UN where Bobbie follows Soren, finds him playing billiards.

32Pinkwater SecurityBBBServicesSecurity Services

Pinkwater Security
The security company with the largest and operational presence in the outer planets. Holden, Amos and Prax hook up with a small group of ex-Pinkwater Security soldiers on their way to find Mei.


Earth company and security force on Eros Station.

34The Pur'n'Kleen Water CompanyBBBFoodBeverage Companies

The Pur'n'Kleen Water Company
Water delivery company that Holden and his crew used to work for back when they served on the Canterbury.

35Raptor-class Fast CruiserBBBVehiclesSpacecrafts

Raptor-class Fast Cruiser
Top of the line Martian military hardware, more than a match for any UN destroyer. Two of the six Martian ships that are dispatched to keep an eye on the UN ships sent to destroy the Rocinante are Raptor-class fast cruisers.

36The Raw FeedBBBVideoTV-News Shows

The Raw Feed
News feed series that Prax watches - the video of his ex-wife Nicola Mulko, her smear campaign where she accuses him of being a monster and abusing Mei emotionally, physically and sexually.


Spaceship that Bobbie finds onboard the Guanshiyin, Juliet Mao's racing pinnace.


Holden's ship, previously known as the Tachi, before Holden and his crew took command.

39Star HelixBBBServicesSecurity Services

Star Helix
Persis-Strokes Security Consultants, the company that Prax contacts regarding his missing daughter Mei, has joint-action contracts with fellow security companies Al Abbiq and Star Helix.

40Thunderbolt Mark VBBBWeaponsGuns

Thunderbolt Mark V
2mm electrically fired three-barrel Gatling gun that Holden procures for Bobbie, along with five thousand incendiary-tipped rounds.


UN Dreadnought, four of which are present when forces gather for the battle over Io.

42Tycho CorporationBBBCompaniesCompanies-misc

Tycho Corporation
The Tycho Corporation's manufacturing station doubled as the de factor OPA headquarters.

43UNN Agatha KingBBBVehiclesSpacecrafts

UNN Agatha King
UNN ship carrying Admiral Nguyen that arrives at Io.

44UNN KennedyBBBVehiclesSpacecrafts

UNN Kennedy
Earth ship in Admiral Nguyen's fleet during the Io Campaign.

45UNN OkimboBBBVehiclesSpacecrafts

UNN Okimbo
Earth ship that offers assistance to Admiral Nguyen and the UNN Agatha King when he announces a possible biohazard.

46UNN TritonBBBVehiclesSpacecrafts

UNN Triton
Earth ship in Admiral Nguyen's fleet during the Io Campaign.

47The Weeping SomnambulistBBBVehiclesSpacecrafts

The Weeping Somnambulist
Food freighter that Holden and his crew take to Ganymede, on account it is the least suspicious ship in the OPA.

48The Wu TsaoBBBVehiclesSpacecrafts

The Wu Tsao
One of the ships on Admiral Nguyen's list for the fleet he's building in order to respond to what he believes was a Martian attack, the better armed of the frigates, captained by Golla Ishigawa-Marx.


Four meter tall combat mech suit, used by the Martian Marine Corps.

50The Andean Cloud ForestMapNatureForests

The Andean Cloud Forest
While Avasarala was building herself from the treasurer of the Workers Provident Fund to the district governor of the Maharshta-Karnataka-Goa Communal Interest Zone, Secretary-general Errinwright was a political prisoner at a minimum-security facility in the Andean Cloud Forest.

51Armstrong StadiumMapStructuresStadiums

Armstrong Stadium
Stadium on Mars where Bobbie saw the Red Devils play.

52Church of Humanity AscendantMapStructuresChurches

Church of Humanity Ascendant
A religion that eschewed supernaturalism in all forms, and whose theology boiled down to Humans can be better than they are, so let's do that.

53Eros StationMapOuter SpaceSpace Stations

Eros Station
Site of the Eros Incident from Leviathan Wakes, the devastating event that took place when Protogen set loose the protomolecule on the population of Eros Station.

54Ganymede StationMapOuter SpaceSpace Stations

Ganymede Station
Space station on the Jupiter moon, known for its large domes of food crops. Also site of the mysterious monster attack that left Roberta Bobbie Draper sole surviving marine.

55Lovell CityMapUrban AreasCities

Lovell City
City on Luna where Avasarala confronts Jules-Pierre Mao.

56Luna Penal ColonyMapDetention CentersCorrectional Facilities

Luna Penal Colony
When Errinwright and Avasarala discuss the attack on Ganymede, Avasarala mentions that anyone who leaks the video of the attack will be tried before a legitimate tribunal and sent to the Lunar Penal Colony.

57Maharshta-Karnataka-Goa Communal Interes...MapGeographic AreasTerritories

Maharshta-Karnataka-Goa Communal Interest Zone
While Avasarala was building herself from the treasurer of the Workers Provident Fund to the district governor of the Maharshta-Karnataka-Goa Communal Interest Zone, Secretary-general Errinwright was a political prisoner at a minimum-security facility in the Andean Cloud Forest.

58Neptune StationMapOuter SpaceSpace Stations

Neptune Station
Where Prax's old roommate from college had taken a position.

59New HagueMapUrban AreasNeighborhoods

New Hague
District in Lovell City on Luna, location of the United Nations complex.

60The Pashwiri Autonomous ZoneMapGeographic AreasTerritories

The Pashwiri Autonomous Zone
Avasarala decides she needs a drink instead of spending another morning in the VIP quarters pretending to car what the ambassador from the Pashwiri Autonomous Zone thinks about dance music.

61Tycho StationMapOuter SpaceSpace Stations

Tycho Station
Holden and his crew rendezvous with Fred Johnson on Tycho Station, where he and Amos pick up the food freighter The Weeping Somnambulist for their trip to Ganymede.


Avasarala: Political favors are how I express affection.


Avasarala: You're my liaison. So fucking liaise. Call your people.


Avasarala: The situation around Ganymede turned into the shit-storm to end all shit-storms. We're in a shooting war.


Bobbie: Boom, motherfucker!

66Bobbie & AvasaralaOtherQuotesQuotes

Bobbie & Avasarala
Bobbie: That's weird, right?
Avasarala: It's weird as tits on a bishop, but who knows if it means anything?

67Bobbie & AvasaralaOtherQuotesQuotes

Bobbie & Avasarala
Bobbie: This really is how government works, isn't it?
Avasarala: Welcome to the Monkey House.

68FusionTek RealOtherMoneyCurrency

FusionTek Real
Currency that Mei's mother transfers to Prax.


Holden: I can't fight pirates without coffee.

70Myers-Skelton Premature ImmunosenescenceOtherMedical ConditionsDiseases

Myers-Skelton Premature Immunosenescence
Mei's immune system disease.

71Red DevilsOtherSportsSports Teams

Red Devils
Sports team on Mars that Bobbie saw at Armstrong Stadium.

72UN DollarsOtherMoneyCurrency

UN Dollars
Earth currency.

73Untitled OtherThemesSolo


74The Workers Provident FundOtherOrganizationsProf. Orgs

The Workers Provident Fund
While Avasarala was building herself from the treasurer of the Workers Provident Fund to the district governor of the Maharshta-Karnataka-Goa Communal Interest Zone, Secretary-general Errinwright was a political prisoner at a minimum-security facility in the Andean Cloud Forest.

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