Film 2008. Written by Charlie Kaufman. Directed by Charlie Kaufman. Starring Philip Seymour Hoffman, Samantha Morton, Michelle Williams, Catherine Keener, Emily Watson, Dianne Wiest, Jennifer Jason Leigh, Hope Davis, Tom Noonan.
Source Features: BBB (39) TIMELINE (14) QUOTES (9)

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Total Record Results: 62 - Medium: FILM
Record Name
1Angelic Day Spa BBBPersonal CareBeauty Salons

Angelic Day Spa
Business located next door Adele's New York apartment - nod to executive producer Ray Angelic.

2Attending to Your Illness Quarterly Dige... BBBMediaMagazines-misc

Attending to Your Illness Quarterly Digest
Magazine in Caden's mailbox.

3Dr. Heshborg BBBHealthcareOptometry

Dr. Heshborg
Ophthalmologist that refers Caden to a neurologist.

4Dr. Scoriano BBBHealthcareDoctors

Dr. Scoriano
Neurologist that Ophthalmologist Dr. Heshborg refers Caden to.

5Dr. Williams BBBHealthcareDoctors

Dr. Williams
Doctor in Caden's play.

6Dr. WoodmanBBBHealthcareDoctors

Dr. Woodman
Doctor that Adele mentions in the car: Remember what Dr. Woodman said...

7Ellen Bascombe BBBArtsPaintings

Ellen Bascombe
Adele's tiny painting of her friend Maria featured at her Small Miracles art show.


8Ending Up Where You're Headed BBBLiteratureBooks-Psychology

Ending Up Where You're Headed
Self-help book by Caden's therapist Dr. Madeline Gravis.

9Fluorostain TR BBBProductsMedicine

Fluorostain TR
Chemotherapy drug.

10Getting Better BBBLiteratureBooks-Psychology

Getting Better
Self-help book by Caden's therapist Dr. Madeline Gravis.


11Getting Blissed Out: Happiness Through M... BBBLiteratureBooks-Psychology

Getting Blissed Out: Happiness Through Meditation
Self-help book by Caden's therapist Dr. Madeline Gravis.

12I Don't Feel Well Today BBBLiteratureBooks-Psychology

I Don't Feel Well Today
Self-help book by Caden's therapist Dr. Madeline Gravis.

13If I Were You BBBLiteratureBooks-Psychology

If I Were You
Self-help book by Caden's therapist Dr. Madeline Gravis.

14If You Were Me BBBLiteratureBooks-Psychology

If You Were Me
Self-help book by Caden's therapist Dr. Madeline Gravis.

15It's Raining Too Loud: Surviving an Emot... BBBLiteratureBooks-Psychology

It's Raining Too Loud: Surviving an Emotional Downpour
Self-help book by Caden's therapist Dr. Madeline Gravis.

16Keller & Steinman BBBLegal AidLaw Firms

Keller & Steinman
Law office visible in Caden's warehouse.

17Kunst Galerie BBBArtsArt Galleries

Kunst Galerie
Adele's gallery in Berlin.


18Lens Shapers BBBHealthcareOptometry

Lens Shapers
Store where Hazel tells Caden she is now working. Inspired by Lens Crafters.

19Little Winky [book] BBBLiteratureBooks-misc

Little Winky [book]
Book that Caden's therapist mentions, written by 4 year-old Horace Azpiazu. Little Winky is a virulent anti-Semite. The story follows his initiation into the Klan, his immersion in the pornographic snuff industry and his ultimate degradation at the hands of a black ex-convict named Eric Washington Jackson Jones Johnson Jefferson, with whom he embarks on a brutal homosexual affair. Author name is a nod to crew member Stefanie Azpiazu.


20Little Winky [movie] BBBVideoMovies-misc

Little Winky [movie]
Movie based on the book that Caden's therapist mentions, written by 4 year-old Horace Azpiazu. Movie poster visible in the background.

21Living in the Grey BBBLiteratureBooks-Psychology

Living in the Grey
Self-help book by Caden's therapist Dr. Madeline Gravis.

22Love Potion Number 69 BBBProductsMedicine

Love Potion Number 69
Joke Hazel makes when Caden asks her if she put anything in his drink.

23Maria BBBArtsPaintings

Adele's tiny painting of her friend Maria featured at her Small Miracles art show.


24Milk BBBBeverage ProductsMilk

Generic milk carton in Caden's kitchen.

25Needleman in a Haystack BBBPerforming ArtsTheater Productions

Needleman in a Haystack
Play that Claire mentions, when she informs Caden she's leaving.

26News BBBRetailBookstores

Generic newsstand in multiple warehouses.


27Nick Lichtin Realty BBBServicesRealty Services

Nick Lichtin Realty
Realty office visible in Caden's warehouse.

28Own the Day BBBLiteratureBooks-Psychology

Own the Day
Self-help book by Caden's therapist Dr. Madeline Gravis.

29Quincy's Restaurant BBBDiningRestaurants-misc

Quincy's Restaurant
Restaurant that Caden and Hazel visit.


30The Schenectadian BBBMediaNewspapers-misc

The Schenectadian
Newspaper in Schenectady, New York.


31Schenectady Sun Realty BBBServicesRealty Services

Schenectady Sun Realty
Realty service that sells Hazel her new house that's currently on fire.

32Simulacrum BBBPerforming ArtsTheater Productions

Caden's magnum opus - his large-scale theatrical production representing his life, a reflection of his own existence and struggles, encompassing his relationships, anxieties, and fears, all staged within a recreation of New York City. He brainstorms multiple names for it, including "Simulacrum", "The Flawed Light of Love and Grief", "Unknown, Unkissed and Lost" and "Infectious Diseases in Cattle".


33Small Miracles: The Paintings of Adele L... BBBArtsArt Galleries

Small Miracles: The Paintings of Adele Lack
Adele's art show that Caden attends, featuring very small paintings.


34T.B.G. BBBTechnologyElectronics

Strange device that Caden uses on the airplane.


35Tear Substitute BBBProductsMedicine

Tear Substitute
Generic product that Caden uses.

36The Tethered Maiden Hotel BBBTravelHotels

The Tethered Maiden Hotel
Hotel where Caden almost killed himself, recreated in the warehouse.


37Traveler New York BBBLiteratureBooks-Travel

Traveler New York
Travel book Hazel is carrying when she runs into Caden.

38Web Find BBBMediaWebsites

Web Find
Internet search engine.

39Zimmerman and Farrell BBBFinancial CompaniesAccounting Services

Zimmerman and Farrell
Accounting office visible in Caden's warehouse.

40September 22, 2005 Dates21st Century: 00sEvents

September 22, 2005
Several dates appear during the opening scene in which Caden wakes up and eats breakfast with his family - the radio mentions September 22 while he's still in bed, then October 15. The newspaper is dated October 14th, the "news bites" section of the newspaper is dated October 17, then the radio mentions Halloween, November 1, and finally, the newspaper is dated November 2.

41October 14, 2005 Dates21st Century: 00sEvents

October 14, 2005
Several dates appear during the opening scene in which Caden wakes up and eats breakfast with his family - the radio mentions September 22 while he's still in bed, then October 15. The newspaper is dated October 14th, the "news bites" section of the newspaper is dated October 17, then the radio mentions Halloween, November 1, and finally, the newspaper is dated November 2.

42October 15, 2005 Dates21st Century: 00sEvents

October 15, 2005
Several dates appear during the opening scene in which Caden wakes up and eats breakfast with his family - the radio mentions September 22 while he's still in bed, then October 15. The newspaper is dated October 14th, the "news bites" section of the newspaper is dated October 17, then the radio mentions Halloween, November 1, and finally, the newspaper is dated November 2.

43October 17, 2005 Dates21st Century: 00sEvents

October 17, 2005
Several dates appear during the opening scene in which Caden wakes up and eats breakfast with his family - the radio mentions September 22 while he's still in bed, then October 15. The newspaper is dated October 14th, the "news bites" section of the newspaper is dated October 17, then the radio mentions Halloween, November 1, and finally, the newspaper is dated November 2.

44October 20, 2005 Dates21st Century: 00sExpiration Dates

October 20, 2005
Expiration date on Caden's milk carton.

45October 31, 2005 Dates21st Century: 00sEvents

October 31, 2005
Several dates appear during the opening scene in which Caden wakes up and eats breakfast with his family - the radio mentions September 22 while he's still in bed, then October 15. The newspaper is dated October 14th, the "news bites" section of the newspaper is dated October 17, then the radio mentions Halloween, November 1, and finally, the newspaper is dated November 2.

46November 1, 2005 Dates21st Century: 00sEvents

November 1, 2005
Several dates appear during the opening scene in which Caden wakes up and eats breakfast with his family - the radio mentions September 22 while he's still in bed, then October 15. The newspaper is dated October 14th, the "news bites" section of the newspaper is dated October 17, then the radio mentions Halloween, November 1, and finally, the newspaper is dated November 2.

47November 2, 2005 Dates21st Century: 00sEvents

November 2, 2005
Several dates appear during the opening scene in which Caden wakes up and eats breakfast with his family - the radio mentions September 22 while he's still in bed, then October 15. The newspaper is dated October 14th, the "news bites" section of the newspaper is dated October 17, then the radio mentions Halloween, November 1, and finally, the newspaper is dated November 2.

48May 23, 2006 Dates21st Century: 00sEvents

May 23, 2006
Opening night of Caden's latest production of Death of a Salesman.


49May 24, 2006 Dates21st Century: 00sEvents

May 24, 2006
Caden's family attends his latest production of Death of a Salesman - the second night.

50May 25, 2006 Dates21st Century: 00sEvents

May 25, 2006
Date of The Schenectadian newspaper the morning after Caden's family attends his latest production of Death of a Salesman.

51March 21, 2009 Dates21st Century: 00sEvents

March 21, 2009
Date of letter that Caden receives from MacArthur, informing him that he has been named a MacArthur Fellow.


52June 25 DatesNo YearJournal Entries

June 25
Date of Caden's daughter Olive's diary entry (year not specified): Today I felt a wetness between my legs. Maria explained to me now I am a woman. And being a woman is wonderful with Maria to guide me.

53December 16 DatesNo YearEvents

December 16
Date of Caden's daughter Olive's show (year unclear).


54Caden OtherQuotesQuotes

Caden: I know what to do with this play now. I have an idea. I think...


Caden: Here's what I think theater is: it's the beginning of thought. The truth not yet spoken. It's a blackbird in winter. The moment before death. It's what a man feels after he's been clocked in the jaw. It's love... in all its messiness. And I want all of us, players and audience alike, to soak in the communal bath of it, the mikvah, as the Jews call it. We're all in the same water, after all, soaking in our very menstrual blood and nocturnal emissions.

56Caden OtherQuotesQuotes

Caden: God, you're beautiful I have to fuck you. I have to.

57Minister OtherQuotesQuotes

Minister: And the truth is I'm so angry and the truth is I'm so fucking sad, and the truth is I've been so fucking hurt for so fucking long and for just as long have been pretending I'm ok, just to get along, just for, I don't know why, maybe because no one wants to hear about my misery, because they have their own, and their own is too overwhelming to allow them to listen to or care about mine. Well, fuck everybody. Amen.

58Minister OtherQuotesQuotes

Minister: But while alive, you wait in vain, wasting years, for a phone call or a letter or a look from someone or something to make it all right. And it never comes or it seems to but doesn't really. And so you spend your time in vague regret or vaguer hope for something good to come along. Something to make you feel connected, to make you feel whole, to make you feel loved.

59Minister OtherQuotesQuotes

Minister: And they say there is no fate, but there is - it's what you create. Even though the world goes on for eons and eons, you are here for a fraction of a fraction of a second. Most of your time is spent being dead or not yet born.

60Minister OtherQuotesQuotes

Minister: Everything is more complicated than you think. You only see a tenth of what is true. There are a million little strings attached to every choice you make. You can destroy your life every time you choose. But maybe you won't know for twenty years. And you'll never ever trace it to its source. And you only get one chance to play it out. Just try and figure out your own divorce.

61Sammy OtherQuotesQuotes

Sammy: I've watched you forever, Caden. But you've never really looked at anyone other than yourself. So watch me. Watch my heart break. Watch me jump. Watch me learn that after death there's nothing. No more watching, there's no more following, no love. Say goodbye to Hazel for me. And say it for yourself too. None of us has much time.

62Sammy OtherQuotesQuotes

Sammy: Okay, Hazel, I don't think we need to talk to anyone else. This guy has me down. I'm going to cast him right now. Then maybe you and I can get a drink and we can try to figure out this thing between us. Why I cried. I've never felt about anyone the way I feel about you. I want to fuck you until we merge into a Chimera. A mythical beast with penis and vagina eternally fused, two pair of eyes that look only at each other, lips ever touching and one voice that whispers to itself.

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