# |
1 | 96.7 the Brick  | BBB | Radio | Radio Stations |
| 96.7 the Brick Once on the moon, Tracy records several promotion sound bites for various radio stations, including WHU FM, Hot 97, Houston's 96.7 The Brick and The Morning Zoo on KQ92.
2 | All Saints Clinic  | BBB | Healthcare | Hospitals |
| All Saints Clinic Wayne tells Karen that his father runs the All Saints clinic at MD Anderson.
3 | The Bayou Landing  | BBB | Nightlife | Nightlife-Gay Lesbian |
| The Bayou Landing Larry Wilson, NASA engineer and suspected homosexual, is asked if he has ever been to the Bayou Landing gay bar in the Montrose area of Houston.
4 | Beagle  | BBB | Vehicles | Spacecrafts |
| Beagle Lander scheduled to roll out to pad 39C today, but there's a report on some issues in her main engine turbo pumps which might delay her launch date by a week or two.

5 | The Bullshot  | BBB | Nightlife | Nightclubs |
| The Bullshot Bar that Larry and his date visit with a fantastic Donna Summer impersonator.
6 | Calypso  | BBB | Vehicles | Spacecrafts |
| Calypso Proposed spacecraft designed by Helios Aerospace to replace Phoenix as the prime cargo ship for Martian colonization.
7 | Cavalier Airlines  | BBB | Travel | Airlines |
| Cavalier Airlines Ellen Waverly's father's airline, where she worked before becoming an astronaut.
8 | Celebrity Chronicle  | BBB | Media | Magazines-misc |
| Celebrity Chronicle Magazine cover story: All the Rage: The Rise of Nirvana and Grunge.
9 | Chicago Herald Recorder | BBB | Media | Newspapers-Heralds |
| Chicago Herald Recorder Newspaper from multiple episodes.
10 | Cleveland Capital Partners  | BBB | Financial Companies | Financial Services |
| Cleveland Capital Partners Karen signs the paperwork to sell the Outpost to Sam in his office.
11 | Club 11:59  | BBB | Nightlife | Clubs |
| Club 11:59 Margo invites her Russian counterpart to talk, her secret place where she plays piano. The name refers to the Doomsday Clock.
12 | Constitution  | BBB | Vehicles | Spacecrafts |
| Constitution NASA space shuttle. Update reported to Margo: Discovery, Enterprise and Endeavor are still in turnaround on the West Coast, while Atlantis, Victoria and Constitution are still in OMDP in Palmdale.

13 | Dopplin Insurance  | BBB | Financial Companies | Insurance Services |
| Dopplin Insurance Ellen's moon mail includes a Dopplin Insurance certificate amendment rider that takes effect February 1, 1983.

14 | Dr. Marsten  | BBB | Healthcare | Therapy |
| Dr. Marsten Gordo's psychiatrist when he returns from the moon.
15 | Dr. Weddle  | BBB | Healthcare | Doctors |
| Dr. Weddle NASA's neurologist, the best in the country, that Karen requests provide a second opinion on the status of her son Shane following the car accident.
16 | Eagle News Channel | BBB | Video | TV-News |
| Eagle News Channel TV news from various episodes.
17 | Emergency Horse Magazine | BBB | Media | Magazines-misc |
| Emergency Horse Magazine Pam sends Ellen a book of her poetry called Muse #10.
18 | Endeavor  | BBB | Vehicles | Spacecrafts |
| Endeavor Spacecraft used for the Apollo 15 mission.
19 | FIP Systems  | BBB | Companies | Technology Companies |
| FIP Systems NASA Contractor mentioned when the FBI questions janitor Mr. Rosales.
20 | Fragment #16  | BBB | Literature | Poetry |
| Fragment #16 Poem in Pam Horton's book of poetry Muse #10.
21 | Helios Aerospace  | BBB | Companies | Technology Companies |
| Helios Aerospace Company that earns NASA mining contract for the moon.
22 | Hot 97  | BBB | Radio | Radio Stations |
| Hot 97 Once on the moon, Tracy records several promotion sound bites for various radio stations, including WHU FM, Hot 97, Houston's 96.7 The Brick and The Morning Zoo on KQ92.
23 | The Houston Family Adoption Center  | BBB | Youth Services | Childcare Services |
| The Houston Family Adoption Center After finding out that she was a Band-Aid adoption, bringing Ed and Karen back together after Shane's death, Kelly goes looking for more information about who she is, starting with the adoption agency.
24 | Houston Sentinel  | BBB | Media | Newspapers-misc |
| Houston Sentinel Newspaper from various episodes.

25 | Houston Sun  | BBB | Media | Newspapers-misc |
| Houston Sun Newspaper.

26 | Kirkland Aerospace  | BBB | Companies | Technology Companies |
| Kirkland Aerospace Wernher von Braun: When I was reviewing the supply chain for the Saturn as part of my analysis, I was puzzled to find that the LH2 valve was manufactured by Kirkland Aerospace, a company located in Rockford, Illinois. I was puzzled because I remembered that contract. I had given it to a company from Colorado Springs in the mid '60s. Then, in early 1973, NASA changed contractors. Why give a contract to a company in Illinois? What was politically important about that state to the administration that had just taken office in 1973? The Equal Rights Amendment.
27 | Kon-Tiki  | BBB | Vehicles | Spacecrafts |
| Kon-Tiki The orbiter Kon-Tiki remains docked at Skylab, but she's scheduled for reentry and landing this afternoon in Florida.

28 | KQ92  | BBB | Radio | Radio Stations |
| KQ92 Once on the moon, Tracy records several promotion sound bites for various radio stations, including WHU FM, Hot 97, Houston's 96.7 The Brick and The Morning Zoo on KQ92.
29 | Kuragin  | BBB | Companies | Technology Companies |
| Kuragin Soviet company contracted to mine on the moon.
30 | The Lamplighter  | BBB | Dining | Steakhouses |
| The Lamplighter Gordo suggests celebrating Tracy's inclusion in the female astronaut program by getting steaks at the Lamplighter.
31 | Le Report De Paris  | BBB | Media | Newspapers-misc |
| Le Report De Paris Newspaper headline on September 18th, 1976: Israel and Egypt fail to Reach Agreement at Camp David. "The English Language Newspaper of France"

32 | Little Saigon Diner  | BBB | Dining | Restaurants-Asian |
| Little Saigon Diner Kelly tracks down her birth father at his restaurant. She eats dinner, but does not reveal herself. "Vietnamese Chinese & French Cuisine"
33 | Los Angeles Chronicle  | BBB | Media | Newspapers-Chronicles |
| Los Angeles Chronicle Newspaper from multiple episodes.

34 | Love in the Skies  | BBB | Video | Movies-misc |
| Love in the Skies Film based on the lives of Gordo and Tracy Stevens, starring Dennis Quaid and Meg Ryan.
35 | Mama's Porch  | BBB | Dining | Restaurants-misc |
| Mama's Porch Administrator Paine requests dinner with Margo at Mama's Porch.
36 | Mariner 14  | BBB | Vehicles | Spacecrafts |
| Mariner 14 NASA probe. The Mariner program existed, but ended after 10 missions. JPL loses contact with the Mercury probe Mariner 14 as they assess the solar flare: Flight, JPL just lost contact with the Mariner 14 probe. There was a surge in proton radiation and then zip. Like, it got fried. Mariner 14 is just inside the orbit of Mercury. So it can't be related to the flare. It's too fast.
37 | Mars-94  | BBB | Vehicles | Spacecrafts |
| Mars-94 Season 3 explores the three-way race to Mars in 1994, featuring the Russian Mars-94 spacecraft, NASA's Sojourner 1 and Helios Aerospace's upgraded Polaris space station, now known as Phoenix.
38 | Morning USA  | BBB | Video | TV-Talk Shows |
| Morning USA TV morning show.
39 | Muse #10  | BBB | Literature | Poetry |
| Muse #10 Pam sends Ellen a book of her poetry called Muse #10. The back bio page mentions that she's had work published in TriQuarterly, Poetry Northwest and Emergency Horse Magazine.
40 | N-3  | BBB | Vehicles | Spacecrafts |
| N-3 Houston Sentinel newspaper headline on August 8, 1976: RUSSIAN N-3 ROCKET: Largest Rocket Ever Launched.

41 | New York Chronicle  | BBB | Media | Newspapers-Chronicles |
| New York Chronicle Newspaper headline: CRASH IN Wall Street! Shown when President Kennedy is yelling at Harold about the accident.
42 | New York Daily Telegraph  | BBB | Media | Newspapers-misc |
| New York Daily Telegraph Newspaper from multiple episodes.

43 | New York Inquisitor  | BBB | Media | Newspapers-misc |
| New York Inquisitor Newspaper headline on November 4th, 1976: REAGAN WINS.

44 | New York Ledger  | BBB | Media | Newspapers-misc |
| New York Ledger Newspaper headline: REAGAN SWORN IN AS 39TH PRESIDENT.

45 | NNC  | BBB | Video | TV-News |
| NNC National News Channel.
46 | Osprey  | BBB | Vehicles | Spacecrafts |
| Osprey Apollo 24's command and service module is called Osprey.
47 | Outpost Tavern  | BBB | Nightlife | Taverns |
| Outpost Tavern Bar near NASA where astronauts hang out.

48 | The Outpost  | BBB | Nightlife | Nightclubs |
| The Outpost The Outpost franchise expands globally in 1984.
49 | Pathfinder  | BBB | Vehicles | Spacecrafts |
| Pathfinder America's next-generation shuttle.

50 | Phoenix  | BBB | Vehicles | Spacecrafts |
| Phoenix Season 3 explores the three-way race to Mars in 1994, featuring the Russian Mars-94 spacecraft, NASA's Sojourner 1 and Helios Aerospace's upgraded Polaris space station, now known as Phoenix.
51 | Poetry Northwest | BBB | Media | Magazines-misc |
| Poetry Northwest Pam sends Ellen a book of her poetry called Muse #10.
52 | Polaris I  | BBB | Vehicles | Spacecrafts |
| Polaris I Sam Cleveland and Karen Baldwin's space tourism company Polaris Space Tours' first spaceship.
53 | Polaris Orbital Hotel  | BBB | Travel | Hotels |
| Polaris Orbital Hotel Space tourism company Polaris Space Tours, founded by Sam Cleveland and Karen Baldwin in the mid 80s, launches the Polaris space station, featuring the Polaris Orbital Hotel.
54 | Polaris Space Tours  | BBB | Travel | Tours |
| Polaris Space Tours Space tourism company Polaris Space Tours, founded by Sam Cleveland and Karen Baldwin in the mid 80s, launches the Polaris space station, featuring the Polaris Orbital Hotel.
55 | Popeye  | BBB | Vehicles | Spacecrafts |
| Popeye Helios Aerospace's lander for the upgraded Polaris space station, now known as Phoenix.
56 | Saint Karen  | BBB | Video | Movies-misc |
| Saint Karen Wayne Cobb: All right. So, your movie is Saint Karen, the altruistic martyr who went to save her hapless ex-husband from abject failure.
57 | Sea Dragon  | BBB | Vehicles | Spacecrafts |
| Sea Dragon NASA sea-launched rocket first launched in 1977, from various episodes.

58 | Seahawk  | BBB | Vehicles | Spacecrafts |
| Seahawk Lunar module used for the Apollo 15 mission.
59 | Sewell's Books  | BBB | Companies | Publishing Companies |
| Sewell's Books Publisher of Pam's book of poetry, Muse #10.
60 | Sojourner 1  | BBB | Vehicles | Spacecrafts |
| Sojourner 1 Season 3 explores the three-way race to Mars in 1994, featuring the Russian Mars-94 spacecraft, NASA's Sojourner 1 and Helios Aerospace's upgraded Polaris space station, now known as Phoenix.
61 | TriQuarterly  | BBB | Media | Magazines-misc |
| TriQuarterly Pam sends Ellen a book of her poetry called Muse #10. The back bio page mentions that she's had work published in TriQuarterly, Poetry Northwest and Emergency Horse Magazine.
62 | The Tumbler Inn  | BBB | Travel | Inns |
| The Tumbler Inn Hotel Gordo mentions.
63 | Victoria  | BBB | Vehicles | Spacecrafts |
| Victoria NASA space shuttle. Update reported to Margo: Discovery, Enterprise and Endeavor are still in turnaround on the West Coast, while Atlantis, Victoria and Constitution are still in OMDP in Palmdale.

64 | WHU FM  | BBB | Radio | Radio Stations |
| WHU FM Once on the moon, Tracy records several promotion sound bites for various radio stations, including WHU FM, Hot 97, Houston's 96.7 The Brick and The Morning Zoo on KQ92.
65 | Zanadew Lounge  | BBB | Nightlife | Lounges |
| Zanadew Lounge Ed grabs a drink - and picks up a woman - after fighting with Karen when she tells him that she slept with someone.
66 | March 25, 1936  | Dates | 20th Century: 1st Half | Birth Dates |
| March 25, 1936 Gordo Stevens born, as seen on his headstone.

67 | November 10, 1963  | Dates | 20th Century: 60s | Birth Dates |
| November 10, 1963 Astronaut Daniel Gordon "Gordo" Stevens born.

68 | March 16, 1966  | Dates | 20th Century: 60s | Events |
| March 16, 1966 Bill pees his pants during the Gemini 8 mission. Neil Armstrong and David Scott started tumbling and spinning in orbit and nearly black out and die. Bill is on console, about to go off duty, and he has to pee. Neil loses control of the spacecraft and it's getting worse. Bill stays at his post.

69 | July 14, 1966  | Dates | 20th Century: 60s | Birth Dates |
| July 14, 1966 Kelly Baldwin born in Saigon, as Nguyen Thi Hanh. Her mother does not survive childbirth.

70 | June 26, 1969  | Dates | 20th Century: 60s | Events |
| June 26, 1969 Cosmonaut Alexei Leonov becomes the first man to set foot on the moon.

71 | June 27, 1969  | Dates | 20th Century: 60s | Headlines |
| June 27, 1969 Date of Houston Sentinel newspaper headline: RED MOON.

72 | July 20, 1969  | Dates | 20th Century: 60s | Events |
| July 20, 1969 Aleida and Octavio Rosales cross the border from Mexico to the USA as Apollo 11 reaches the Moon.

73 | September 5, 1969  | Dates | 20th Century: 60s | Events |
| September 5, 1969 Ed seeks to get back to the space program, without much luck / Nixon doubles down on the program, supporting the "race for the base" - building a permanent military installation on the moon.

74 | October 27, 1970  | Dates | 20th Century: 70s | Events |
| October 27, 1970 Deke introduces NASA's next Apollo astronauts: Ellen Waverly, Molly Cobb, Tracy Stevens and Danielle Poole.

75 | November 16, 1970  | Dates | 20th Century: 70s | Events |
| November 16, 1970 Nixon orchestrates a ceasefire in Vietnam that takes effect 2400 Greenwich Mean Time.

76 | April 3, 1972  | Dates | 20th Century: 70s | Events |
| April 3, 1972 A C-5A Galaxy transport plane with 243 infants, children, volunteers and crew took off from Saigon as part of Operation Babylift. One minute, 23 seconds later, the plane crashed into a field. Forty-seven children were rescued. Kelly Baldwin was one of them.

77 | January 20, 1973  | Dates | 20th Century: 70s | Events |
| January 20, 1973 Ted Kennedy sworn in as the 38th President of the United States.

78 | October 12, 1973  | Dates | 20th Century: 70s | Events |
| October 12, 1973 NASA established Jamestown base on the moon.

79 | August 24, 1974  | Dates | 20th Century: 70s | Events |
| August 24, 1974 Launch of the Apollo 23 mission.

80 | November 9, 1974  | Dates | 20th Century: 70s | Events |
| November 9, 1974 Dani, still on the moon, has a video call with Clayton following his Levi Strauss interview, which didn't go well.

81 | November 10, 1974  | Dates | 20th Century: 70s | Events |
| November 10, 1974 The astronauts at Jamestown discuss an unusual signal.

82 | November 27, 1974  | Dates | 20th Century: 70s | Events |
| November 27, 1974 NASA and the crew of Jamestown moon base discuss concerns over the Russians on a video call.

83 | December 9, 1974  | Dates | 20th Century: 70s | Events |
| December 9, 1974 New estimate for the launch of Apollo 24.

84 | March 17, 1976  | Dates | 20th Century: 70s | Headlines |

85 | August 8, 1976  | Dates | 20th Century: 70s | Headlines |
| August 8, 1976 Houston Sentinel newspaper headline: RUSSIAN N-3 ROCKET: Largest Rocket Ever Launched.

86 | September 18, 1976  | Dates | 20th Century: 70s | Headlines |
| September 18, 1976 Le Report de Paris newspaper headline: Israel and Egypt fail to Reach Agreement at Camp David.

87 | November 4, 1976  | Dates | 20th Century: 70s | Headlines |
| November 4, 1976 New York Inquisitor newspaper headline: REAGAN WINS.

88 | December 8, 1976  | Dates | 20th Century: 70s | Headlines |
| December 8, 1976 Date of New York Evening Telegram newspaper headline: US TO SCRAP SPACE TREATY.

89 | December 9, 1976  | Dates | 20th Century: 70s | Headlines |
| December 9, 1976 Date of New York Evening Telegram newspaper headline: US TO SCRAP SPACE TREATY.

90 | January 2, 1977  | Dates | 20th Century: 70s | Headlines |
| January 2, 1977 Date of New York Ledger newspaper headline: REAGAN SWORN IN AS 39TH PRESIDENT.

91 | January 15, 1977  | Dates | 20th Century: 70s | Events |
| January 15, 1977 The DOD Directives of standing rules of engagement/standing rules for the use of force for U.S. lunar forces that Molly Cobb reviews supersedes previous DOD Directives dated 15 January 1977, 31 May 1978 and 1 March 1980.

92 | January 20, 1977  | Dates | 20th Century: 70s | Events |
| January 20, 1977 Ronald Reagan sworn in as the 39th President of the United States.

93 | April 3, 1978  | Dates | 20th Century: 70s | Events |
| April 3, 1978 The 50th Academy Awards, during which Close Encounters of the Third Kind wins best picture, instead of Annie Hall.

94 | May 31, 1978  | Dates | 20th Century: 70s | Events |
| May 31, 1978 The DOD Directives of standing rules of engagement/standing rules for the use of force for U.S. lunar forces that Molly Cobb reviews supersedes previous DOD Directives dated 15 January 1977, 31 May 1978 and 1 March 1980.

95 | March 28, 1979  | Dates | 20th Century: 70s | Events |
| March 28, 1979 Three Mile Island nuclear reactor meltdown prevented by technology first developed for Jamestown.

96 | December 25, 1979  | Dates | 20th Century: 70s | Headlines |
| December 25, 1979 Los Angeles Chronicle newspaper headline on December 25, 1979: Soviets to Withdraw from Afghan Border.

97 | February 4, 1980  | Dates | 20th Century: 80s | Events |
| February 4, 1980 The Iran Hostage Crisis ends earlier than it did in our timeline, when President Reagan orders a daring night time raid.

98 | March 1, 1980  | Dates | 20th Century: 80s | Events |
| March 1, 1980 The DOD Directives of standing rules of engagement/standing rules for the use of force for U.S. lunar forces that Molly Cobb reviews supersedes previous DOD Directives dated 15 January 1977, 31 May 1978 and 1 March 1980.

99 | October 7, 1980  | Dates | 20th Century: 80s | Headlines |
| October 7, 1980 Chicago Herald Recorder newspaper headline: SOVIETS EXPAND ZVEZDA LUNAR BASE.

100 | November 4, 1980  | Dates | 20th Century: 80s | Events |
| November 4, 1980 President Ronald Reagan wins a second term.

101 | December 8, 1980  | Dates | 20th Century: 80s | Events |
| December 8, 1980 John Lennon is not assassinated.

102 | May 14, 1981  | Dates | 20th Century: 80s | Headlines |
| May 14, 1981 Newspaper headline: POPE FELLED BY ASSASSIN'S BULLET. John Paul II was shot and killed today in Saint Peters Square.

103 | August 15, 1981  | Dates | 20th Century: 80s | Headlines |
| August 15, 1981 Newspaper headline: NASA Prepares for Launch of First Space Shuttle.

104 | September 12, 1981  | Dates | 20th Century: 80s | Events |
| September 12, 1981 President Reagan refuses to bail out the Chrysler Corporation.

105 | October 8, 1981  | Dates | 20th Century: 80s | Headlines |
| October 8, 1981 Newspaper headline: Sadat Recovering After Assassination Attempt.

106 | October 27, 1982  | Dates | 20th Century: 80s | Events |
| October 27, 1982 Date of Margo Madison's twenty year service award on the wall in her office.

107 | February 1, 1983  | Dates | 20th Century: 80s | Events |
| February 1, 1983 Date that Ellen's Dopplin Insurance certificate amendment rider takes effect.

108 | May 20, 1983  | Dates | 20th Century: 80s | Events |
| May 20, 1983 Packaged date on the peanut butter and raspberry jam sandwich that Margo retrieves from the vending machine through the use of negative pressure after it gets stuck on its way down.

109 | May 21, 1983  | Dates | 20th Century: 80s | Events |
| May 21, 1983 Larry on Earth speaks with Ellen on the moon, preparing her for a surprise party.

110 | August 6, 1983  | Dates | 20th Century: 80s | Events |
| August 6, 1983 Date of the DOD Directives of standing rules of engagement/standing rules for the use of force for U.S. lunar forces that Molly Cobb reviews.

111 | December 18, 1983  | Dates | 20th Century: 80s | Events |
| December 18, 1983 Date of the Bahama Line cruise that Karens tells Ed they should cancel on account that he's now taking the future first Pathfinder mission.

112 | March 12, 1984  | Dates | 20th Century: 80s | Headlines |
| March 12, 1984 Los Angeles Chronicle newspaper headline SPACE BOOM: NASA EXPANDS CONSTRUCTION IN EARTH ORBIT.

113 | October 13, 1984  | Dates | 20th Century: 80s | Headlines |
| October 13, 1984 Date of headline: MURDER & IRA CLAIMS RESPONSIBILITY.

114 | November 12, 1984  | Dates | 20th Century: 80s | Events |
| November 12, 1984 Date of 1984 Election Special featuring Gary Hart.

115 | January 20, 1985  | Dates | 20th Century: 80s | Events |
| January 20, 1985 Gary Hart sworn in as the 40th President of the United States.

116 | March 17, 1986  | Dates | 20th Century: 80s | Headlines |
| March 17, 1986 Date of headline: POLARIS SPACE TOURS LAUNCHES.

117 | March 26, 1986  | Dates | 20th Century: 80s | Headlines |
| March 26, 1986 Date of headline: New Soviet Boss.

118 | April 17, 1986  | Dates | 20th Century: 80s | Headlines |
| April 17, 1986 Date of headline: RED TIDE Soviets Expand Influence into America's Backyard.

119 | June 30, 1986  | Dates | 20th Century: 80s | Headlines |
| June 30, 1986 Date of headline: Michael Jordan 1st pick NBA draft.

120 | March 4, 1987  | Dates | 20th Century: 80s | Headlines |
| March 4, 1987 Date of newspaper headline: Pollard Guilty of Spying Sentences to Life in Prison.

121 | April 16, 1987  | Dates | 20th Century: 80s | Headlines |
| April 16, 1987 Date of headline: Helios Wins NASA Mining Contract.

122 | June 16, 1987  | Dates | 20th Century: 80s | Headlines |
| June 16, 1987 Date of headline: CHINA SET TO OPEN FIRST MOON BASE NEXT MONTH. 4:37.

123 | September 20, 1989  | Dates | 20th Century: 80s | Events |
| September 20, 1989 Scientist James Hansen testifies that global warming has slowed due to the widespread shift from fossil fuels to nuclear fusion.

124 | November 7, 1990  | Dates | 20th Century: 90s | Events |
| November 7, 1990 Date of video of Gorbachev and Castro together.

125 | August 27, 1991  | Dates | 20th Century: 90s | Events |
| August 27, 1991 Date of Celebrity Chronicle magazine cover story: All the Rage: The Rise of Nirvana and Grunge.

126 | July 17, 1992  | Dates | 20th Century: 90s | Events |
| July 17, 1992 Danny Stevens gets married on the Polaris Orbital Hotel.

127 | January 20, 1993  | Dates | 20th Century: 90s | Events |
| January 20, 1993 Former astronaut Ellen Wilson sworn in as the 41st President of the United States.

128 | February 8, 1995  | Dates | 20th Century: 90s | Events |
| February 8, 1995 A North Korean ship lands on Mars.

129 | September 3, 1995  | Dates | 20th Century: 90s | Events |
| September 3, 1995 President Ellen Wilson comes out as gay.

130 | September 4, 1995  | Dates | 20th Century: 90s | Events |
| September 4, 1995 Date of multiple newspapers featuring articles about President Ellen Wilson coming out as gay.

131 | Happy Valley Base  | Map | Structures | Military Bases |
| Happy Valley Base NASA's new base on Mars.
132 | Jamestown Base | Map | Structures | Military Bases |
| Jamestown Base United States moon base.
133 | Lenny  | Map | Nature | Mountains |
| Lenny Apollo 37 named two glorious twin peaks on the moon after Laverne and Shirley characters Lenny and Squiggy.
134 | Moon Lab  | Map | Structures | Military Bases |
| Moon Lab Theoretical future base on the moon. ETA: two years.
135 | Polaris  | Map | Outer Space | Space Stations |
| Polaris Space tourism company Polaris Space Tours, founded by Sam Cleveland and Karen Baldwin in the mid 80s, launches the Polaris space station, featuring the Polaris Orbital Hotel.
136 | Squiggy  | Map | Nature | Mountains |
| Squiggy Apollo 37 named two glorious twin peaks on the moon after Laverne and Shirley characters Lenny and Squiggy.
137 | Sycamore Creek Trailer Park  | Map | Residential Communities | Trailer Parks |
| Sycamore Creek Trailer Park Margo tracks down Aleida Rosales to offer her an engineer job at NASA.
138 | Zvezda  | Map | Structures | Military Bases |
| Zvezda Russian moon base from various episodes.
139 | Apollo 18  | Other | Plans | Initiatives |
| Apollo 18 NASA mission. Female astronaut Danielle Poole assigned to the Apollo 18 mission.
140 | Apollo 19  | Other | Plans | Initiatives |
| Apollo 19 NASA mission. While being interviewed on TV, Harry mentions that he previously served with Ellen on the Apollo 19 mission.
141 | Apollo 22  | Other | Plans | Initiatives |
| Apollo 22 NASA mission. Update from NASA to the crew of Apollo 22, currently occupying Jamestown Base on the moon for the last 86 days: The defective LH2 valve which caused the Apollo 23 explosion has been remanufactured by a new contractor and has passed all quality and acceptance tests. We're ready to install it in the second stage of Apollo 24. But in the process of de-stacking the rocket, there was a mishap in the Vertical Assembly Building and some damage was done to the LOX vent lines and the liquid hydrogen fuel tank. That stage will have to be completely rebuilt before it can fly. So we're replacing it with the second stage originally targeted for Apollo 26. But that will take time. So I'm afraid that the launch of Apollo 24 will need to be delayed another two weeks.
142 | Apollo 23  | Other | Plans | Initiatives |
| Apollo 23 NASA mission from various episodes.
143 | Apollo 24  | Other | Plans | Initiatives |
| Apollo 24 NASA mission from various episodes.

144 | Apollo 25  | Other | Plans | Initiatives |
| Apollo 25 NASA mission from various episodes.
145 | Apollo 26  | Other | Plans | Initiatives |
| Apollo 26 NASA mission. Update from NASA to the crew of Apollo 22, currently occupying Jamestown Base on the moon for the last 86 days: The defective LH2 valve which caused the Apollo 23 explosion has been remanufactured by a new contractor and has passed all quality and acceptance tests. We're ready to install it in the second stage of Apollo 24. But in the process of de-stacking the rocket, there was a mishap in the Vertical Assembly Building and some damage was done to the LOX vent lines and the liquid hydrogen fuel tank. That stage will have to be completely rebuilt before it can fly. So we're replacing it with the second stage originally targeted for Apollo 26. But that will take time. So I'm afraid that the launch of Apollo 24 will need to be delayed another two weeks.
146 | Apollo 37  | Other | Plans | Initiatives |
| Apollo 37 Mission that named two glorious twin peaks on the moon after Laverne and Shirley characters Lenny and Squiggy.
147 | Apollo-Soyuz  | Other | Plans | Initiatives |
| Apollo-Soyuz Joint U.S./Russian space mission, from various episodes.

148 | Bill  | Other | Quotes | Quotes |
| Bill Bill: This is like the lair of a Batman villain.
149 | Clayton Poole  | Other | Quotes | Quotes |
| Clayton Poole Clayton Poole: That's a fascinating insight. You make another one like that, and I'll kick your teeth down the back of your throat.
150 | Cosmonaut Alexei Leonov  | Other | Quotes | Quotes |
| Cosmonaut Alexei Leonov Cosmonaut Alexei Leonov: I take this step for my country, for my people, and for the Marxist-Leninist way of life, knowing that today is but one small step on a journey that someday will take us all to the stars.
151 | Danielle Poole & Steve Pomeranz  | Other | Quotes | Quotes |
| Danielle Poole & Steve Pomeranz Danielle Poole: We're human beings with the blood of a million savage years on our hands. But we can stop it. We can admit that we're killers. But we're not going to kill today. That's all it takes. Knowing that we're not going to kill today. Steve Pomeranz: That's from Star Trek, isn't it? Danielle Poole: "A Taste of Armageddon". Season 1 episode 23. First aired February 23rd, 1967. Steve Pomeranz: Hardcore.
152 | Danielle Poole & Steve Pomeranz  | Other | Quotes | Quotes |
| Danielle Poole & Steve Pomeranz Danielle Poole: Mr. Sulu, set a course for Earth orbit. Steve Pomeranz: Aye, aye, captain.
153 | Ed Baldwin & Karen Baldwin  | Other | Quotes | Quotes |
| Ed Baldwin & Karen Baldwin Ed Baldwin: Driving over here, I saw that Wrath of Khan was playing at the Alabama. Maybe you could sneak out and we could catch the late night. Karen Baldwin: Kelly and I saw it last week. Ed Baldwin: Oh. Was it good? Karen Baldwin: Yeah. And Spock dies.
154 | Edward Baldwin  | Other | Quotes | Quotes |
| Edward Baldwin Edward Baldwin: Sometimes you've got to roll the hard six.
155 | Goo Balls  | Other | Recipes | Recipes-misc |
| Goo Balls Drug-infused treat that Wayne makes for Karen.
156 | Gordo Stevens  | Other | Quotes | Quotes |
| Gordo Stevens Gordo Stevens: I'm Gordo Stevens and I come in peace. Three times a night.
157 | Gordo Stevens  | Other | Quotes | Quotes |
| Gordo Stevens Gordo Stevens: What's a pretty girl like you doing all the way out here? Your boyfriend a pilot or something?
158 | Gordo Stevens  | Other | Quotes | Quotes |
| Gordo Stevens Gordo Stevens: Davy Crockett. Daniel Boone. Pioneers. Going out into the wilderness and blazing a trail to where no man has gone before. That's why I like it out here. No man's gone here. No man. Just me.
159 | Gordo Stevens  | Other | Quotes | Quotes |
| Gordo Stevens Gordo Stevens: You can see those ants?
160 | Gordo Stevens  | Other | Quotes | Quotes |
| Gordo Stevens Gordo Stevens: I'm back, baby. I'm back.
161 | Harry Liu  | Other | Quotes | Quotes |
| Harry Liu Harry Liu: Well, we're not dead.
162 | Margo Madison  | Other | Quotes | Quotes |
| Margo Madison Margo Madison: This is my call. I'm in command here. So you can either stay out of my way, or you can fuck right off. Those are your options.
163 | Margo Madison  | Other | Quotes | Quotes |
| Margo Madison Margo Madison: You should try reading a novel once in a while. It'd be good for your mind to just tune out. I just finished this one called Christine, about this 1958 homicidal Plymouth.
164 | Molly Cobb  | Other | Quotes | Quotes |
| Molly Cobb Molly Cobb: Face it, kid - my time is up. At least the view is amazing.
165 | Molly Cobb  | Other | Quotes | Quotes |
| Molly Cobb Molly Cobb: Four hours closer to the heat death of the universe. I'll be damned if I know what we accomplished.
166 | Molly Cobb  | Other | Quotes | Quotes |
| Molly Cobb Molly Cobb: Way to go, Ed! Stick it to the bastards.
167 | Molly Cobb's dog's name.  | Other | Trivia | Name Game-Animals |
| Molly Cobb's dog's name.
168 | Operation Jolly Roger  | Other | Plans | Operations |
| Operation Jolly Roger Sojourner 1's solar sail project.
169 | Pam Horton  | Other | Quotes | Quotes |
| Pam Horton Pam Horton (reading her poem): The man on the subway seems like Superman to me, what they used to call a god. How easy for him to flirt, to make you smile, to hear your golden laughter and joke with you again. 'Will he have your phone number before the next stop?' is a game for gods.
170 | Pam's cat's name - as listed on the back...  | Other | Trivia | Name Game-Animals |
| Pam's cat's name - as listed on the back bio page of her book of poetry Muse #10 that she sends to Ellen.
171 | Phoenix  | Other | Themes | Starfighter |
 | #113452 | #474c51 | #0b0808 |
172 | President Richard Nixon  | Other | Quotes | Quotes |
| President Richard Nixon President Richard Nixon: If the girl screws up, it's your ass.
173 | Spartans  | Other | Sports | Basketball Teams |
| Spartans Jersey Ed's son Shane is wearing when he is hit by a car while riding his bike to a basketball game. Following the accident, he is declared brain dead.
174 | Thomas Paine  | Other | Quotes | Quotes |
| Thomas Paine Thomas Paine: Well, he's seen the light. What can I say? With the Soviets on our heels, he doesn't want any distractions. And the polling didn't help. Turns out Americans don't really wanna watch women dying in fiery plane crashes.
175 | Thomas Paine  | Other | Quotes | Quotes |
| Thomas Paine Thomas Paine: For this proposed space station, are we real..."
176 | Tracy Stevens  | Other | Quotes | Quotes |
| Tracy Stevens Tracy Stevens: Catch me if you can.
177 | Untitled  | Other | Themes | Flatliners 2 |
 | #033b5d | #3a84ad | #000000 |
178 | Wayne Cobb  | Other | Quotes | Quotes |
| Wayne Cobb Wayne Cobb: There's this writer, Ken Kesey, and he said each of us is like the star of our own movie. Well, think about it. A cop sees himself as the star of a crime thriller. The criminals, his partner, they're all supporting players. Or an astronaut sees herself in 2001. The question is, what would, uh, Karen's movie be?
179 | Wayne Cobb  | Other | Quotes | Quotes |
| Wayne Cobb Wayne Cobb: All right. So, your movie is Saint Karen, the altruistic martyr who went to save her hapless ex-husband from abject failure.
180 | Wernher Von Braun  | Other | Quotes | Quotes |
| Wernher Von Braun Wernher von Braun: When I was reviewing the supply chain for the Saturn as part of my analysis, I was puzzled to find that the LH2 valve was manufactured by Kirkland Aerospace, a company located in Rockford, Illinois. I was puzzled because I remembered that contract. I had given it to a company from Colorado Springs in the mid '60s. Then, in early 1973, NASA changed contractors. Why give a contract to a company in Illinois? What was politically important about that state to the administration that had just taken office in 1973? The Equal Rights Amendment.
181 | Will, Nick, Clarke & Sylvie  | Other | Quotes | Quotes |
| Will, Nick, Clarke & Sylvie Will: If we had a photon torpedo we could blow 'em out of the sky. Nick: I say we nuke the entire site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure. Clarke: What is that? Wrath of Khan? Sylvie: No, you idiot, it's from Aliens.