# |
1 | The Abbey  | BBB | Nightlife | Nightclubs |
| The Abbey Nightclub.
2 | ACME Cigar  | BBB | Products | Cigars |
| ACME Cigar Joke Charlie makes when Sean offers him a cigar. Charlie: "Let me guess, ACME brand?"
3 | Agent Provocateur  | BBB | Apparel | Clothing Stores |
| Agent Provocateur Erotic clothing store mentions.
4 | Alpha Chi  | BBB | Education | Sororities |
| Alpha Chi Jordan's sorority.
5 | America's Top Designer  | BBB | Video | TV-Reality |
| America's Top Designer Competitive reality TV show that Patrick films an audition tape for.
6 | The Artificial Hip-sters  | BBB | Performing Arts | Music-A Cappella |
| The Artificial Hip-sters Choir singing group.
7 | As Far Away as You Can Get Store  | BBB | Retail | Stores-misc |
| As Far Away as You Can Get Store Store Charlie makes up in the airport.
8 | Ass, You Lick It  | BBB | Performing Arts | Theater Productions |
| Ass, You Lick It Cleo starts a drama department in prison, with plans to perform Shakespeare inspired works.
9 | Beverly Hills Jewelers  | BBB | Apparel | Jewelry Stores |
| Beverly Hills Jewelers Suspicious charge on Charlie's credit card account, from when Charlie bought an expensive watch while drunk.
10 | Big Guzzle  | BBB | Beverage Products | Soft Drinks |
| Big Guzzle Anger Management version of Big Gulp fountain drink size that Charlie's new girlfriend drinks.
11 | Big Old Funky Butt  | BBB | Performing Arts | Songs |
| Big Old Funky Butt Funk song, either on the mix CD Now That's What I Call Funk Volume 3, or Now That's What I Call Funk Volume 4.
12 | Bits N Pieces  | BBB | Food | Breakfast Cereal |
| Bits N Pieces Breakfast cereal product on shelf behind Lacey during her new modeling job at Mom Mart.

13 | Bonetown Express  | BBB | Travel | Trains |
| Bonetown Express Joke Jordan makes about what Charlie was going to say about her. Charlie: "What exactly was I going to say?" Jordan: "That I Gotta have it. That I wear Velcro clothes for easy access. That I like to get my ticket punched for the Bonetown Express. All aboard!" Charlie: "I would never say any of that. Except maybe Bonetown Express. That was kind of clever."
14 | The Boy Who Couldn't Cry  | BBB | Performing Arts | Theater Productions |
| The Boy Who Couldn't Cry The name of the play Charlie's prison patient Wayne writes.
15 | Captain Sugrrr  | BBB | Food | Breakfast Cereal |
| Captain Sugrrr Breakfast cereal product on shelf behind Lacey during her new modeling job at Mom Mart.

16 | Champies  | BBB | Food | Breakfast Cereal |
| Champies Breakfast cereal product on shelf behind Lacey during her new modeling job at Mom Mart.

17 | Charlie Goodson | BBB | Healthcare | Therapy |
| Charlie Goodson
18 | Charlie's World Famous Triple Brandy Fla...  | BBB | Menu | Mixed Drinks |
| Charlie's World Famous Triple Brandy Flaming Ice Cream Shooters of Death You no longer have to choose between getting drunk and having dessert.
19 | Chilis  | BBB | Performing Arts | Music-Cover Bands |
| Chilis After mistaking a Rolling Stones cover band called Ruby Tuesdays featuring a bunch of guys who work at Ruby Tuesdays for the code name for a secret show by the actual Rolling Stones, Sean wonders if Chilis is actual the code name for the Red Hot Chili Peppers.
20 | Cocoa Spheres  | BBB | Food | Breakfast Cereal |
| Cocoa Spheres Breakfast cereal from various episodes.
21 | ConEx  | BBB | Services | Shipping and Storage |
| ConEx Joke Charlie makes after accidentally revealing that the plumber is an ex-con. Charlie: "Did I say ex-con? I meant to say that he works for ConEx. It's like FedEx, but only in Connecticut."
22 | Conversations with Idiots  | BBB | Literature | Books-Biography |
| Conversations with Idiots Book Brett the bartender says she's writing.
23 | Corn Shooters  | BBB | Food | Breakfast Cereal |
| Corn Shooters Breakfast cereal product on shelf behind Lacey during her new modeling job at Mom Mart.

24 | Crispy Crunchy Cubes  | BBB | Food | Breakfast Cereal |
| Crispy Crunchy Cubes Breakfast cereal product on shelf behind Lacey during her new modeling job at Mom Mart.

25 | Cuckooville Crazy Hut  | BBB | Healthcare | Therapy |
| Cuckooville Crazy Hut Company name that the receptionist - and Charlie's probation officer's daughter - mentions when answering the phone at her father's office because she thought her friend was calling back. "Thank you for calling Cuckooville Crazy Hut. It's probably your mom's fault."
26 | Dallas Book Depository Sun Times  | BBB | Media | Newspapers-Times |
| Dallas Book Depository Sun Times When Charlie has Ed pretend to be a reporter interviewing Will, he tells Will that Ed is from the Dallas Book Depository Sun Times.
27 | Dateline: Murder in a Van  | BBB | Video | TV-News Shows |
| Dateline: Murder in a Van Joke Jordan makes about Dateline. Jordan: "They should really call that show Dateline: Murder in a Van."
28 | Davon's Trophies  | BBB | Retail | Sporting Goods Stores |
| Davon's Trophies Where Nolan buys Ed's trophy.
29 | Determination  | BBB | Toys | Arcade Games |
| Determination Pinball game Charlie rattles off about during a drunken haze.
30 | Dirty Filthy Liar  | BBB | Beverage Products | Beer |
| Dirty Filthy Liar Beer that Charlie offers his father. Charlie: "Can l get you a beer?" Martin: "Sure." Charlie: "What do you got?" Martin: "Well, let's see. l've got Dirty Filthy Liar, My Dad's a Bastard, and a lager from Holland." Martin: "Still haven't gotten any Bud Light, huh?"
31 | Distinguished Gentlemen Executive Presti...  | BBB | Nightlife | Strip Clubs |
| Distinguished Gentlemen Executive Prestige Club Strip club Charlies mentions, trying to make Jordan feel better when Sean gets a job at a strip club.
32 | Douche on a Stool  | BBB | Performing Arts | Musicians-misc |
| Douche on a Stool Band name, from Joke Patrick makes to Lacey's music producer boyfriend.
33 | Downward Dog  | BBB | Personal Care | Fitness Centers |
| Downward Dog Yoga studio/franchise opportunity Jen mentions.
34 | Dr. Blitzstein  | BBB | Healthcare | Therapy |
| Dr. Blitzstein When Charlie's patients go looking for a new therapist, they visit Dr. Goldfarb, then Dr. Blitzstein, then Dr. Jewsenheimer or something - actually Jewsenhemer, and then Dr. Russell.
35 | Dr. Cody Bullwhip  | BBB | Healthcare | Doctors |
| Dr. Cody Bullwhip Ed offers to play a doctor in the video of Lacey coming out of her coma.
36 | Dr. Everett  | BBB | Healthcare | Therapy |
| Dr. Everett One of the psychiatrists at Charlie's hearing.
37 | Dr. Goldfarb  | BBB | Healthcare | Therapy |
| Dr. Goldfarb When Charlie's patients go looking for a new therapist, they visit Dr. Goldfarb, then Dr. Blitzstein, then Dr. Jewsenheimer or something - actually Jewsenhemer, and then Dr. Russell.
38 | Dr. Higgins  | BBB | Healthcare | Therapy |
| Dr. Higgins Sex surrogate therapist.
39 | Dr. Jewsenhemer  | BBB | Healthcare | Therapy |
| Dr. Jewsenhemer When Charlie's patients go looking for a new therapist, they visit Dr. Goldfarb, then Dr. Blitzstein, then Dr. Jewsenheimer or something - actually Jewsenhemer, and then Dr. Russell. Dr. Jewsenhemer is also one of the psychiatrists at Charlie's hearing.
40 | Dr. Jordan Denby | BBB | Healthcare | Therapy |
| Dr. Jordan Denby Charlie's partner in the study.
41 | Dr. Leslie Moore  | BBB | Healthcare | Therapy |
| Dr. Leslie Moore Hope's psychopharmacologist.
42 | Dr. Murphy  | BBB | Healthcare | Therapy |
| Dr. Murphy Charlie's old professor - and new psychiatrist.
43 | Dr. Randy  | BBB | Healthcare | Therapy |
| Dr. Randy Marriage counselor / psychic therapist played by Michael Gross.
44 | Dr. Richter  | BBB | Healthcare | Therapy |
| Dr. Richter One of the psychiatrists at Charlie's hearing.
45 | Dr. Rita Freudenburger  | BBB | Healthcare | Therapy |
| Dr. Rita Freudenburger
46 | Dr. Russell  | BBB | Healthcare | Therapy |
| Dr. Russell When Charlie's patients go looking for a new therapist, they visit Dr. Goldfarb, then Dr. Blitzstein, then Dr. Jewsenheimer/Jewsenhemer, and finally Dr. Russell. Dr. Russell: "I think you two need to do a soul stare in the resolution circle... Stand up, face each other, hold hands, stare into each other's eyes, and apologize with your eyes."
47 | Dr. Woo  | BBB | Healthcare | Therapy |
| Dr. Woo Charlie's new new anger management counselor.
48 | Erica's Place  | BBB | Retail | Gift Shops |
| Erica's Place The gift shop where Erica, the virgin, works.
49 | Farm Fresh Milk  | BBB | Beverage Products | Milk |
| Farm Fresh Milk Generic milk product.
50 | Fashion Prom  | BBB | Media | Magazines-misc |
| Fashion Prom
51 | Fillmore's Ice Cream Shop  | BBB | Dining | Ice Cream Parlors |
| Fillmore's Ice Cream Shop Where serial killer Wayne let his victims Clea Lambert go.
52 | Franchise Anonymous  | BBB | Healthcare | Support Groups |
| Franchise Anonymous Support group idea that Charlie suggests for Jen.
53 | French Cut  | BBB | Apparel | Clothing Stores |
| French Cut Lingerie store where Nolan gets a new job and then when he gets in trouble for abusing his employee discount buying clothes for Lacey, he tells his manager the clothes are for him. But it turns it his manager is actually a crossdresser and invites Nolan to a crossdressing party.
54 | Fruit 'n Oats  | BBB | Food | Breakfast Cereal |
| Fruit 'n Oats Breakfast cereal.

55 | Fudge Flakes  | BBB | Food | Breakfast Cereal |
| Fudge Flakes Breakfast cereal product on shelf behind Lacey during her new modeling job at Mom Mart.

56 | G.I. WAYNE  | BBB | Toys | Action Figures |
| G.I. WAYNE Joke Charlie makes about making money writing serial killer Wayne's life story - an action figure with super stabbing action.
57 | Galaxy-Payson Pharmaceuticals  | BBB | Companies | Pharmaceutical Companies |
| Galaxy-Payson Pharmaceuticals Drug company Lacey starts working for. They also make peanut butter and nuclear submarines.
58 | Gary's Flowers and Donuts  | BBB | Retail | Flower Shops |
| Gary's Flowers and Donuts Joke Charlie makes when Jordan rejects his peace offerings. Charlie: "So flowers make you sneeze. Donuts make you fat. What else can I possibly get you from Gary's Flowers and Donuts at the end of my street?"
59 | Girls Girls Girls  | BBB | Nightlife | Strip Clubs |
| Girls Girls Girls Strip club that Nolan mentions, where he usually takes his limo passengers who want to go to a strip club.
60 | Girls Girls Girls and Wings  | BBB | Nightlife | Strip Clubs |
| Girls Girls Girls and Wings Strip club that serves wings that Nolan mentions that gives you moist towelettes before you touch the girls.
61 | Gold Lagger  | BBB | Beverage Products | Beer |
| Gold Lagger Beer Charlie and Martin drink.
62 | The Gold People  | BBB | Apparel | Jewelry Stores |
| The Gold People TV commercial for company that buys gold.
63 | Golden Flakes  | BBB | Food | Breakfast Cereal |
| Golden Flakes Breakfast cereal product on shelf behind Lacey during her new modeling job at Mom Mart.

64 | Grainy-Os  | BBB | Food | Breakfast Cereal |
| Grainy-Os Breakfast cereal product on shelf behind Lacey during her new modeling job at Mom Mart.

65 | The Great Kushal  | BBB | Performing Arts | Magicians |
| The Great Kushal Famous magician mentions - Charlie convinces Jen goes out with the guy in charge of the grant funding and he does magic tricks for her, says he trained under the Great Kushal.
66 | Green Goddesses  | BBB | Maintenance | Home Maintenance Services |
| Green Goddesses Green cleaning service that employs hot girls - Franchise opportunity Jen mentions.
67 | Hall of Fame of Sex  | BBB | Entertainment | Museum Halls |
| Hall of Fame of Sex Joke Charlie makes.
68 | Happy Whiskey Chew  | BBB | Beverage Products | Alcohol |
| Happy Whiskey Chew Product Lindsay Lohan endorses. Also referred to as "#1 Happy Whiskey Chew". Slogan: "Yes, Chewing!"
69 | Heartfelt Sap  | BBB | Video | Movies-misc |
| Heartfelt Sap Movie poster that Charlie finds on the hidden wall behind his stalker's bed. The actor's faces are covered up with pictures of Charlie and his stalker.
70 | Heisler Beer | BBB | Beverage Products | Beer |
| Heisler Beer Beer product created by Independent Studio Services, from various episodes.
71 | Henry Pleads the Fifth  | BBB | Performing Arts | Theater Productions |
| Henry Pleads the Fifth Cleo starts a drama department in prison, with plans to perform Shakespeare inspired works.
72 | Hillbilly Hand Fishing  | BBB | Video | TV-Reality |
| Hillbilly Hand Fishing Reality TV show.
73 | Hold on to Your Hat  | BBB | Apparel | Clothing Stores |
| Hold on to Your Hat Franchise opportunity Jen mentions.
74 | Hook-up Island  | BBB | Video | TV Shows-misc |
| Hook-up Island
75 | How to Handle Your Dangler  | BBB | Literature | Printed Matter |
| How to Handle Your Dangler Pamphlet Jordan hands out at prison - "dangler" is a typo, should have been "anger"
76 | Hump N Pump  | BBB | Retail | Gas Stations |
| Hump N Pump Gas station Ed mentions - gas station with hookers that his grandfather owned when he was a pimp.
77 | Hypno Vest  | BBB | Apparel | Clothing Products |
| Hypno Vest Vest that Ed rents for his wedding at Tux Warehouse.
78 | Jay Mee Potato Chips  | BBB | Food | Chips and Crackers |
| Jay Mee Potato Chips Chips Kate eats.
79 | Jennifer Goodson | BBB | Services | Services-misc |
| Jennifer Goodson Jennifer becomes a life coach. Patrick is her only client.
80 | Jockstrap Tequila  | BBB | Beverage Products | Alcohol |
| Jockstrap Tequila Prison alcohol product made by the Latin Lords gang.
81 | Jose Mi Amor  | BBB | Performing Arts | Songs |
| Jose Mi Amor Song, an original Denby by Jordan about Jose Cuervo, that Jordan and Patrick perform at the Alcoholics Anonymous Talent Show.
82 | Kaller Beer  | BBB | Beverage Products | Beer |
| Kaller Beer Beer brand.
83 | Kate Wales | BBB | Healthcare | Therapy |
| Kate Wales
84 | Kindred Hearts  | BBB | Video | Movies-misc |
| Kindred Hearts Movie poster that Charlie finds on the hidden wall behind his stalker's bed. The actor's faces are covered up with pictures of Charlie and his stalker.
85 | Kwami Limousine  | BBB | Travel | Limousines |
| Kwami Limousine Car service where Nolan works.
86 | The Lacey  | BBB | Apparel | Footwear |
| The Lacey Idea for a sandal Patrick comes up with for Lacey's new shoe company.
87 | Laugh Your Way to Success  | BBB | Education | Classes |
| Laugh Your Way to Success Psychology class Kate mentions.
88 | Leaving Las Vegas: The Musical  | BBB | Performing Arts | Theater Productions |
| Leaving Las Vegas: The Musical The producer of Leaving Las Vegas: The Musical is an alcoholic in the audience at the Alcoholics Anonymous Talent Show.
89 | Lee's Coffee  | BBB | Dining | Coffeehouses |
| Lee's Coffee Coffee shop.
90 | Legalzoom.com  | BBB | Media | Websites |
| Legalzoom.com Website Ed consults about the fake lottery ticket Patrick gives him to trick him.
91 | Lizzie  | BBB | Media | Websites |
| Lizzie A women-only site where they can rate the men we've been out with. "It's like Yelp for asswipes."
92 | Lobster Truckers  | BBB | Video | TV-Reality |
| Lobster Truckers Reality TV show that Patrick mentions.
93 | Manure Blend  | BBB | Home Furnishing | Landscaping Tools |
| Manure Blend Generic bag of manure product from when Jen makes Charlie fill Sean's car up with fertilizer.
94 | McKinley High School  | BBB | Education | High Schools |
| McKinley High School Jordan's high school from various episodes.
95 | The Merry Peasant | BBB | Nightlife | Nightclubs |
| The Merry Peasant Bar where Brett works.
96 | Millennium Filth Can  | BBB | Vehicles | Motor Vehicles |
| Millennium Filth Can Garbage dude James St. James' garbage truck.
97 | Mom Mart  | BBB | Apparel | Clothing Stores |
| Mom Mart Lacey's new modeling job.
98 | Motel Rwanda  | BBB | Travel | Motels |
| Motel Rwanda Joke Lacey makes when she meets Kwame, the now grown up poor African kid that Nolan's been sponsoring since he was eight years old. Lacey: "I wouldn't mind spending a couple hours with you at the Motel Rwanda."
99 | My Dad's a Bastard  | BBB | Beverage Products | Beer |
| My Dad's a Bastard Beer Charlie offers his father. Charlie: "Can l get you a beer?" Martin: "Sure." Charlie: "What do you got?" Martin: "Well, let's see. l've got Dirty Filthy Liar, My Dad's a Bastard, and a lager from Holland." Martin: "Still haven't gotten any Bud Light, huh?"
100 | Nate's Diner  | BBB | Dining | Diners |
| Nate's Diner Diner in Beloit where Charlie met his slump buster.
101 | Nolan-weed  | BBB | Products | Narcotics-Marijuana |
| Nolan-weed Will smokes the marijuana he finds in the guest bedroom nightstand that Charlie's holding for Nolan. Charlie: "You are not prepared for Nolan-weed.
102 | Now That's What I Call Funk Volume 3  | BBB | Performing Arts | Albums |
| Now That's What I Call Funk Volume 3 Sequel to the real life popular mix CD.
103 | Now That's What I Call Funk Volume 4  | BBB | Performing Arts | Albums |
| Now That's What I Call Funk Volume 4 Sequel to the real life popular mix CD.
104 | Oats & O's  | BBB | Food | Breakfast Cereal |
| Oats & O's Breakfast cereal product on shelf behind Lacey during her new modeling job at Mom Mart.

105 | Orgasm Magazine  | BBB | Media | Magazines-Adult |
| Orgasm Magazine Joke Jordan makes while Charlie's meeting with someone about his idea for a prison re-entry program, because he wanted to publish the results of their sex study in Maxim. Jordan: "Selling something to Orgasm Magazine?"
106 | The Pain Train  | BBB | Travel | Trains |
| The Pain Train Joke Ed makes when Charlie's father shows up at Charlie's family counseling session. Ed: "Welcome aboard the pain train Charlie Whoo! Whoo!"
107 | Parent Air Conditioning  | BBB | Services | Rental Services |
| Parent Air Conditioning Company that rents portable air conditioning units - seen when Linday Lohan filming commercial.
108 | The Patrick Heel  | BBB | Apparel | Footwear |
| The Patrick Heel Idea for a shoe Patrick comes up with for Lacey's new shoe company.
109 | The Patrick Wedge  | BBB | Apparel | Footwear |
| The Patrick Wedge Idea for a shoe Patrick comes up with for Lacey's new shoe company.
110 | The Patrick  | BBB | Apparel | Footwear |
| The Patrick Idea for a sandal Patrick comes up with for Lacey's new shoe company.
111 | PatrickSinga4U.com  | BBB | Media | Websites |
| PatrickSinga4U.com Website Patrick mentions after performing with Jordan at the Alcoholics Anonymous Talent Show.
112 | Perfect Sixes  | BBB | Nightlife | Strip Clubs |
| Perfect Sixes One of the low end strip clubs with open management positions that Charlie mentions to Sean.
113 | The Perfection Collection  | BBB | Apparel | Clothing Products |
| The Perfection Collection Patrick's clothing line.
114 | Personal Shopper Wars  | BBB | Video | TV-Reality |
| Personal Shopper Wars Patrick's idea for his own hit reality show, hosted by him and Anderson Cooper.
115 | Pippa Middleton Oven Mitt  | BBB | Home Furnishing | Kitchen Products |
| Pippa Middleton Oven Mitt Product Charlie buys at Union Jack Collectibles, the British-themed store where he goes looking for a candle shaped like Winston Churchill after he gets blackmailed by Dr. Randy.
116 | Pitch 'n' Putt  | BBB | Entertainment | Miniature Golf |
| Pitch 'n' Putt Golf course mentioned by one of Charlie's patients.
117 | Plain But Nude  | BBB | Nightlife | Strip Clubs |
| Plain But Nude One of the low end strip clubs with open management positions that Charlie mentions to Sean.
118 | Prestige Escort Service  | BBB | Services | Sex Services |
| Prestige Escort Service Escort service. "We're so classy it's stupid"
119 | Prison Times  | BBB | Media | Newspapers-Times |
| Prison Times Newspaper in the prison that reviews the Romeo and Juliet theater production.
120 | Proloft  | BBB | Products | Medicine |
| Proloft Anti-Anxiety drug sold by Galaxy-Payson Pharmaceutical company. "Proloft may cause cognitive impairment, behavioral disinhibition, lack of coordination and hypotension. Do not mix with alcohol."
121 | Raisin Bran  | BBB | Food | Breakfast Cereal |
| Raisin Bran Generic cereal box on shelf behind Lacey during her new modeling job at Mom Mart.

122 | The Red Lion Tavern  | BBB | Dining | Restaurants-misc |
| The Red Lion Tavern Sign for sale at Union Jack Collectibles, the British-themed store where he goes looking for a candle shaped like Winston Churchill after he gets blackmailed by Dr. Randy.
123 | Redneck Ghost Hunters  | BBB | Video | TV-Reality |
| Redneck Ghost Hunters Reality TV show that Patrick mentions.
124 | Riverside High School  | BBB | Education | High Schools |
| Riverside High School Where Patrick went to high school.
125 | Romeo in Joliet  | BBB | Performing Arts | Theater Productions |
| Romeo in Joliet Cleo starts a drama department in prison, with plans to perform Shakespeare inspired works.
126 | Ruby Tuesdays  | BBB | Performing Arts | Music-Cover Bands |
| Ruby Tuesdays Sean tells Charlie that the Rolling Stones are playing a secret show at the Roxy under the name Ruby Tuesdays, but it turns out to be a bunch of guys who work at Ruby Tuesday's doing covers of Rolling Stones songs.
127 | Sabrina's Satin Surrender  | BBB | Literature | Books-Fiction |
| Sabrina's Satin Surrender Romance novel from the acclaimed author of Southern Heat.
128 | SeanHealeyisacheatingdouchebag.com  | BBB | Media | Websites |
| SeanHealeyisacheatingdouchebag.com Website Lacey sets up.
129 | SeanHealeyisacheatingdouchebag.gov  | BBB | Media | Websites |
| SeanHealeyisacheatingdouchebag.gov Website Lacey sets up.
130 | SeanHealeyisacheatingdouchebag.net  | BBB | Media | Websites |
| SeanHealeyisacheatingdouchebag.net Website Lacey sets up.
131 | SeanHealeyisacheatingdouchebag.tv  | BBB | Media | Websites |
| SeanHealeyisacheatingdouchebag.tv Website Lacey sets up.
132 | Share-a-keet  | BBB | Pets | Pet Services |
| Share-a-keet Terrible business investment decision Charlie reminds Jen about - for people who don't want the burden of caring for a parakeet full time.
133 | The Shaved Fox  | BBB | Nightlife | Strip Clubs |
| The Shaved Fox Strip club where Sean gets a job.
134 | She's Using You  | BBB | Video | Movies-misc |
| She's Using You Movie starring Tom Cruise that Charlie makes up.
135 | Silence  | BBB | Nightlife | Nightclubs |
| Silence Nightclub that Lacey makes up.
136 | Sleeping with a Lesbian for Money  | BBB | Video | Movies-Comedy |
| Sleeping with a Lesbian for Money Movie Charlie makes up. "It's like The Hangover, but with lesbians."
137 | Sober Companion Barbie  | BBB | Toys | Dolls |
| Sober Companion Barbie Name Lacey calls Jordan when Jordan tells her she has a drinking problem. Lacey: "Yeah, I have a problem. I'm getting smothered by Sober Companion Barbie."
138 | Southern Heat  | BBB | Literature | Books-Fiction |
| Southern Heat Romance novel - mentioned of cover of Sabrina's Satin Surrender.
139 | Soy Flakes  | BBB | Food | Breakfast Cereal |
| Soy Flakes Breakfast cereal product on shelf behind Lacey during her new modeling job at Mom Mart.

140 | Street Cycle  | BBB | Media | Magazines-misc |
| Street Cycle Magazine that Charlie's ex-wife's new boyfriend reads.
141 | Strippers-for-Less  | BBB | Nightlife | Strip Clubs |
| Strippers-for-Less One of the low end strip clubs with open management positions that Charlie mentions to Sean.
142 | Sun Valley Savings & Loan  | BBB | Financial Companies | Banks |
| Sun Valley Savings & Loan Charlie's bank, where he drops his pants to protest the bank's anti-pajamas dress code.
143 | Swamp Wars  | BBB | Video | TV-Reality |
| Swamp Wars Reality TV show that Patrick mentions.
144 | Tavern  | BBB | Nightlife | Taverns |
| Tavern Seen during commercial Lindsay is filming.
145 | The Temptress  | BBB | Apparel | Clothing Products |
| The Temptress Lingerie clothing product for sale at French Cut.
146 | Testoster-gel  | BBB | Products | Medicine |
| Testoster-gel Testosterone booster product Lacey gets Ed hooked on. "It totally rips your bod"
147 | Thanksgiving Everyday  | BBB | Dining | Food Trucks |
| Thanksgiving Everyday Food truck Charlie's ex-wife buys.
148 | The Things Dudes Shouldn't Expect from O...  | BBB | Retail | Stores-misc |
| The Things Dudes Shouldn't Expect from Other Dudes Store Joke Charlie makes when Sean asks about his birthday gift. Charlie: "It's still on layaway at the Things Dudes Shouldn't Expect from Other Dudes store."
149 | Toastie Bun Buns  | BBB | Food | Breakfast Cereal |
| Toastie Bun Buns Breakfast cereal product on shelf behind Lacey during her new modeling job at Mom Mart.

150 | Tortilla Chips  | BBB | Food | Chips and Crackers |
| Tortilla Chips Generic chip bag Charlie's dad eats.
151 | Tramps Without Stamps  | BBB | Healthcare | Medical Services |
| Tramps Without Stamps Tattoo removal service Charlie's ex-patient Hope started.
152 | Tux Warehouse  | BBB | Apparel | Clothing Stores |
| Tux Warehouse Where Ed rents his tuxedo for his wedding.
153 | Union Jack Collectibles  | BBB | Retail | Gift Shops |
| Union Jack Collectibles The British-themed store where Charlie goes looking for a candle shaped like Winston Churchill after he gets blackmailed by Dr. Randy.
154 | Vanicures  | BBB | Personal Care | Nail Salons |
| Vanicures Mobile manicure business Jen tries to get Charlie to invest.
155 | Very Berry Berry  | BBB | Dining | Frozen Yogurt Shops |
| Very Berry Berry Halle Berry's frozen yogurt store. Lacey: "Oh, I saw that when I accidently watched the news before I switched over to E! Did you guys know that Halle Berry's opening a yogurt store? It's called Very Berry Berry."
156 | The Wales Goodson Study  | BBB | Literature | Books-Psychology |
| The Wales Goodson Study Charlie and Kate's sex study.
157 | Wiley's  | BBB | Food | Chips and Crackers |
| Wiley's Potato chips Charlie's neighbor brings over.
158 | Wings Wings Wings  | BBB | Dining | Fast Food-Chicken |
| Wings Wings Wings Restaurant that Nolan mentions.
159 | Workboot Warehouse  | BBB | Apparel | Clothing Stores |
| Workboot Warehouse Shoe store mentioned by one of Charlie's patients in.
160 | Yummy Time Frozen Yogurt  | BBB | Dining | Frozen Yogurt Shops |
| Yummy Time Frozen Yogurt Where Nolan meets the woman he's been talking to online, which turns out to be an 8 year old girl.
161 | ZZZ's Coffee | BBB | Dining | Coffeehouses |
| ZZZ's Coffee
162 | '07 Toilet Tank Chardonnay  | BBB | Beverage Products | Wine |
| '07 Toilet Tank Chardonnay One of Wayne's fine handcrafted prison wines.
163 | The Garbage Building  | Map | Structures | Buildings |
| The Garbage Building Joke Charlie makes about the Department of Sanitation. Charlie: "I guess I just have to go down there and file a complaint in person at the Where does one go? The garbage building? The Hall of Trash?"
164 | The Hall of Trash  | Map | Structures | Halls |
| The Hall of Trash Joke Charlie makes about the Department of Sanitation. Charlie: "I guess I just have to go down there and file a complaint in person at the Where does one go? The garbage building? The Hall of Trash?"
165 | Nuru  | Map | Outer Space | Planets |
| Nuru Charlie's neighbor goes to Comic Con as the mutant king of planet Nuru.
166 | Pussy Town  | Map | Urban Areas | Cities |
| Pussy Town Where Wayne's play The Boy Who Couldn't Cry takes place.
167 | Stay-out-of-My-Sister's-Pantsville, Illi...  | Map | Urban Areas | Cities-Joke |
| Stay-out-of-My-Sister's-Pantsville, Illinois Joke Sean makes when Charlie asks him where his sister is coming in from. Sean: "She lives in Stay-out-of-My-Sister's-Pantsville, Illinois."
168 | Tarzana Methodist Church  | Map | Structures | Churches |
| Tarzana Methodist Church Lacey's church.
169 | Wasn't-Even-an-Issue-Until-You-Brought-i...  | Map | Urban Areas | Cities-Joke |
| Wasn't-Even-an-Issue-Until-You-Brought-it-Upberg Joke Charlie makes when he asks Sean where his sister is coming in from and Sean tells him that she lives in Stay-out-of-My-Sister's-Pantsville, Illinois. Charlie: "Really? Because I'm from Wasn't-Even-an-Issue-Until-You-Brought-it-Upberg."
170 | The Alcoholics Anonymous Talent Show  | Other | Events | Talent Shows |
| The Alcoholics Anonymous Talent Show Talent show where Jordan and Patrick perform her original song "Jose Mi Amor"
171 | American Pa-lease Association  | Other | Organizations | Prof. Orgs |
| American Pa-lease Association Joke Charlie makes when Reno Ventura from the American Psychological Association knocks on his door, because he thinks it's just another anger shill sent by Jordan.
172 | The Austin Mangler  | Other | Criminals | Serial Killers |
| The Austin Mangler Charlie's serial killer patient Wayne.
173 | Certificate of Copulation  | Other | Recognition | Awards |
| Certificate of Copulation Certificate Jordan has at the prison - "copulation" is a typo, should have been "completion"
174 | Charlie  | Other | Quotes | Quotes |
| Charlie Charlie: Focusing on chopping up this apple has allowed me to drop my defenses and tell the truth. Now you can put the apple slices of honesty into the pitcher of healing.
175 | Charlie  | Other | Quotes | Quotes |
| Charlie Charlie: That was just to kill the sexual tension. You know sexual tension costs small businesses over $5 billion a year? I was just being fiscally responsible.
176 | Charlie  | Other | Quotes | Quotes |
| Charlie Charlie: I guess it goes back to that old saying, A sleeping bear is just a pillow if you don't wake it up.
177 | Charlie  | Other | Quotes | Quotes |
| Charlie Charlie: Not sure if you know, but 'grief-stricken' comes from the German, 'greifstracken', which means to grieve violently.
178 | Charlie & Sean  | Other | Quotes | Quotes |
| Charlie & Sean Charlie: What is up with you? Sean: Up with me? Nothing is up with me. It is you with whom things are up. Charlie: Okay, now I know something is going on. You just used the word 'whom' properly.
179 | Charlie & Sean  | Other | Quotes | Quotes |
| Charlie & Sean Charlie: But why would she tell me not to sleep with her? Sean: I don't know. It's some reverse cowgirl psychology. Charlie: Reverse psychology. Sean: Whatever, dude. If you wanna take the fun out of it.
180 | The Charlie Goodson Memorial Indoor Golf...  | Other | Events | Sporting Events |
| The Charlie Goodson Memorial Indoor Golf Classic Joke Sean makes about another game of golf on Charlie's pool table, after Charlie's gone.
181 | Cheetos and Tobacco Baklava  | Other | Recipes | Recipes-misc |
| Cheetos and Tobacco Baklava Dish the Latin Lords gave Wayne's Aryan gang as part of the truce.
182 | Codgers  | Other | Sports | Baseball Teams |
| Codgers L.A. Codgers. Los Angeles baseball team Charlie jokes about when his father suggests he go back to playing baseball.
183 | Dragons  | Other | Sports | Baseball Teams |
| Dragons Charlie's baseball team.
184 | Ed  | Other | Quotes | Quotes |
| Ed Ed: I'm going to make this real easy. You get in my car and I'm going to drive you to the loony bin and get you zip-zapped.
185 | Ed  | Other | Quotes | Quotes |
| Ed Ed: Boy, did you eat the whole bowl of stupid this morning?
186 | Ed  | Other | Quotes | Quotes |
| Ed Ed: I'm starting to think this is not therapy. I think we're making you sangria.
187 | Ed  | Other | Quotes | Quotes |
| Ed Ed: Welcome aboard the pain train Charlie Whoo! Whoo!
188 | Ed, Charlie, Lacey & Patrick  | Other | Quotes | Quotes |
| Ed, Charlie, Lacey & Patrick Ed: You lose your car keys under a pile of strippers again? Charlie: It's not a pile of strippers. The correct term is a gaggle of strippers. Lacey: I thought it was a pride of strippers. Patrick: No, it's a pride of hookers, a gaggle of strippers, and a swarm of MILFs.
189 | The First Annual Goodson-Healey Indoor G...  | Other | Events | Sporting Events |
| The First Annual Goodson-Healey Indoor Golf Classic Sean and Charlie play golf on Charlie's pool table.
190 | Homewrecking Skank Convention  | Other | Events | Conventions and Seminars |
| Homewrecking Skank Convention
191 | IndianGirlinaComa.com  | Other | Organizations | Charities |
| IndianGirlinaComa.com Lacey's charity scam. Patrick builds the website for her.
192 | Jordan  | Other | Quotes | Quotes |
| Jordan Jordan: I will pop your boobs.
193 | Jordan  | Other | Quotes | Quotes |
| Jordan Jordan: This is so typical of my sister. I was born right on time. Then she was born three hours later with an umbilical cord wrapped around her neck. Look at me, my face is blue.
194 | Jordan  | Other | Quotes | Quotes |
| Jordan Jordan: It's my medicine. It helps me keep my feelings inside.
195 | L.A. Limo Inspection Committee  | Other | Organizations | Prof. Orgs |
| L.A. Limo Inspection Committee When Nolan gets a call to pick up a client while driving the group around in his limo, they tell the client they are with the L.A. Limo Inspection Committee.
196 | Latin Lords  | Other | Criminals | Gangs |
| Latin Lords Prison gang making wine, now competing with Wayne's fine handcrafted prison wines and spirits.
197 | Le Problemo De La Bangarama  | Other | Language | Sexual Jargon |
| Le Problemo De La Bangarama Joke somebody makes about Charlie's women problems: "The French has a name for this kind of problem. It's called 'Le problemo de la bangarama.'"
198 | The London Bridge  | Other | Language | Sexual Jargon |
| The London Bridge One of Charlie's nicknames for a two guys, one girl three-way that he mentions to Sean after a girl offers to have sex with both of them. Charlie: "So are we going to do this? You mean the London Bridge? The push me, pull you? The two hot dogs on a bun?"
199 | Nolan  | Other | Quotes | Quotes |
| Nolan Nolan: Well, it's like my grandpappy used to say... If a possum has your brownies, don't ask if he's sleeping or dead, just get your brownies back and walk away.
200 | Oh, My God, I'd Rather Take a Bath with ...  | Other | Matter | Colors |
| Oh, My God, I'd Rather Take a Bath with a Hair Dryer Than Listen to This Putz Joke Charlie makes when Dr. Woo, his new anger management counselor, asks the group what color is anger? "Is 'Oh, my God, I'd rather take a bath with a hair dryer than listen to this putz' a color?"
201 | Our Lady of Let's All Look at Sean's Pac... | Other | Organizations | Religious Organizations |
| Our Lady of Let's All Look at Sean's Package Church Sean makes up in Charlie and Sean and the Battle of the Exes to describe the churchgoers that came out to see him when he got tricked into sitting naked in his car.
202 | Our Lady of Tears  | Other | Organizations | Religious Organizations |
| Our Lady of Tears Joke Charlie makes about Sean masturbating in a church.
203 | Pathetics  | Other | Sports | Baseball Teams |
| Pathetics Oakland Pathetics. Baseball team Charlie jokes about when his father suggests he go back to playing baseball.
204 | The Push Me, Pull You  | Other | Language | Sexual Jargon |
| The Push Me, Pull You One of Charlie's nicknames for a two guys, one girl three-way that he mentions to Sean after a girl offers to have sex with both of them. Charlie: "So are we going to do this? You mean the London Bridge? The push me, pull you? The two hot dogs on a bun?"
205 | Sanjay  | Other | Quotes | Quotes |
| Sanjay Sanjay (Lacey's Father): When I get back, the two of you better have made up. We do not fight in this family. We blackmail, we backstab, we slowly poison, but we do not fight.
206 | Sean  | Other | Quotes | Quotes |
| Sean Sean: Did Miss Congeniality just invite us upstairs to double-team her?
207 | Snowboarders for the Lord  | Other | Organizations | Religious Organizations |
| Snowboarders for the Lord Group in the airport.
208 | The Two Hot Dogs on a Bun  | Other | Language | Sexual Jargon |
| The Two Hot Dogs on a Bun One of Charlie's nicknames for a two guys, one girl three-way that he mentions to Sean after a girl offers to have sex with both of them. Charlie: "So are we going to do this? You mean the London Bridge? The push me, pull you? The two hot dogs on a bun?"
209 | Untitled  | Other | Themes | Gray Eagle |
 | #553c0c | #b3883c | #bcac8d |
210 | Warden Hartley  | Other | Quotes | Quotes |
| Warden Hartley Warden Hartley: Would you be interested in - what's the German word for it - 'resumen-der-boinken'?
211 | Wildcats  | Other | Sports | Baseball Teams |
| Wildcats Charlie's daughter Sam's high school mascot.

212 | World Class Jackass  | Other | Recognition | Awards |
| World Class Jackass Award Patrick gives Ed for his 1,000th racial slur he says in group.